How to create etl/python pipeline in azure data factory | Azure Data Factory Execute Python script

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This video gives you the detail information about storage account, batch account and data factory in azure and describe how we can create etl pipeline in azure data-factory using python script.
#etl #azuredatafactory #azuredevopssprints

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This video just shows you the steps without any explanation on what exactly is being done. Like for the batch account I had no idea why this is necessary and why we are choosing certain values for options. Similarly for Pool thing. I think this tutorial is suitable for people who know every step theoretically and just want a demo of the real environment


Deep you have to speak loud no worries globe is ready to hear your voice please speak loudly, you are doing good . thank you


Glad to see tutorial from a female, not all are content creator on Instagram. Some are technical as well. Keep up the good work.


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