Learn Flutter with FlutterExplained

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After the Google I/O 2019 I was hooked by #Dart development and #Flutter. Now I wanna learn Flutter and get a better and more valuable Front End developer.

With that thinking, I started this channel so that you can learn from my mistakes. I believe in #socialLearning and I hope that we can provide each other feedback and knowledge and share our experiences.

This is a great way for me to learn flutter and I hope you enjoy it and follow my lead. Flutter is a framework that works with Dart language and Google is highly supporting that language. I think there has never been a better time to learn something new.

So let's learn together, share our experiences and be better developers!
Рекомендации по теме

Nice to see you here Max, good luck. :)



Bro make on beginners to advanced flutter tutorial video
