5 Symptoms Of A Bad Speed Sensor - Faulty or Failing Transmission Speed Sensor Causes & Fixes

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In this video I discuss what a speed sensor does, how it works & the symptoms of a bad speed sensor. Learn how to troubleshoot this issue and how to fix it.

We cover the following topics in this video:

bad speed sensor symptoms
what does the speed sensor do
speed sensors problems
what are the symptoms of a bad speed sensor
sign of bad speed sensor
transmission speed sensor symptoms
which speed sensor controls the speedometer
chevy speed sensor problems
vehicle speed sensor troubleshooting
dodge ram speed sensor symptoms
bad vss symptoms
bad output speed sensor symptoms
transfer case speed sensor symptoms
difference between input and output speed sensor

We hope this video was helpful!

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Рекомендации по теме

This explains what my car is likely going through. Mine is when the outside temperature exceeds 34degreees, the speedometer stops reading. Also when I’m on a long journey, the speedometer comes on and off making the acceleration stressful when it is off and I have to Rev high before the gear selects, while when it is on the gear selects smoothly.


I have a pilot 2007 and I get a new speed sensor because the old one was broken but my transmission broke again the new one, let me know if you know something about that. Thanks nice video


Can it a speed sensor cause irractic idle and trouble acceleration.


I have a 2006 jeep grand cherokee, at a steady speed it feels like it sputters, but its not the engine hesitating, and at times the traction control light comes on along with the abs light and esp and bap come on, was told bye a mechanic that I had a bad wheel bearing sensor and I needed a new wheel bearing, , wonder if he could just replace the sensor


Hi, I have a mitsubishi pazero not pick up speed, when I speed up, it slower down.


No check ingine Is that a eratic speed sensor need to replaces pleses help me out


Good Lord ! Give me a '61 Impala ASAP.


Have cx9 2011 kicking shifting fron 2 to 3 witn erratic acceleration like it goes to neutro also times that stay on 3 gear don't change to 4 gear have to turn off to get out from 3 gear


Mine goes stupid when it rains. I'm guessing wiring. I covered it with dielectric grease and it works when it's wet but I need a permanent fix.


Ok I have watched your video and several others and I am still confused even though these videos claim to tell the difference between a vss and trans input and output sensors. Sad to say none have made it clear the difference. My 2002 Jeep Liberty is showing a PO500 which is a vehicle shifting sensor (vss). My speedometer never has worked since I bought it, and it just recently started shifting kinda of hard going into drive. So can someone please tell me what I need to know. Where is the VSS on my 02 Jeep Liberty. If there's a difference then the VSS is only 1 sensor and the transmission is of 2 sensors in and out. I need to know like ASAP so I can get this problem taken care of. Thanks


Is the speed sensor also called the main pick-up assembly?


When I drive and its hot it stay stuck at 40 otherwise it get back to normal after cold night what is the issue ?


I have a nissan tida the car wont shift i change all abs but a code p1715


Hi, I have an automatic ‘95 Toyota Camry showing a p1705 code “direct clutch speed sensor.” A backyard mechanic friend installed an output speed sensor (the cheaper more simple one of the two available on rockauto, with two prongs, not three, and no plastic gear at the bottom which some of the other one come with). That didn’t fix the problem—it’s still throwing that same code and the shifting is a bit off sometimes with hesitation or a slight jump and the o/d light comes on and off. The speedometer seems to work fine. I can’t be sure it’s showing the right speed but it moves smoothly and consistently with acceleration and deceleration. Could I need to replace the electrical connector for the output speed sensor he installed? Or might I need to buy the (only) other speed sensor I see available which is longer, sometimes with the plastic gear on the bottom (one of these kinds mentions the speedometer which makes me think that’s not the one I need, as my speedometer seems to work fine)? Is there another speed sensor it could possibly be which isn’t available for purchase on rockauto or at parts stores i’ve called? I’m very confused about how many there are and all the different names—direct clutch speed sensor, vehicle speed sensor, transmission speed sensor, output speed sensor vs. input speed sensor (on rock auto website they don’t have any sensors mentioning input or vss or direct clutch). How can I tell which will solve the problem without having to just buy the cheaper one and hope it solves the problem?


If your speed sensors are starting to fail will it trip a check engine light? I have been experiencing similar things described in your video and mechanic doesn’t seem to take me seriously because check engine light is not on.


I just purchased a 2013 Nissan Marano 4 wheel drive 6 cylinder. The vehicle will not drive when I put it into drive and it will not go anywhere while it's in reverse, however when it is in. Park some push the gas pedal. And it accelerates the same with neutral, but not with reverse or drive. What would be the problem?


I have a 2018 Nissan versa and when I turn on my lights I can't speed up but when there off I can


What do I do if my car will not drive while in drive? Could that be a faulty speed sensor?


Welp, I drive a 2003 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro and, it seems to be that my front left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor might need to be replaced. Odd behavior while driving, at random moments, both the ABS and ESP lights come on and Speedometer stops working. The speedometer works for a little bit then randomly stops working when the ABS and, ESP lights come on. I checked the front left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor and, it seemed fine to me. Quite dirty, no corroded wires, no splits of the wires, only thing I noticed different is that, the cover for the some areas of the wires is gone, exposing the wires. That’s all I know so far


Have a 33 year old Ford Granada/ Merkur.
Speedometer only starts to work perfectly after 25 miles distance is travelled. Can anyone help here????
Any help appreciated.
