How to Study for Exams - An Evidence-Based Masterclass

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Hey friends. So this is a 3 hour evidence-based studying course that I filmed a few years ago and put on Skillshare, but now I want to make it available to everyone for free. In this class, I'll take you through the well-kept secrets of how to study effectively and organise your workflow to be ready for exams when they come around. We'll also discuss why studying effectively and efficiently is one of the best ways to maintain a work-life balance.

We'll break down (1) how to understand our content using techniques like the Feynman Method, Active Recall and various note-taking strategies, (2) how to remember our material with Spaced Repetition, Interleaving and various memory techniques, and (3) how to maintain focus while studying, from developing the motivation and discipline to do the work, to taking appropriate breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.




If we haven’t yet before - Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Deep Dive and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love.

00:00 - Introduction
01:53 - 3 Steps to Effective Studying
04:46 - Understand Anything with The Feynman Technique
06:40 - The Science of Active Recall
08:44 - How to Learn New Content with Active Recall
10:25 - Taking Notes During Class
12:45 - Taking Notes After Class
17:40 - Scoping The Subject
20:16 - The Importance of Understanding
26:11 - Finding a Syllabus For Yourself
31:06 - The Magic of Spaced Repetition
35:11 - The Retrospective Revision Timetable
37:07 - The Spaced Repetition Journal
40:53 - The Power of Interleaved Practice
43:10 - Should You Reread Your Notes
45:10 - How to Highlight Effectively
46:50 - How to Use Flashcards Properly
56:15 - Flashcard Alternative - Google Sheets vs Anki
01:08:42 - Mind Maps
01:13:18 - Memory Techniques - Mnemonics
01:18:18 - Memory Techniques - The Peg System
01:23:50 - Memory Techniques - The Mind Palace
01:26:07 - The Essay Memorisation Framework
01:41:10 - The Active Recall Framework
01:58:10 - How to Use Anki Flashcards Properly
02:24:30 - Motivation is a Myth
02:31:44 - How to Reduce Distractions
02:35:32 - The Pomodoro technique - Pros and Cons
02:40:37 - The Best Music to Study With
02:42:54 - Maintaining Work Life Balance while Studying
02:46:28 - How to Study Effectively with Friends
02:48:35 - Conclusion

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜
Рекомендации по теме

1 - can you explain it to a collegue? Can you explain it to a 5 year old?

2 - active recall: your brain is a muscle - train it by testing!

3- notes - summaryzing is controvercial.
Alli's theory:
*in class*
- handwritting is better than typing
- Helps you keep awake
*out of class*
- consolidate different sources ( he uses notion)
- you don't need to take notes for every class
- Cornell notetaking sistem is useful for active recall (with the help of notion for it)
- you can turn thise notes into flashcards

4 - scooping the subject
- understand where the subjects fits into the bigger picture
- subcategorize the topics

**** 🎓 importance of understanding
Coherence withing your mind

5 - finding a syllabus for yourself
- you have to create a limit to your knowledge ( you can't know everything babe)
- master the syllabus rather than gather more information

6 - remembering and spaced repetition
- the more you repeat the topic, the longer it takes to forget it (but remember, it's a SPACED repetition)
- the more effort you put, you memorize better

7 - retrospective timetable on notion for revision
- you decide on the day what you are going to do
- you can do it on notion

8 - spaced repetition journal
- alternate to revision timetable
- predetermined subject
- try it like: 1 week, one month

9 - Interleaved repetition
- mix topics to make it harder
- brain is a muscle, making it harder to make it stronger!!

