'I Wrote the Damn Bill:' Bernie Sanders Fights Back on Health Care

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“I do know and I wrote the damn bill.”

Sanders rebuffed Tim Ryan's attack of his health care plan's impact on union workers #DemDebate

Liberal firebrands Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren slapped back against moderate rivals who ridiculed “Medicare for All” during Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate in which lesser-known pragmatists warned that “wish-list economics” would jeopardize the presidency.

The tug-of-war over the future of the party early in the 2020 season pits voters’ hearts against their heads as they balance their desire for an aggressive response to President Donald Trump against finding a safe choice who can win. Over and over, Sanders and Warren insisted their plans to transform the nation’s economy and health care system make up the core of a winning message.

“I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for,” said Warren, a Massachusetts senator, decrying Democratic “spinelessness.”

Standing at Warren’s side at center stage, Sanders, a Vermont senator, agreed: “I get a little bit tired of Democrats afraid of big ideas.”

The fight with the political left was the dominant subplot on the first night of the second round of Democratic debates. Twenty candidates are spread evenly over two nights Tuesday and Wednesday. The second night of debates will feature early front-runner Joe Biden, the former vice president, as well as Kamala Harris, a California senator.

While much of the debate was dominated by attacks on Medicare for All, the issue of race emerged in the second hour. The candidates were unified in turning their anger toward Trump for using race as a central theme in his reelection campaign. Sanders said Trump exploited racism and others said the president’s rhetoric revived memories of the worst in the country’s history, including slavery.

“The legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow and suppression is alive and well in every aspect of the economy and the country today,” said former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, adding that he supported the creation of a panel to support reparations for the descendants of slaves.

In many respects, the broader debate is only beginning. The Democratic nomination won’t be secured until the party’s national convention next July in Wisconsin.

Despite the long road ahead, there is an increasing sense of urgency for many candidates who are fighting for survival.

More than a dozen could be blocked from the next round of debates altogether — and effectively pushed out of the race — if they fail to reach new polling and fundraising thresholds implemented by the Democratic National Committee.

O’Rourke is likely to qualify, even as he tries to stop his sharp slide in the polls. But those especially at risk among Tuesday’s lineup include Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, the only governors in the running, and Midwestern natives such as Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan. Also on stage: former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and author and activist Marianne Williamson.

Klobuchar, who is struggling to keep her campaign alive, aligned herself with the struggling pragmatic wing Tuesday night: “We are more worried about winning an argument than winning an election.”

Bullock took a swipe at Sanders: Working people “can’t wait for a revolution,” he charged. “Their problems are here and now.”

But perhaps no issue illustrates the evolving divide within the Democratic Party more than health care.

Sanders’ plan to create a free universal health care system, known as Medicare for All, has become a litmus test for liberal candidates, who have embraced the plan to transform the current health care system despite the political and practical risks. Medicare for All would abandon the private insurance market completely in favor of a taxpayer-funded system that would cover all Americans.


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Рекомендации по теме

"I'm about to end this man's entire career"


i literally fell off my seat when he put tim in his place. Bernie came in this debate with some heat!!


Getting yelled at by Bernie is the scariest thing you can imagine


Tim: "I'm about to end this man's whole career"

Bernie: *Pulls out the Reverse UNO Card*


Perfect answer to a patronizing and wrong question.


From UK.

Sanders is a beacon. He is absolutely what the world needs. If he were to be in power we could actually start fixing this mess


The only one who can go toe to toe with Trump not just electorally but verbally. Feel that Bern!


And with those words, Tim Ryan's campaign came to an end. :(


Why was Tim blinking so much after Bernie's LMBO


Bernie: im gonna do whats called a pro gamer move


Strikes me as if Bernie realizes he doesn't have much time left to save the country he loves with such a passion :/


Lmfao I can't stop watching this!! Trump supporters pay attention: THIS is what a no-nonsense candidate looks/sounds like!


After what happened to Bernie in 2016 he's taking no prisoners. He's pissed.


*picks up Tim Ryan's teeth* Damn that was brutal!


That bus ride to Canada got him fired up... Feel the Bern! ActBlue send him another $20.20 :-)


I fucking love Bernie! He’s a fierce spirit ❤️🔥


Ryan keeps getting spanked! First Tulsi, now Bernie.
He's in over his head.


Tim "Deer in the Headlights" Ryan.


Je suis devenue Accro à vos interventions, j’apprends à vous connaître à travers l’espace et les routes d’internet . Svp Présentez-vous.
God Bless You Mister The Senator Bernard Sanders🤲🤲🤲
, Vous êtes un Homme Hors du Commun. Je Crois en Vous pour La Grandeur de Votre Âme


Did anyone see 👓 coming for thug Life 😂🤣
