AQA Comp1 Pest 6a change the No Of Traps in the cavern

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Aparently simple... but some changes need to be made to the playgame procedure and the training game.... I'm not dealling with the traiing game in this one..
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didnt mean to post that, wont let me delete it on my iPad. thank you, this really has helped!!


This is the NEW version of the PEST with the maistake I made in the old one corrected.. Thanks to the user who spotted that I hadn't looped the CheckSameCell in PLayGame


Hmmm? The TrapPosition array is assigned the TrapPosition form the file sturcture as a whole. As long as the number of traps in the file is the same as the number of traps currently specified in the program you would be fine.... (Unless I'm missing something!!!). In order to handel a different number of traps i a file you would either add NoOfTraps to the structure... so that value also got written to the file. OR use the size of TrapPositions from the file to work out how many (not nice!)