10 - rereading
- there are better ways to study, bc rereading is very passive

11 - how to highlight effectively
- low utility
- helps you concentrate
- it's better to highlight than to reread something already highlighted

12 - flashcards
- use anki ❤❤ or google sheets
- usually it's better to make your own
- do it consistently
- isolated facts
- essay exam: you can memorize chunks of essays
- don't make flashcards of everything: only a about what you really have to know, or what you didn't get it right
- don't make it after you only studied the subject once
- use cornell method for more information (aka easier stuff, or what u don't really need to know)
Google sheets for flashcards:
- free
- fast to create
- color code
- hide the answer putting the letters in white
** my personal opinion: doesn't look as fun as flashcards, probably woudn't do it
- is good to do questions in order (good for clinical study of diseases)
- better to visualize the lacks of knowledge
- low commitment
- flshcards: isolated facts
Google sheets: general understanding (like whats the deal with...)

13 - mind maps
- broad understanding
- where it rit


As a broke student I want to say THANK YOU Ali! from the bottom of my heart <3


A 3 hour video? I'm sure Ali put more than 3 hours for the preparations, editing, etc and we see it.
Thanks a lot Ali because not many students can afford such classes🥺❤


👋 My summary:
- 00:00 📚 Introduction to the Importance of Effective Exam Study
- The significance of learning effective study techniques.
- Ali's personal experience in improving study methods.
- 01:11 🎓 Overview of the Evidence-Based Masterclass Structure
- The three main steps of effective studying: Understanding, Remembering, and Focusing.
- A brief outline of what each step entails.
- 02:08 🧠 Step 1: Understanding - The Feynman Technique
- Explanation of the Feynman Technique for understanding complex topics.
- The importance of being able to explain a subject simply.
- Using this technique to enhance understanding.
- 05:11 🧠 Step 2: Understanding - Active Recall
- Active Recall as a powerful learning tool.
- Testing oneself as an essential part of the learning process.
- The effectiveness of active recall in strengthening memory.
- 07:05 📝 Note-Taking During Class
- The benefits of handwriting notes versus typing.
- How taking notes during class can help with understanding.
- Using notes as an aid to staying engaged during lectures.
- 09:08 📝 Note-Taking After Class
- The value of taking notes after class for consolidating understanding.
- Utilizing multiple sources to enhance comprehension.
- Creating questions for self-assessment using the Cornell note-taking system.
- 16:28 📚 Effective Note-Taking
- Effective note-taking involves active recall and the Feynman technique.
- Write notes based on specific questions or prompts to engage active recall.
- 17:55 🌳 Scoping the Subject
- Understanding the bigger picture is crucial for effective learning.
- Scoping the subject involves categorizing topics, starting with the broad view and then narrowing down.
- 20:31 📚 Developing a Syllabus
- Create a syllabus for yourself to limit what you need to learn.
- Focus on mastering a select set of resources rather than overwhelming yourself with many.
- 26:26 🧠 Remembering and Space Repetition
- Combat the forgetting curve by spacing repetitions over time.
- Space repetition maximizes memory retention and reinforces learning.
- 34:19 📖 Active Learning and Effort
- Active learning and effortful study lead to better retention.
- Learning becomes more effective when it involves challenge and difficulty.
- 35:16 📚 Using Retrospective Revision Timetable for Space Repetition
- Create a retrospective revision timetable to optimize space repetition.
- Rate your understanding of topics to decide what to study.
- Example of using Google Sheets or Notion for tracking study progress.
- 37:22 📆 Simon Clark's Spaced Repetition Journal Method
- Simon Clark's spaced repetition diary as an alternative to traditional revision timetables.
- How to create a spaced repetition diary and its benefits.
- Combining the benefits of a revision timetable with spaced repetition.
- 41:20 🔄 Interleaving Study Techniques
- The concept of interleaving: Mixing different topics within a single study session.
- Benefits of interleaving for improved retention.
- Avoiding the downsides of blocking similar problems or subjects.
- 43:27 📖 Re-reading vs. Active Recall
- The ineffectiveness of re-reading notes as a study technique.
- The benefits of active recall for better retention.
- How to use active recall for efficient studying.
- 45:47 🧠 Flashcards and Anki for Effective Learning
- The concept of flashcards as a combination of active recall and spaced repetition.
- Using Anki, a flashcard app, to enhance learning.
- Creating flashcards for spaced repetition and efficient studying.
- 52:16 📚 Using flashcards for essay exams,
- Flashcards can be used to memorize chunks of content for essay exams.
- Writing references and explanations on flashcards helps recall.
- Be cautious not to make too many flashcards to avoid overload.
- 56:30 📊 Google Sheets as a flashcard alternative,
- Google Sheets can be used as a structured flashcard alternative.
- Questions in one column and answers in another facilitate active recall.
- The method allows for systematic review and easy identification of knowledge gaps.
- It provides a low-commitment, flexible study approach.


