A Look Into Bonds, ASEAN Equities and Currencies into 2023

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We turn to bonds, ASEAN equities and currencies heading into 2023.

00:29 - Roundup - Suhaimi Ilias
03:25 - SG GDP - Chua Hak Bin
05:55 - SG inflation - Hak Bin
06:33 - ID min wage, inflation - Lee Ju Ye
08:55 - ID monetary policy - Ju Ye
11:43 - TH monetary policy - Ju Ye
12:27 - MY inflation - Zamros Dzulkafli
15:33 - MY, US yields 2023 - Winson Phoon
19:56 - MY ratings - Winson
20:48 - ASEAN equities - Anand Pathmakanthan
24:58 - ASEAN currencies - Saktiandi Supaat
28:02 - Ringgit - Andi

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