DISGRACEFUL! False Prophet Tells You to HARM Your CHILDREN?! #shorts #sda

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The false prophetess of Seventh-Day Adventism, Ellen G. White, who claims she was inspired by God tells you to harm your children by, instead of giving them gifts for their birthday, make them fast.

“Parents, do not neglect to impart to your children the very education they should have. Upon their birthdays, instead of calling their attention to themselves by giving them presents, teach them to come with an offering to God. It is a sad fact that there are many children who have been left to come up willful, disobedient, unthankful, and unholy, yet whose birthdays are respected and honored with feasting and with gifts, when it would have been better had they never been born. Their birthdays might better be observed with fasting, clothing them with sackcloth, instead of making them occasions of amusement and giving gifts; for their steps are rapidly leading to perdition and ruin. In many cases, birthday gifts have proved a detriment rather than a blessing.”—Review & Herald, December 23, 1884, par. 6

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The Lord our God wanted them children to be born, every single one of them was a gift from Jesus Christ, there birthday is a celebration of there life and a celebration of a blessing to there parents that through there children they was blessed by Jesus Christ to become parents, a mother can not be a mother without having a child and a father carnt be a father without having a child, children is a blessing of life from the creator ❤


Growing up birthday were really down played and I can see now how although EGW wasn’t preached or quoted at us as children her teaching infiltrated major aspects our lives. Weather it was birthdays, diet, jewelry or tattoos… it was taught more like people who participated in these things were not Christ centered- what a self righteous perspective. You can’t have SDA without EGW period.


My fundi parents made me fast as a punishment for the made up sins they thought I’d committed. EGW was a vile person in how she spoke about children. I was so sinful my birthday is not celebrated but funnily enough my mother celebrates her dogs birthday every year. Yep gotta love the fundi parents. Well my two Pennie’s worth is that right now I’m sure EGW is wishing she had never been born as she is somewhere very hot and very dark.


I don't know what's worse, that she encourages children to do something that is unhealthy to them, or that she says that it would be better for naughty children if they'd never been born. Obviously God didn't think so, or He wouldn't have created them in the first place.


I'm a 4 gen (former adventist.)
The more I research e. g .w.
She strikes me as a medium. And they were very popular and her time.
She uses her gospel from a (angel) Not really Demon posing as an angel.
To( Bind) the hearts of men and women against the true gospel. With her false one. Satan knows if you don't believe you have a soul. You don't trust christ for your salvation. But instead put it on your diet & a day of worship. You die knowing a form of Christ, but not trusting him for your salvation.You're not going to heaven.
As satan laughs!


John Knox on the Eucharist: Rather than being a mere memorial, Knox could state that “we confess and undoubtedly believe that the faithful, in the right use of the Lord's table do eat the body and drink the blood of the Lord Jesus … we affirm that the faithful in the right use of the Lord's table have such conjunction with Jesus Christ as the ...Feb 2, 2017


It would have been better had they never been born 😮 Wow that doesn't sound Godly at all


SEEMS TO ME E.G White was talking about spoilt, disobedient and unruly children here. Who would be better served repenting in fasting and supplication. Also wasn't it the WHOLE CITY THAT FASTED in 2 Chronicles 20, and Jonah 3. On yom kippor wasn't it the whole israel that fasted?. Btw was the LAST PART OF YOUR READING, E.G.WHITES writing too??


Hi. Where does the quote "Most doctors discourage fasting...." come from? Thanks.


Satan is the accuser of the brethren and the father of lies. Be careful with accusations! Judge not!


As an old supervisor used to say: That's Hawt!


And this is God’s prophet to the last days church ?
One has to ask which god and what church did she supposedly represent ?


The gospel of a false prophet.. against the Gospel of Jesus.


I have never heard her say this... But I have been guilty with this spirit but in a really messed up way 😔 but also on the other side of having bad attitudes but still did before I got "spiritually messed up" we even in our SDA would really didn't do much fasting celebrated birthdays but alot of eating and especially cake...
Help us all to have the Holy Spirit a right loving spirit towards you and each other


This is so disgusting. Honestly this woman just keeps on shocking me. Where did she write this?


Can you imagine saying that today to a parent of a difficult child? Kinda makes sense of the judgmental stares I used to get when my toddlers wouldn’t sit still and be silent throughout the sabbath service


Notice the wording: “their birthdays might better be observed” in doing fasting, sackcloth, etc. instead of receiving gifts. It’s the same as saying, “I’d rather this happen than this happen”. She’s not actually advocating for kids (selfish or not) to fast, but that it would be better than selfish kids getting more self-indulged. Not that hot of a take.


After reading the original text, I discovered that you used her text ill-intentionally. Her main idea therein it is to encourage parents to inculcate in their children the importance of thanksgiving and not focus on the birthday gifts. Ellen G. Ellen had children, and she did love them.
Stop manipulating and misinterpreting her writings.


soctors say fasting ks bad altohether
because they want yiu to take meds ah ah