I just sent this to my dad and my son. Both are getting ready to take huge exams for their careers. I am so grateful for all the knowledge you share.


Ali is the reason why got a 3.83 GPA in undergraduate. I would’ve been so academically unsuccessful if I didn’t discover him. Thank you! 🙏


As a broke college student who's been following for like three years now, thank you so much for all you do Ali. It's helped me immensely through high school and uni, and I'm so, so, so grateful. Plus, a three hour video for free? That's incredible. So please don't stop, but at the same time enjoy life too! We'll always be here for you as your loving audience!


this is the only guys with the huge heart to make his paid course available for people for free hats off man ur just amzing


The only video you'll ever need about studying. Wish I would've had this when I started uni. The ones that helped me the most by far are spaced repetition and active recall. It got a uni degree while attending barely any lectures. This is because you're literally practicing what you do on an exam with exam recall and spaced repetition makes sure it gets solidified into your memory. Can't recommend those two techniques enough.


may Allah reward you generously for this and put barakah in your trip! ameen


1. understand
- (feyneman: does it make sense? could i explain it to a 5yo?)
- active recall (test yourself)☆
- take notes
- understand the broad picture first and then narrow down
2. remember (forgetting curve)
- develop a syllabus/ outline to limit urself
3. focus (discipline, eliminate distractions)


I'm studying a masters in education at the moment (18 years after finishing my first degree), and one thing that stands out is how much better the education department are than any other at presenting the information and giving you proper active-learning tasks. I suppose you'd expect them to be though. But I genuinely haven't had to try to memorize anything and I've still remembered it, getting good scores on everything so far.


My 'study' techniques are 40+ years old. I had to begin college again in IT which wasn't even around back in the day, so this is priceless material. Thank you, thank you.


man really decided to drop a 3hr cheatsheet right in the middle of midterms season. god level move


I love how this video is literally applicable to every uni student, no matter what course, like mine being Mechanical Engineering. The transparency and structure, the conciseness of EVERYTHING you need to know about studying effectively and the evidence-backed opinions and information (so it’s not just some flimsy “this worked for me” type of vid) are what make this masterclass spectacular. I appreciate you making it free a lot Ali as in the education system during school you aren’t really ever taught how to actually study, except for the typical, take notes, re-read them and do past papers and make colourful flashcards if you like. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart from an 18 yo first year student ❤❤❤


Thank you Ali for such an interesting content.
I watched till 45 min. And what did I learn!?-
Active recall.
Test yourself frequently.
Hand writing is better than typing.
Scoping the subject.
Focus on "more" not on "everything".
Spaced repetition to combat against forgetting curve.
Use time tables and check lists.

I will continue tomorrow.


Hey Ali, Thank you so much for making this anazing skillshare course free! Ive been watching your videos for over 1+ years and you are my favourite creator. You have taught me so much. Thank you!


Remember watching this on skillshare like a year ago, but didn’t really engage so much with it and take notes. Will not make that mistake again! Thank you for uploading this for free


Just started medical school and after seeing everyone start making notes from lecture slides, started panicking. Thank God there's Ali Abdaal to the rescue, always!! <33


I think this is the best content in Youtube so far. It took me ages to find something like this and I finally found you! Thank you so much Ali! You are helping a lot of students right now <3
