Oliver Ngoma Barre

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J'aimerai vous faire decouvrir la musique Gabonaise a travers mon petit album photos. Un de mes chanteurs Gabonais preferes Oliver Ngoma qui nous emporte dans le rythme tropical biguine.
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Summary of
Oliver N'GOMA - Barre

In fact it is a woman who is tired of the irresponsibility of her boyfriend who is never at home, always outside and she alone at home. Suddenly she tells him if you do not change, crossed out I tell you leave with your house, your beauty .... Every day he comes home very late at night as if he is not married so he warns him that if this is the marriage he wants, then crossed out stays with your house, your fortune, your beauty I am leaving because there is a lot of men on earth
Marriage is not slavery, the woman is not an exclave who must endure banditry, the immaturity of her husband. So crossed out, stay with your faults, you are crossed out, crossed out if my life is with you like that, it's over, I refuse.
Basically he castigates the behavior of married men who spend their time living more outside than in their homes who think that it is enough to give all the luxury and the material and physical means to make a woman happy.
