Duvarların Hafızası | Emanet Özel Klip

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Yaman Kırımlı is a successful and young businessman who had a rough childhood but never gave up, on the contrary he even became stronger with every obstacle. He started his life from the bottom and became very wealthy. All he has in his world, is a family that he has to take care of after his father’s death. He closed his heart to all romantic feelings a long time ago and his only weakness is his 5-year old nephew… Little Yusuf is very well protected under his uncle’s arms, but he craves loves and sympathy. The only happy image in his mind is his aunt Seher.

Seher is a beautiful and humble girl living with her grandfather. Her life is shaken by the death of her sister who was the bride of the Kırımlı family. From now on, she has a legacy she has to take care at all costs: Her little nephew Yusuf. This adventure will arise the long hidden secrets of the Kırımlı mansion; while a whole another legacy will start to grow in Seher and Yaman's hearts.

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Thank you EMANET team and thank you Admin for this wonderful clip that says a lot already, though it is sad to watch.
ECHOES!!!! A small word with a big effect, an ending in the letter 'o' . According to linguistics and the origin of languages, a language that contains this sound is a language that will be cut and is doomed to die. ECHO holds death at the end of it. Echoes of the wall! A WALL is another representation of inanimate, of still objects, and these walls are echoing all representations of life, betrayal, conspiracy, sadness, deprivation, anger, revenge and death. Walls do not only have ears as they say, but speak and remind us of things we would want to forget to be able to move on, of our happy moments along with our sad moments. The clip started with happiness and shifted its tone suddenly to negative concepts of murder and conspiracy, then back to happy feelings, only to go back to confusion and sadness. This is another representation of the loopy process of life, alternating between cycles of good and bad moments, of going through ups and downs in life and that things are changing constantly. Nothing is everlasting on earth here, nothing is eternal, but eternity takes a on another meaning and another dimension through what the others leave for us behind them as they pass our lives and the impact they leave on us. At the end, the destined, the inevitable that has to happen, a reiteration of destiny vs free will, a dilemma one faces within himself, the eternal struggle of humanity, but whether one choose to comply or combat, it happens for a reason that is out of our limitations. Somehow the note that the clip ended with sets the tone and atmosphere of the new season. It ended with death and revenge, and that’s how it will start again. The walls will be echoing the longing, the suffering, the love and light that changed Yaman and set his soul on the path of redemption, and will also ignite the fire of revenge to punish the one who took that light from him and left him in the abyss....
Even though that the correct translation for the heading in Turkish is "Memories of the walls", but it's not too far because the walls are echoing the memories lived between those walls.


If walls could talk, they would tell you a story of a family who suffered a lot, lost a lot and dreamed a lot! A family which learned to breathe again, stand on its feet and build the dreams they once had. With every word the walls heard they where a witness or something beautiful, something heart breaking, something painful, something loving, something devastating. They witnessed something new and something old but never failed to break!

Walls are the strongest to hold a home but they are also the quietest. They witness and cry, they witness and smile, they witness and love, but they are never able to share.

A home which was build out of nothing and became something!

Thank you Admin so much for this wonderful memory, which reminds us that the mansion Kırımlı went through a lot to be able to breathe!

Tekrarla Çok Teşekkür Ederim! ❤️❤️❤️


Îmi pare rău, dar rămân la părerea mea, Emanet înseamnă Halil și Sila pentru totdeauna, fără Sila nu mai înseamnă nimic. Oricâte încercări ar face producția, orice actriță ar aduce, oricâte schimbări ar face în scenariu, nu mai înseamnă Emanet fără Sila, nu mai este povestea Emanet. Producția crede că schimbând scenariul, arătând un Yaman diferit plin de pasiune asa cum a promis va câștiga audiență? Au avut combinația magică pentru succes, Halil și Sila, dar nu au știut să aprecieze asta. Sila a făcut un rol greu, iar acum noua actriță vine și culege roadele prin schimbarea scenariului? Eu una am renunțat la Emanet.


