The Universe Has Been Opening Up Your Psychic Gifts More Lately – But it Comes at a Price. [Reading]

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This is a message for someone who has been feeling more intuitive or psychic recently. The Universe has been opening your psychic gifts more lately – but it comes at a price. This a collective tarot reading (which may also resonate as a divine feminine reading or divine masculine reading for some). Please use your intuition and only take the messages that resonate. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

Recommended Subliminals: "7 Chakra Clearing" [Chakras category] and "Ultimate Alchemist Transformation" [Manifestation Magic category] in the app. ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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Recommended Subliminals: "7 Chakra Clearing" [Chakras category] and "Ultimate Alchemist Transformation" [Manifestation Magic category] in the app. ♥︎


I was in a bad car accident last year that woke me up into helping people. After the accident, I lost my job and my house, but stumbled into someone who suggested I look into becoming a Chaplain. After my first unit of Chaplaincy, I started my clinical hours in hospice. Last Friday I walked into the facility I was working in for the day and the lobby was filled with these 1940s Roseville vases my grandmother collected. The first patient I saw had her daughter with her with my grandmother's name (not a common name). After that visit I went and saw the intake of another patient who had my grandmother's birthday. After the day was done, I walked out to my car and the license plate next to my car said "hey LJ", which was my nickname as a child. All green lights from heaven. ❤


Every single time I'm going through something really hard...she suddenly starts posting more videos as if to get me through the darkness and they all always resonate in an uncanny exact situation to the t. She also said names numbers and images that relate's really amazing .


I don’t normally comment but wanted to say you’ve been clearly picking up on my energy. I’ve been resonating with your last few videos. So thank you Infinity, you truly are a beautiful light amongst the darkness. Thank you for showing me the way. Much love. Xo.


This is crazy. I have been experiencing quite a lot lately regarding hearing and seeing things. One of my neighbors complained about their neighbors blasting their music so loud. The day before I had someone in my mind saying: the music is toooo loud! … later that day I discovered that they in fact had a problem regarding music being too loud coming from their neighbors. Mind you: I’m deaf on one side, I was sitting inside working on my computer, my windows were closed, I didn't hear any music or someone shouting from the outside. This was definitely in my mind that someone said: the music is too loud. These are one of the psychic things that occurred. I was flabbergasted to be honest. And I have been on a TF journey, the last year I got massive heavy spiritual downloads and dreams… i just have difficulty with the fact this being real or not. Which makes me feel very lonely at times


Selfishly, I love these readings that are less so about twin flames/soul mates as I’m so burned out on relationships. Loving these kinds of readings. Thank you!


Thank you so much. Blessings on the Collective.
Distance between cause and effect shortened considerably in the last 5 days.


my father was a clinical social worker who specialized in PTSD. He told me my entire life I have a special gift with children in particular


Realignment is life...its a constant ebb and flow of our existence driven by our choices. I heard a quote a while back that keeps playing back on a loop. I cant shake it. It is "you may be too much for some people. Those aren't your people" I guess i have to accept that, so i can stop hearing it on rewind .maybe someone reading this needed to hear it, too. Many things resonated in this one.we are all psychic. Anyway...I love the reference to the ocean and the final rumi . Dont try to swim against the tide Thank you for the insight and food for thought 😊 I'm constantly learning and growing


Whenever I REALLY need some confirmation, it’s like you tune into me for as long as it takes, sometimes several videos and it’s really nice. Thank you so much. I really appreciate our guides working together ☀️🙏🥰🌸🌻🌌✨thank you star sister 🥹


Intimidating, deep and bold.
Thank you and finity beautiful messages❤


The calling is tough.. Our souls signed up, however sits in the Ethers long enough for amnesia purposes.. So our calling in this life time, can cause the mind to not fully understand things at first, it’s difficult.. But it does get easier, the deeper you heal.. Stay strong.. Rest when you need, and then take the action.. Baby steps ❤


I shine brightly and resonate with the entire message, right on it. WOW 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😮


Highly resonating with this message. Thank you infinity ❤❤❤❤❤


Your readings helped me have a breakthrough with identifying whats my energy and what is not mine. I used to think everything in me was mine its so empowering to know i can have things within me that are not mine at all i didnt conceive it didn't plant it didn't want it didnt recognize it didnt understand it i said to myself then its not mine b/c if my senses cant figure out how to help it or what to do with it or what its needs are it didnt originate from me. When i released it as not mine i had major energy clearing and a surge of my true self come thru with tremendously + feelings i recognized with every cell vibrating happily. This was last night and ive never known how to clean organize clear my emotional body of stuff thats not mine. ❤❤❤❤❤


Thanks infinity, I cried for 30 mins strait lol (ugh) glad I had my cry corner set up! You are amazing! I know im writing this to myself……but hey!


Wow let's talk about reading a room let alone individual energies🔥it's amazing to know the universe really works the way I've learned it to. Thank you infinity for the countless messages that resonates within, always so spot on. 💕


I have had the need to want to be by myself, I need this peace for myself without having to take care of everyone else. I have been getting all the signs you mentioned, butterflies, feathers and 333 and lots of number synchronicity. Both my roommates have moved out around the same time last month and I have a lot of peace. It's just me and my two dogs and I feel so peaceful. I've had more time to manifest, pray and open my gifts.


Not only do you surprise me every time, especially with more personal readings as opposed to the ones of twin flame/soulmate energies those too but these spiritual downloads of the individual journey are the warm & profound confirmation my soul yearns for. How you help me in times I truly never expect through your affirmations is mind blowing. I love the Rumi oracle, thank you so much for using it every single time. It is a direct channeling from the divine and when I go into my guidebook to elaborate the messages even deeper, I break down into tears of emotional fulfillment. The emotions vary but the truth and the accuracy of these messages give my heart and soul so much peace. God bless your entire being my dear Infinity, I love you & value your spiritual guidance. So grateful.


Pretty specific reading, holy wow! I've heard it stated that in 2024 there will be fully 1 billion people on this planet who will awaken. And in my experience, awakening isn't something that happens only once, but over and over in cycles and phases. This year is a powerful shift for the collective, it doesn’t surprise me that psychic abilities will come online or expand for many. Wonderful message Infiniti ❤
