This is what 33 Hours of HARD WORK looks like...Yard Transformation!

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This transformation is really quite remarkable. Watch this yard go from a complete run down mess back to a normal looking yard. All I needed to do was spend around 33 hours pruning, digging, shovelling, cutting, mowing, pressure washing and driving to the landfill 3 times!!! I should have painted the house while I was there. When this job came through, I went around to the customer's place to do a quote, but the estimate was a lot more than the customer expected, mainly due to the size of the backyard. The customer said he would have a talk to his wife about the cleanup and let me know the verdict. After a couple of days, I decided to offer to do the whole property for the budget the customers had set for themselves, and they were delighted with the offer. I then threw in the back for free.



Q: Where are you located?
A: I am from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 🦘.

Q: Do you worry about snakes?
A: I have never even seen a snake in over 5 years on the job.

Q: Which equipment do you use?
A: Mostly STIHL power equipment (battery and petrol) and commercial Honda self-propelled mowers.

Q: How much do the jobs cost?
A: Sorry, I prefer not to talk about costs.

Q: What happened to Nick?
A: Nick was offered a full-time position at his other job as a Political admin.

Q: What happened to Brent?
A: Brent quit at the start of August 2022.

Q: Why don't you use tarps instead of bins?
A: Tarps are too difficult to move through small spaces and lift into the trailer. The same for wheelbarrows, they are only good for unloading the trailer!

Q: Why are the hot water cylinders outside?
A: I would say it's because Australia had a temperate to tropical climate, and therefore it doesn't matter that much if they are outdoors. To me, though, it seems a bit inefficient to have them outside in Tasmania with a temperate climate (coldish for 3 - 4 months per year). But that is industry standard down here 🤷‍♂️.

Q: Why are you cutting so close to your employee?
A: I'm not cutting too close to my workers, they are standing too close to where I am working! All of my workers have been told numerous times about standing too close to the tools and about the hazards involved!

Q: Why do your workers do all the lifting and carrying?
A: Basically, they are employed to carry things and I pay them well, to do the job required.

Q: You work so well together, how do you do it?
A: That's the magic of editing. My workers are basically given instructions on what to do, I just edit it all out, so the videos look seamless!

Q: Why don't you have help?
A: I've had many problems with employees in the past, so now I work alone.

Q: Why don't you have a ride-on mower?
A: Well, there are a few reasons.

1. I don't have the right trailer for a ride on, considering I always take away the green waste.
2. I don't have anywhere to store it, as my shed is too small.
3. A lot of the properties we do have fences and gates, so you can't actually get a ride-on on to the properties.
4. I don't do enough big jobs to justify spending 15k AUD on a stander, but it would be nice to have one!
5. I will get one as soon as my transport and storage problems are solved.

Q: What happened to your workers?
A: Because the work is so hard and I expect high standards, most have quit over time. The only exception so far is Nick.

Q: What types of ladders do you use?
A: The large one is a Gorilla Adjustable Platform 150kg and the small one is a Gorilla Mighty 19. They are both adjustable.

Q: Who/what is Jim's Mowing?
A: Jim's Mowing is a franchise business. The Jim's Group is the biggest home services franchise in Australia.

Q: Why do you have 2 channels that seem the same?
A: Quick Cuts (my original channel) has music in the background. Quick Cuts V2 is for those that like just machine noise, and it doesn't have music.
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Please read the FAQs in the description before posting a question. I answer many common questions there.


The amount of HARD, HARD WORK in this is incredible. This is why you are the best yard transformation guy on YouTube, George. I hope you have access to a hot tub or at least treated yourself to a massage after this one. You deserve it!


You are the " Rolls Royce" of landscapers. The way you pay attention to detail and you work hard. The thoughtfulness of replacing the " memorial" to the pet gravesite. The tops as far as I see it.❤


I’m reminded of that saying “How do you eat an Elephant? One bite at a time!” I can’t imagine where to start with some of your yard transformations. You just do it one bite at a time. Love seeing the progress as it happens. Thanks for your hard work!


Смотрю просто как захватывающий детектив. Боюсь пропустить хоть один кадр. Разгребаются залежи мусора. Береги себя добрый человек. Здоровья тебе и счастья твоей семье.


