3D Warrior Cats AMV || BAD BOY

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When you join a forest gang and ya feelin' pretty slick
Hi! So since the end of February I've been learning 3d. I made this model of Fireheart in Blender and rendered using EEVEE. It's my first time ever rigging a model and only my second 3d model to ever get out of the grey sculpting stage. This is my first ever 3d animation, exluding a run and walking test. So I'm basically brand new to this. This video is a test to see how my model looks in motion and its limitations.

Foliage and Rocks are from BlendSwap, Terrain texture is from texturehaven
Trees & Shrubs: Painkiller5555
Rocks: Winbrookhouse, Rubberduck
Grass & flowers: Holmen
Terrain texture: Rob Tuytel

Quand tu entres dans un gang de la forêt et tu es en pleine forme
Salut! Donc, depuis février j'apprends la 3D. J'ai fait ce modèle de Fireheart dans Blender et rendu avec EEVEE. C'est la première fois que je crée un squelette pour un modèle 3D et la deuxième fois que mon modèle dépasse le stade initial de la sculpture. C'est aussi ma toute première animation 3D, excluant un test de course et de marche. Donc, je suis vraiment nouveau dans ce domaine. Ceci est un test de l'apparence du modèle lorsqu'il est animé et de ses limites.
La synchronisation labiale dans ma deuxième langue n'était probablement pas intelligente parce que je parle français comme une vache mourante :I
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This blew up and I can't thank everyone enough for the support and kind words!! I can't reply to all but I read each and every comment. I'm seriously blown away that so many people enjoy my work, especially as I'm venturing into a new territory with 3D! ;___;

Something I've noticed though - "compliments" that praise me while in the same breath put other artists down are not something I am in support of, AT ALL. 3D is new territory for a lot of us, most people I've seen so far have been doing it less than a year, not to mention they are so young and they've already gotten SO FAR. It is an extremely challenging medium not just on the creative end but in learning the appropriate software as well, and like any other type of art form it takes time and patience to hone. No beginner's skills are jumping to Pixar level overnight, and what's more, these talented artists are sharing the work they are passionate about with you for free. Putting people down when they're just getting of the ground is immensely unkind. If you do not enjoy an artist's work then that is fine, to each their own, but keep it to yourself... or better yet, go give 3D a try yourself and you'll quickly realize just how skilled the 3D animators in this fandom are. Keep an eye on them, because give them time and they'll keep getting even better.


Imagine Firepaw being a music fanatic and teaching everyone in the clan about it.


The animation, the fur, Fireheart's model and design are all just

*chef's kiss*


When you join a cult of wild hypter-territorial forest cats so you don’t get your parts cut off


NO WAY. this is unbelievable. the charismatic head jerk to the side on "boy" at 0:08. the head bops from 0:10 to 0:12 and the body rolls along his spine. the fluidity and softness of his tail and the jump, with so much motion and movement and stretching of muscles and skin. the camera angles. this is everything i've ever wanted out of an amv and i'm screaming. it's all so beautiful. you're unbelievably talented


Headcannon: Fireheart looks this cute and the only one who knows how to sing so that's why every tom and she-cat has a crush on him in the books


0:14 that thing he did with his body, it’s so mesmerising o.O


I usually don’t like the way 3D animations look but DANG YOU’VE CHANGED ME-


Woah! This is the first time I've seen a 3d animations where the tail movement and the walking look anatomically correct and fluid/ natural. This is amazing! Amazing world! Its super clean, and the detail is amazing beyond itself!


I saw the thumbnail and legit thought it was a Firestar plushie, the fur looks incredible and all his movements were pretty smooth too!


Imagine if you saw that in the middle of the night

not saying it’s bad, the animation is so nice, and how fluid it is, it just- *faints*


*Fire paw thinking he’s in an edit:*

“That’s some nice moves” -Graypaw, nodding.


woaaah c'est sublime!! tu te débrouilles super bien pour une toute première animation en 3D, le mouvement de caméra est super cool aussi. Je l'ai replay une bonne dizaine de fois... J'adorais déjà ton style en 2D, mais alors ton niveau en 3D est une belle surprise ! (tout comme le fait que tu parles aussi le français, je l'ignorais )

Et puis cet Actiiiinng est trop génial !


i refuse to believe that this exists, it's just too good



This fandom never stops wowing me with its talent.


Omg this is so well made no joke the way fireheart is talking and moving is adorable XD 12k likes from me,


The movement is so good and clean, wow, loveeee the tail flicks too it gives so much attitude and also, it's pretty realistic to a cats movement! The camera panning is on point as well, love how much it moves, fire's eyes are absolutely gorgeous too damn, and also the design!! I love it! This model is very clean, the anatomy looks correct and the fur texture looks realistic. The filter is also eye candy!
I've already replayed this 3 or 4 times, and I can't stop watching it. Make more of these please!!


Bro this is gorgeous, firestar’s fur and just everything, he really is a handsome ginger just like they say in the books when describing the cats in the clans. This is just over all beautiful it really is all of it 💙💙💙


Sandstorm’s reaction to this would be priceless


my kitten when he escapes his room with the help of his sister :
