Michael W. Smith - The Heart Of Worship [with lyrics]

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"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24
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I'm leaving this here so that when someone comments and likes, I can go back to the heart of worship, which is all about our King Jesus Christ.


Both of my children passed away I lost my mother to cancer my little brother committed suicide my girl left me for someone else but Jesus I know has never forsaken me I hold on to Him even though I'm homeless and jobless I know He still loves me and I love him dearly I know one day it will get better I just have to have faith


This song touches my soul. I haven’t been employed ever since I graduated. Sometimes I lose my hope and faith but I know He knows my name and its about Jesus. Stress and depression have been on me several times but I always turn to God and I believe one day things will never be the same. I may be down right now but to someone reading this. IT IS WELL.


This year, 2024, is all about JESUS !!!❤


Who else is still listening to this masterpiece in 2024? Worthy is the Lamb of God always!❤❤🙌🙌


I’m back in 2024 because it really is all about you JESUS 🙌🏽


MY Jesus lives and lives in me. Today I m alive because of him.


My soul is so thirsty from the Long suffering I have experienced since 2018.This song came to me whilst praying for God to quench my thirst by ending the long suffering. I have prayed that 2023 will end with the long suffering in my life and 2024 will be a new beginning full of fruitfulness and blessings of the Lord which make the rich and adds no sorrow, Amen. I declare that I will come back to this comment and give a testimony to the glory of God in Jesus name. Amen.


Whoever reading this, God knows what you are facing through, he heard your cry, He is going to deliver you. Just trust in him


4.8 million views, yet 25 likes, such a pity its all about Jesus, hit the thumbs up for Jesus.


God has helped me through the last 3 years since I lost my husband! Miss him every day, but I am getting by with prayers and family's love🙏🙏🎼🎼


Father, forgive me for the things I have made it, for the things my flesh has chose to treasure over you. Forgive me for my empty and vacuous words I have attempted to pass off as praise. Forgive me for declaring that you are all I need when you have not been all that I desire. Help my struggling soul that longs to sing your praise with David's reckless abandon, yet is trapped with the distractions of this world. Renew in me the joy of the first days of my salvation. Teach me to be satisfied in you alone. Continue to reveal to me the beauty of your good works according to your steadfast promises. Show me the surpassing joy of your promises and forgive me for letting the cares of this world grip my heart.

I thank you, Father, for your refiner's fire. I thank you that you are good forever to the end of the age. I choose to trust that even this light and momentary affliction you are working for your glory.


I lost mum suddenly, I was heart broken for 6 months I could cry even in my sleep. One beautiful morning I heard this song on TV, my heart was touched. That's was the end of my mourning. May it comfort my beloved friends who are going through pain too. It's all about Jesus.


My son passed away last sunday... i am down, lonely, feeling sorry for i have not do what it has to be done... i cried with heavy heart...Matthew my son...i love you i missed you, now you are in the arms of Jesus nail pierced hands... it's all about you Jesus❤😢


I want to come back to you (lord) help me


When all is said and done, I've come to one conclusion. IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU JESUS!
Let your name be glorified, Jesus!


As I worship, I am reminded that Jesus is at the center of it all. I don't have to have it figured out, I need only trust Him. He will deliver the one I am praying for. He will lead him home. Amen.


This song been playing in my heart today. After 5 years of trying to get into college I've finally managed to get in . I'm short of the right words to thank God, but he knows how much I am so so greatful


One eldest son died in 2011 and I still cried sometimes as I remembered Him it's less now but God I kept me until now. He's Good I felt like I was having an Heart attack one day, I realized it was Stress, so I prayed and keep praying, because he was Caring! I still have another son and I read I read this message I give God thanks he's alive and pray for his Salvation .♥️🙏


I’ve woke myself up 3 days in a row singing this chorus- I had to find it. So Thankful God speaks to me through songs in the night! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
