Counterpart's Inclusive Social Accountability Framework

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Counterpart International’s Inclusive Social Accountability (ISA) developmental framework integrates elements of social inclusion and community accountability into one comprehensive approach. Born out of more than 50 years of experience working hand-in-hand with local communities, leaders, and partners, Counterpart’s ISA framework takes proven industry tools and weaves in meaningful inclusivity at every step of the process. Counterpart works around the world in localized, highly participatory ways with individuals, organizations, and leaders who have been historically marginalized. We amplify the voices of those who have been purposefully excluded from the political process and ensure that their needs are met through a more responsive government and more equitable policies that serve all citizens. Counterpart’s ISA method results in an informed, engaged civil society that can hold their governments accountable— and be accountable to citizens—for delivering higher quality and equitably distributed social services. In the end, needs will be met, government services will be delivered, and quality of life will improve for all.
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