Understanding NSW's legal system around biodiversity conservation

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Presented by Jemilah Hallinan, EDO What are the key biodiversity laws and tools available to us as conservationists advocating for biodiversity, including new protected areas, the management of existing areas, and the management of biodiversity on private land? How do you navigate the legal system? How does the system differ for parks and reserves on the land and in the sea? How does it differ when it comes to the management of public and private land? The webinar will provide a 101 overview of NSW biodiversity laws and legal tools. It will introduce you to key legislation in NSW, including the Biodiversity Act, National Parks & Wildlife Act, Native Vegetation Laws, as well as federal acts, including the EPBC act. Jemilah will share advice and tips on how to engage with the system. For example, this webinar may help you if you wish to proactively work towards changing the listing of a species to endangered; create a new protected area listing; stop a development from encroaching on crown land; or if you are concerned about threatened species loss on private land.
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