NEW M1 PRO/MAX for MUSIC PRODUCTION?? Watch before buying!!

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Not sure if you're aware, but all Plugin Alliance stuff will be M1 native in November according to the guy that owns PA!


1. Rosetta is not just emulation software. It's a very advanced virtualization platform. It performs incredibly well for Audio, much to my surprise.
2. Untill all of your plugins are native, it's HIGHLY recommended to run your DAW in Intel mode. Therefore the intel plugins will share that enviroment and work very well together.


This might help some ppl. I have the new M1pro 16” with 32gb ram. Logic and Luna and console..working with fabfilter, oeksound, waves, uad, sound toys, kushaudio. Brought up old sessions and have not had an issue with anything yet. Computer is super fast compared to the i7 with 8gb ram. Blown away I’m very happy with the new computer.


God I love this fucking channel. Nobody in the audio world is talking enough about M1.


I am also very much surprised at the number of big audio software makers that haven't updated yet. Waves only came out with M1 support a few days ago. I had literally given up using Waves (and some others) because I'd rather use my M1 rig with other plugins, than wait for these companies to catch up.


this shows how much all this companies care about their products and what this subscription model bring with it


I’ve never had a single issue running PA, Native Instruments, Fab Filter, Valhalla, UAD, Waves…and even though Pro Tools is a secondary DAW for me, I was able to open and edit an insanely massive session without a single hiccup on a 16GB M1 Mac Mini.

Cubase (currently version 11) is my main DAW and it works perfectly so far.


I always keep an old machine for dedicated music purposes. Currently running a 2012 “15 non-retina i7 with a 30” Cinema Display strictly for music. This is always how it’s been. Studios typically run older hardware and OS’s. Expecting a day 1 system to work with all of the 1000s of plugins out there is expecting a miracle. But for the average hobbyist, there is no reason to worry. You shouldn’t even have a need for anything but the stock Logic plugins to make a professional sounding recording or composition. I was up and running within minutes after getting the new 14” on launch day.


I think you’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish with 16GB using M1 architecture. It handles memory much differently than Intel architecture. If it were me, I’d certainly try out your existing laptop just to see if you really can’t do without more than 16GB. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. But like you, I was hoping for a M1Pro mini. Was sitting there refreshing the apple store waiting on it to be announced yesterday. Sigh.


As a UAD Apollo user, they struggled with Big Sur for a while. I believe the M1 Pro and Max will come with Monterey, which may cause some gyrations. The UAD install process for the 2020 M1 on Big Sur is not automatic. I have the previous version of their software (9.13.1) is working well. The Thunderbolt card in my Silverface Apollo trickle charges my M1 via Firewire. Haven't dealt with the PIA stuff yet, but UAD and Waves latest version are up and running.


I got an 8gig m1 Mac mini and everything runs fine. I never go beyond 24 tracks though. But waves, slate, davinci, adobe creative, etc - No problems


Love the video! But I think you are underestimating the power of unified memory. My 16gig MacBook Pro is way snappier and quicker than my 32 gig i7 Mac mini. And that’s just 16. I can run everything I’m running at scale with no issues. But being able to get more unified memory just means I can use more so I can’t wait!


Just to add bro, all my plugin alliance plugs work in both Logic and Pro Tools 2021.3 amazingly. Even slate digital plugins through rosetta, work better than on my intel trash can. I agree that they don't work on Logic natively, but you can open logic in Rosetta mode, which is what I use for most older sessions. You'll be fine if you make the switch Colt. :) I'm waiting to trade up my M1 Mac mini to whatever their new Mac mini will be but honestly, what I have works like a beast for 100+ tracks for some pop sessions and even scoring with Kontakt and other native instrument plugins. Love your content and healthy discussions. Peace


Here because I’m really bummed too. I’m a pro engineer and just got a new M1 Pro but now have to return it because apple doesn’t allow downgrading the firmware to Big Sur and Avid is going to take a year to finally be compatible.


I’m new to music production and it’s just a hobby for me so I will be able to handle the switch. Even ableton beta now supports it. The only thing that won’t be supported will be native interments


So, I have one of the new desktops with the M1 chip and it's freaking fantastic. I had to do alot of work to get everything running correctly but it's super smooth now 👌 and yes if you have a lot going on you should hold off. I was in dire need of a new computer and I haven't been super busy so I've had plenty of time to trouble shoot and work out the kinks


Hey Colt. Great review. Just to note though, you can't look at RAM in the same way you do on INTEL Macs. 16gb of RAM on say an M1 Mac mini can run 47 instances of CPU/RAM heavy plugins like Omnisphere without a hitch. And that was when it wasn't native to M1. Now that It's native, I've been able to achieve much higher track counts. Just a little info bro. Great content/great channel


Literally everything you mentioned other than UAD works perfectly on an M1 in a professional environment! UAD may work but I don’t use it so I can’t comment.

Great channel, and great videos but your wording in this gives the impression that incompatible means doesn’t work, which is not the case, system is reliable.


The problem is many big companies that heavily rely on subscriptions (Plugin Alliance, Slate, ProTools….) not in a rush to support arm chips natively. Profit is coming, so why to strain resources? This only tells me they think about profit more than an end customers. Companies like Fab Filter, Melda and even “free” Analog Obsessions M1 native long time ago. So what stopping the big guys to move to M1? Again, profit is coming, so why bother. They don’t bother, I don’t either. Stopped their subscriptions, sold licenses. The transition showed which companies I can rely on. Bye!


Latest Pro Tools is NOT optimised for Apple Silicon. It is now 'supported' under Rosetta, but is not at all running natively and optimised for ARM yet.
