Rising Tides || Original Song by Reinaeiry

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More of a personal song, writing is the way I cope.

Sometimes, I'll get extremely frustrated and overwhelmed with how my music is coming along and I'll feel like trashing everything I've made and giving up completely.

"Why can't I get it sound right?"
"Why can't I just do it easily like everyone else?"
"Why, even after all these years of constant work, am I not perfect yet?"

Then, I'll take a step back, stop all my work for the night and tell myself
"Enough. Try again tomorrow."
I'll always feel better about myself and my work in the morning. Be soft with yourself when the time calls for it and forgive your mistakes because you will always make mistakes.

I've been actively working on getting better after years of doing not good™ mentally. I have a fantastic support system with my friends and it's been a personal, non-stop journey of choosing to be better every day.

Remember that the road to recovery is not a linear path and you WILL fall on your ass time and time again. But all that really matters, in the end, is if you can pick up the pieces the day after and try again.

And I will always try again, no matter what. I'd like to think I owe myself that much.

I hope you will too.

Writer & Vocals: Reinaeiry (that’s me, baby)

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Stay healthy, happy, and know that you are always loved.
#Reinaeiry #SingerSongwriter #RisingTides
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Like a ship
Drifting on the sea
Untethered, I wash ashore
What use does a boat
Have on land
I cannot move,
No one understands

Barely tall enough,
I keep my head
Above the rising tides
The sun slowly dips
And I start to slip
Oh, this time
I cannot hide.

And through days and weeks
Of constant tension
The rope that I cling on to frays
And as I lay there wishing to feel anything else
I tell myself,
One more day
One more day.

One more chance
To tell myself
Try again, try again
Try again, try again
Try one more day
One more day



For the life of me, I cannot understand how someone, anyone, has a voice this good.
You can be haunting, perky, teasing, or dark, but it is always beautiful, and I just can't comprehend it.
But, whether you're just another mortal or an actual angel, thank you for these songs. Whenever I see you post I get excited, because I know what comes next will be unlike anything else I've ever heard before.


Most people need to be reminded that having your own path doesn't mean failing, there are always going to be obstacles that try and bring you down. Be kind to yourself; you've worked so hard to get where you are now. Thank you for this song <3


I‘m not crying you’re crying
But seriously I love how this song is both full of pain and hope, as always it’s simply amazing what you manage to do with words and your voice 💜


The goddess Reinaeiry has blessed us with her grace yet again


I wasn't feeling happy today, but this song made me feel better. Thank you so much for making my day better and lifting up my mood, Reinaeiry.


YAAAS another song by the queen herself 👑


It's so easy to get caught up in asking yourself why things are wrong and why you can't do something right, it often gets to the point where we push ourselves to be better people and in doing so we often forget that there's nothing wrong with vulnerability. There's nothing wrong with letting people know that're we're not okay, because we're not going to always be okay.
And I know it can be incredibly hard to let people in and ask for the help you need but sometimes we all need a hand to catch us when we fall.

You're all amazing people, you have more strength than you realise and I wish you all the best. Absolutely feel free to vent, sometimes writing your feelings down can be the first step 💙


OK I just need to speak my mind and be open and honest.

I was feeling suicidal tonight. I just felt like there was nothing for me. But then I heard this song. It's made me want to go on 1 more day, hoping things will be better tomorrow. I'm going to give things another chance and as soon as I feel that way again. I'm going to listen to this song.

I know it's not much... but thank Reinaeiry.... you've saved my life.


an original song!! it sounds absolutely amazing


This is heavenly in a calming way. I've been really struggling with school recently so somehow this spoke to me. Thank you!


Ваше пение замечательно. Ожидание каждого видео переполнено нетерпением и любовью к Вашему красивому голосу, исполнению. Спасибо.


I’ve been in a really bad numb depressive episode after watching my grandfather deteriorate and pass last month and this song just does something to me that I really needed. I love you music and hope you continue to make the world a little happier with your beautiful voice 💕


The clock outside my window ticks,
there I find I start to slip,
the blanket laying on my bed
has floated with the water overhead.

The clouds are caught in water’s grip,
And yet on ocean’s floor I trip,
wading in the waves I tread,
to reach the siren’s voice I fled.

And as the sun begins to dip,
I fear my chance has been ripped,
the water crashes but I’ve been led
to a life anew instead.

The arm has met twelve on its tip,
at my feet the ocean licks,
the retreating water said;
“go, dear, give them the roses red.”


Why does this give me 'Failing love' vibes

Like a relationship you're desperate to save, in denial. When you perfectly know that things aren't the same anymore


Just finished like 9 hour video chat with my bestfriend who is getting weaker everyday from Covid. He has lost his hope of being strong but hopefully this song can make him believe once more. Thank you, Reinaeiry.


The fact this has 0 dislikes says something about Reinaeirys talent


happiness is receiving a notification of a new song of yours 🪐


My go to comfort song has been Immortal, but now I'm happy to add this one to the playlist, too. Words we all need to hear. Forgiving yourself is so hard, but this song helps bring one more day. Thanks, Reinaeiry!


The longest & hardest battle is with yourself, pushing to do great but also letting yourself rest & reset taking it 1 day at a time. I know this struggle and believe your song captures it beautifully
