RESTful Web Services First Application with Eclipse & Tomcat
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JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) is a Java programming language API spec that provides support in creating web services according to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural pattern. JAX-RS uses annotations, introduced in Java SE 5, to simplify the development and deployment of web service clients and endpoints.
@Path specifies the relative path for a resource class or method.
@GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE and @HEAD specify the HTTP request type of a resource.
@Produces specifies the response Internet media types (used for content negotiation).
@Consumes specifies the accepted request Internet media types.
In addition, it provides further annotations to method parameters to pull information out of the request. All the @*Param annotations take a key of some form which is used to look up the value required.
@PathParam binds the method parameter to a path segment.
@QueryParam binds the method parameter to the value of an HTTP query parameter.
@MatrixParam binds the method parameter to the value of an HTTP matrix parameter.
@HeaderParam binds the method parameter to an HTTP header value.
@CookieParam binds the method parameter to a cookie value.
@FormParam binds the method parameter to a form value.
@DefaultValue specifies a default value for the above bindings when the key is not found.
@Context returns the entire context of the object (for example @Context HttpServletRequest request).
@Path specifies the relative path for a resource class or method.
@GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE and @HEAD specify the HTTP request type of a resource.
@Produces specifies the response Internet media types (used for content negotiation).
@Consumes specifies the accepted request Internet media types.
In addition, it provides further annotations to method parameters to pull information out of the request. All the @*Param annotations take a key of some form which is used to look up the value required.
@PathParam binds the method parameter to a path segment.
@QueryParam binds the method parameter to the value of an HTTP query parameter.
@MatrixParam binds the method parameter to the value of an HTTP matrix parameter.
@HeaderParam binds the method parameter to an HTTP header value.
@CookieParam binds the method parameter to a cookie value.
@FormParam binds the method parameter to a form value.
@DefaultValue specifies a default value for the above bindings when the key is not found.
@Context returns the entire context of the object (for example @Context HttpServletRequest request).