You are the absolute best at lawn transformations. I really enjoy watching your work/magic.


Yes Gorge is the best. He pays attention to detail and does the most excellent job. ❤❤❤


Wow, that is just beyond impressive. The appearance of that stunning brick patio was a complete surprise. Incredible job, George!


I imagine the homeowner watching you from inside the house and saying "thank you" over and over. You are magnificent!


Ok ! This is OVER THE TOP !!!! I've been watching these videos for about 2 years now. I've seen some awesome clean ups on previously manicured lawns. BUT, to take what this yard looked like and clean it up so COMPLETELY is incredible. My jaw dropped when you started cutting up all that play equipment and getting rid of it. (obviously not in use anymore) AND, all the trash, old mattresses, and dead trees from long ago, plus pressure washing !!! You've blown me away with this one ! I'm a fan !


I love your work, that’s why I don’t mind watching again.


Here’s why I love your channel so much: Like others, I watch a number of other yard clean-up channels. And I enjoy them. But the yards you do are so much more difficult. Lots of tiers, and bricks around gardens and trees. And you pressure wash the driveways and walkways sometimes. And above all, as someone else said, you pick up the clippings and grass from the yards. And the yards always look amazing when you’re done. Really, super well done! Thank you!


I am always amazed at how dirty the concrete actually is! It doesn’t look that bad until you begin pressure washing it, and then the true condition is revealed! That back sidewalk was a surprise! And it went on and on. A lot of work went into laying the bricks in that pattern for the patio. Using that mattock is very hard work! I wonder if the homeowner even knew or remembered there was such a lovely patio there? And even though I know that nasturtiums are a weed to you, they are one of my favorite flowers, and it hurts to see them just thrown away. That is a much bigger back garden than you usually have to mow, isn’t it? My goodness! That back part was a real mess, wasn’t it? You probably made the neighbor behind this property in the pale yellow house, who overlooks it, a very happy camper, to be rid of the eyesore. Absolutely beautiful yard reclamation and restoration!


I am always fascinated by the paths you reveal in your yard makeovers. At first, I thought you may be looking for yards with paths but, there is no way you could know they are there until you reveal them. This was a very challenging yard for me to even watch you complete because there was so much to do. It is very encouraging to me to see how you never give up. No matter what needs to be done you keep at it until you are satisfied with the outcome. Most of the men on the planet need to take lessons from you on hard work and integrity. Another job well done.


Excellent work! That backyard cleanup was major! I do not understand people who pile up old mattresses, tarps, wood, household trash, etc like they had behind their shed. The pickup truck bed trailer was there to haul all that to dump. I just don’t know why people collect trash and try to hide it behind a shed.

You did a good job on this compilation George. I enjoyed watching your work on this project on the separate episodes, and enjoyed it again! I love how you reveal those beautiful paths! The one beside the shed looked like the “clothesline path” that y’all have down under. 😄 I still find those interesting! You do such good work and this was a really nice one knowing how much it had to help depression after the loss of a father to see a nice yard.


My goodness, what a job and what a workhorse that little mower is. Don't ever get rid of that. It goes over just about anything and picks up clippings in a flash. The place reminds me a little of my mother's home after Dad died. He was a massive gardener and just about everything had to be cleared up. Poor Mum, she went on for some time after he went and the best she could do was just to keep the yard tidy. Mum's lawnmower man was also called George and he did a splendid job just like you. Is the owner of this one preparing the property to sell? It feels like it. You have done an absolutely SUPER job George and l guess the homeowner will be very pleased. Congrats.


I have never witnessed a thorough clean up as this video. The junk you cleaned up was unbelievable. I hope you got paid handsomely for the work you did; and, you did it without any help!


OMG 😲 that back yard!!! All I can say is WOW! What a mess. You performed your magic once again and made it snazzy! I bet the owners couldn't believe their eyes. Very satisfying. Great job!


I been watching a lot of these videos and I don't see many cleaning up as good as you are they would cut the grass and trees good but they don't pick up the grass that they cut


Who would have known there was that nice brick work under that grass in the backyard!
You are amazing and do such fantastic work!
