how to connect with your future self ⏱

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I’m Aileen, a lifestyle creator sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.

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My 38 yo self would love for my 18 yo self to not stress out too much because it's all gonna be fine later. So relax, value all relationships, take it all in and enjoy the process.


Approximately 12 years ago, I wrote an article about myself 20 years from then. As if I was interviewing my future self. It was a fun thing to do and it seems my life is on track based on that interview. I really like the idea of acting today like your future self. It gives us pause, goals, and gentle reminders of the life we want to lead to propel us forward.


Stay strong, be positive. We all struggle sometimes.


Im 18 and I was crying last night because I'm not able too study harder like for eight too ten hours and I was sad about it . Today hearing this video I realize after twenty years my future self will say ' uru clam down you're going too be successful anyway but don't wrecker your health for anything in this world ' and about second thing if I get chance too life again I'll not waste my 18 19 20 because if I do that in future I'll be regretful that in hustling I lost my beautiful teen years . No one gets too live again and that's why we should realize that we shouldn't be too hard on ourself . I'm grateful for this video it taught me a great life lesson ❤ which I was meant too learn ❤


This came at the *perfect* time, thank you so so much for all you do and the positivity you spread. To anyone scrolling through the comments, it's never too late. While there will be obstacles in certain situations and many of us have deep-rooted or unalterable struggles mentally or physically, I promise you it's still possible for your life to be filled with love, happiness and peace. Take it easy when you need to, believe in yourself first, and never EVER give up. 💞


(I just turned 23) one thing I learned about myself as I grew older is that you can rest but you shouldn’t settle! You have to always look for whatever is best for you, you can take a break and relax while having too much on your plate because while you’re young you have so much potential. You basically have everything but it’s all a matter of mindset. I learned that yes we get tired and we need to just lie down for a moment but we have so many chances to take and can try and do everything we wish for because when we get older and look back, we will become able to say “I actually did my best to get what I want and tried my best”


This was so much needed at the moment😭🤧


My 43 years old self would love to see me happy, unstressed, studying more and more, not worrying about the future because it’s in god’s hands
I want to be healthy and shine with joy, Deena you are fine you are okay you are on the right path


..spend half of my time being creative, and the other half outside, meeting and connecting with peoole 💖
Love that! Sounds so right for you✨🌼🍀


another vid! i've decided to embrace my soft vibe and increase my gentle presence. you're right! discover your true self and embrace the best side of you. you are loved. to all people who read this, you're amazingggg!


One thing that I regret so much right now that I am closer to my adult age, is that I let my fears conquer me, I didn't join that dance club because I thought I was too fat, I didn't fully showed my interest and followed my desire which makes me think right now that it's not that bad. I lately realized If I joined those club I would be more happier and had greater memories.

I overthink a lot about my grades that made me sick and had the worst mental health. I was thinking a lot about the future that I forgot to enjoy the present moment and I didn't even think that I would be okay in the future. I feel like I wasn't able to enjoy my teenage years.

I am 16 and I still have those overthinking and fear habits, at this age I am deciding big decisions right now, what college, what course should I choose? I tell you, we cannot determine the future, but we can still choose to enjoy, follow our hearts, and stop overthinking what may happen in the future because no matter where life gets you it will be okay, it will be better, life will give you a good day.

So right now, with all the experience I had, I am trying my best to be in present moment and do my best. I am trying myself to stop overthinking even though I have a big anxiety if I'm gonna pass my desired CETS school.

I don't want to waste my teenage years, life has taught me a lot 😢 and 16 & 17 is my time to make this teenage year flourish and happy. That doesn't mean that I can't be happy anymore after 18, but I just know that I already have responsibilities after an adult age but I want to atleast tell my future self that I did my best to give her a great teenage years.


🤍ᴛɪᴍᴇʟᴀᴘs :

✿︎ 0:40 Future Self Exercise
✿︎2:53 Don't be shy, just be bold
✿︎5:45 Bridging the Gap ( between your current self & futur self)
✿︎ 8:35 Becoming the Identity of the Ideal Future Self ( law of attraction, vizualisation, FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT !! )


i felt so proud when you read that envision. You just described your current-self and you wrote those when u were out of college.
If i speak for myself, i found some notes on my phone (almost 1 year ago) and they were about what i wanna achive this year and seeing those big things becoming reality makes me so proud of myself.


It's amazing that you're who you manifested. It's important to set goals and act as if you're already your future self.


I like it, sometimes when you struggle taking care of yourself but are somehow still willing to care more for others … well it feels easier to go full delulu and act as a more caring future self that has more compassion about your current issues, has a more detached approach to your problems but is also more willing to do something about it even if you really don’t feel like it.


this 54 year old needs to be a fulfilled 74 year old. It’s not too late. Thank you for this!


Connecting with your future self is like having a conversation with your own wisdom. This video offers great insights and techniques to bridge the gap between who you are today and who you aspire to be in the future. It's a powerful reminder that our actions today shape our tomorrow, and building a strong connection with our future self can be a transformative journey.


This video came at the perfect time. I'm in a pretty nebulous place in my life and have a future self I dream of becoming, but I'm struggling with figuring out how to actually manifest it. Hoping to start taking steps to bridge the gap in my life!


This video made me cry because i feel like I've lost my zest in life lately - feeling unmotivated in my late 30s. I've lost most of my friends, doing a lot of things solo now. On one hand appreciating peaceful moments over drama but at the same time feeling lonely.

I remember my 20s and early 30s being fun and chaotic - even though it was stressful, i had a support network. Now i don't have the bandwidth or energy to be involved in any drama and choosing a slower pace of life but at the same time feel lonely and unmotivated at times.


It is so humbling to hear how your intentions came into fruition by simple writing it out and choosing it for yourself. I'm definitely going to journal more and have learned that we do truly have the agency to shape our futures! Thank you for this video ❤
