Angular 2 Full App Tutorial - Weather App - #8 Adding a Form

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Join me in this Tutorial Video Series on Angular 2 where I will build a neat little Weather App using Components, Databinding, HTTP, Services, Observables and more!
Learn how Angular 2 helps you with your form logic (e.g. validation) and how to use forms in an Angular 2 app.

Github repository with source code (videos have their own branches):

See you in the videos!
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Hi, I've watched all your Angular 2 videos, it's very AWESOME And I hope in the future, you can extra video about requirements list below, it's very important of us( actually to all developers ):

1. Your "phpstorm" environment setup for coding Angular 2 application, talk more detail about the how to config to the same with yours in the previous video, especially the trick about "How the auto import works"( typing fast and convenient is SUPER IMPORTANT for us to choose a correct editor for coding ).

2. How to finally build a "production" mode application, for example
1) Use what extra tool to package all the JS( typescript output ) into a bundle single js file,
2) Load which angular2 js file in the product mode( not the "-dev" bigger size version )
3) How to boot the angular 2 app in the index html ( product mode )
4) How to How to minimize the finally single js file and css file

etc. the detail of that:)

I think that will be great thank you for that if you can show us :)


Your tutorials are awesome, but the code needs to be revised as there is no more support for {ControlGroup}


Your tutorial is awesome . I couldn't find any tutorial which covered call http service(live weather service) and get the response?


Hello Maximilian,

First of all thanks a lot for this tutorial .

I was wondering how to migrate this app form the angular beta version to the rc1 version . I saw that there much more system.js configuration, and more then @angular dependencies in the package.json . I want to finish this tutorial with the rc1 version and keep the same folders structure as you (app, dev .... ) so the same gulpfile.js, I guess .
It would be awesome if you could give some indications about the configuration files to be updated for this migration.

Thank you

