How Did You Know Your First Ever Boyfriend Was the ONE?

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Fresh AskReddit Stories: To those who married their first boyfriend/girlfriend, what made you decide they were the one despite never being with anyone else? --- LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!

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Marrying my first gf next week. We have been dating over 4 years. I am not sure when or how it happened, yet at some point I realized that there was no one better for me and my life would always be worse without her. She’s my perfect compliment. Love her to death.


Not me. I dated around a lot, especially in high school.
But my best friend in high school met her now husband as a freshman.
He was her first boyfriend, her first kiss…everything. They are married and have a couple kids together. It’s so sweet!!


Not married yet, but engaged for 2 years and getting married this December. I met her in highschool freshman year. We actually bonded because we could vent to each other about our crappy home life without any judgment. I asked her out on Christmas that year. I love her with all my heart.😊


The best Men & Women are often among the first ones to leave the dating pool, never to be seen again.


I've known my Husband since we were in 6th grade, I was basically his middle school bully taking out some misplace anger on him and we had a kinda frienemy type thing going on as well. I also heavy associated him with wolves and dogs (important to note for later) I hurt him and pick on him but I'll be damned if anyone else did it to him. I've always liked being around him even when I didn't understand why and he never told on me for bullying him since he kinda had a crush on me back then. Years go by and we were a few years into out high school years, we still had our close net of friends being the same 4 since 6th grade and having a few other new friends too. I never bothered to date anyone and he has dated a few girls and having a "off-again-on-again" relationships with one girl. He has asked me out once and I said no to him not understanding why he would ask me out and me being scared I'll ended up like the rest of the woman in my family. He did ask me out again and I said yes. We dated for about 4 months, but he ended things since our friends were threatening to hurt him if he did anything bad to me and he couldn't take it anymore. I was pissed and upset that I basically wasted 4 months with him and I did whatever I could to avoid him. Not even 2 weeks later I was hit by a car and when he found out it was me he when to the hospital. When they wheeled me out and I'm high off my ass on pain meds they gave me and I saw him and just knew that he was the classic version of werewolves, I didn't even knew who he actually was at the time, I just knew I wanted this wolf-man creature to hug me. I said "Doggie, hug me" and held out my arms to him for a hug, everybody looked at him and he was confused at first, but he told me that once he got closer and saw how bad I was his heart broke. He hugged me for along time, mostly because I didn't want to let go this dog I was seeing, he said he knew right then and there he would do whatever it took to get be back because knowing he almost lose me, that thought killed him inside. I remembered him whispering in my ear "I will never let you go, not again." When he pulled away I saw him as himself looking like he wanted to cry. With me being high as a cloud doing the last month of school we did become friends again and talked and even hung out over the summer were I had 2 rebound guys I dated but neither were for very long. 2 weeks before Halloween as we were saying good bye and I hugged him he whispered in my ear asking me out. I said yes and we kissed, I still tease him sometimes about how it took him the 3rd time to say it to my face and not a note and running away from me for a day. But we been together ever since, we dated from about 5 years, engaged for almost a year and married for 2 so far, with 2 kids. I might have not been his first gf, but I was his first serious relationship, we were each other firsts in everything else. I'm still madly in love with him and happy he puts up with my crazy-ass and I'm really happy I get to figure out life with him as well as other stuff. He is truly the Ying to my Yang and I wouldn't trade that for anything


I married my first proper gf. Went out when we were 12. She broke up with me around 10 months in. We both had multiple relationships until we were 16 when we got back together.
Married at 18. Were 32 and have 4 kids now. Happy as can be.
We weren't ready for long term relationships at 12. I doubt anyone would be. There is a lot more luck involved in successful relationships than anyone wants to admit, but other than luck I would recommend this-
Support each other at the same time as appreciating your responsibilities to each other. That is the key.
A toxic relationship would be one where only one person supports the other, or one person considers their responsibility to the other. Both people need to do both otherwise it won't work


I find these stories so sweet, especially since my parents are the same. I doubt it’ll happen to me, but looking at their marriage gives me a little hope


Imagine someone learning sign language for you 😍😍😍


As someone who is asexual and terrified of never getting to experience this kind of love because of it, this gives me hope


The first one is one of the sweetest stories I've ever heard, many more years to them


I'm 29 and in my first relationship rn! He's perfect i love him and he loves me too!


She gives me her credit card, from that point she's the one. hehe


Watching this video reminds me of how fricken crappy my life is and how no girls like me so therefore I have no chance to ever get married god this video makes me hate my life all the more


Repeating the childhood pattern, endlessly. Non-stop mummy & daddy games. After teenage periods, the person should discover a world beyond mummy - daddy games. Often becoming "married" to causes, vocations, careers, challenges, etc. These post-childhood issues are usually very novel. They are beyond the expectations & imagination of previous generations.


We were apart 10 years. I dated other people in that time, and nobody else really ever came close to her.