Bir gün bir dizini bu kadar çok sevip ve bir dizi için bu kadar üzüleceğimi deselerdi inanmazdım herhalde dizi işte deyip geçerdim ama Emanet…
Emanet’in bendeki yeri o kadar başka ki şu iki senede öyle bağlandık ki öyle çok sevdik ki şimdi bu videoyu izlemek çok üzüyor beni😔
Ev demek yuva demek ve bir evi yuva yapan onun içindeki sevgi dolu ailedir…❤️ Şimdi o soğuk, sessizliğiyle isyan eden duvarlar hepimizin sesi olmuş😭artık eskisi gibi huzur, sevgi, mutluluk yansıtmıyor artık sadece hüzün, acı ve yarım kalmışlık var…🖤


Как можно всё это забыть, такая любовь бывает одна и на всю жизнь, простая и чистая, настолько она проникла в наше сознание, даже невозможно подумать что Яман всё это может забыть и влюбиться в другую женщину, вместе с Сехер и Яман умер для меня., такое ощущение что это новый персонаж и другая история любви. Не успели мы отойти от шока убийства Сехер и уже 3 сезон начинается со встречи Ямана с этой ведьмой из леса. 2 года мы каждый вечер ждали очередную серию с волнением, иногда бывало оставляли все дела бежали домой боясь пропустить сюжет, сценаристы ни кого не пощадили ни зрителей ни актёров, не захотели Хэппи энд, думаю что они потеряют многих из нас, кто смотрел эту красивую историю любви, ,Яман и Сехер'' 💔


This mansion is like hell. In every corner is death waiting. In every corner is Seher' voice and her memory. If only they didn't kill her. Maybe other actress playing the role of Seher would be some solution, but we know that it won't be like this. And the last scene when we're hearing Seher trying to say I LOVE YOU and shoot - heartbreaking. Emanet and this mansion is the story of SEHER and YAMAN. And it will be FOREVER!!! The saddnest story I have ever watching. So much pain, cruelty, heart breaking moments. And only few moments of love - the stongest feeling which changed Yaman forever.


two years full of Seher's presence...with her sorrows, her sacrifices, her great love for Yusuf and Yaman...you can't forget these in 60 new episodes...only those who don't know EMANET .. ....


Wow no reminders visible on the desk of the woman he would give his life for. No comfort from Seher when Yusuf is sick. No baking cakes with Auntie. No reminder smells like his mother. No lemon cookies for Yaman and Yusuf. No babies for them to hold in their country home. And why? When Season 2 ending could have made us all happy. All the promises and trials were in vain. It didn’t have to be sad. Dramas don’t have to end sad. How many fans would have loved to see Seher and Yamans children. Yusuf helping out. There was time. But once again fans weren’t listened to. How sad😔


Remember the actress Olivia Hussey in the role of Romeo and Juliet by the great master Zeffirelli. Sila is the Juliet of modern times, she has a genuine and spontaneous acting just like Juliet, she transmits emotions. At just 20, he embodied pure love, without lies and compromises, deep and total for his nephew Yusuf and for Yaman. Not all actors can play true love, but Sila and Halil succeeded in full, holding each other endlessly.
Nobody expected such a success from such a young girl, talented in acting, until the day she left the series and it is obvious that the loss was not accepted by the public.
This is why they love her very much and she is irreplaceable!
We will never know the truth about what really happened! But something big happened, otherwise it would never go away.
She has all the qualities to become a great actress!


Полное неуважение к зрителю, которые за два года переживали за главных героев, голосовали, молились за успех сериала😒


I just can't believe 😪 it came down to this, this beautiful story was epic. Season 2 came along and all the viewers knew something was terribly wrong with how Sila's character was being portrayed. Unfortunately no other female lead can bring us what Seher and Yaman brought to the table authenticity, chemistry, pure loyalty to the screen.
You can never replace what was meant to be.


To me Emanet will always be called YAMANS JOURNEY. This is my one reason to Watching Emanet. The character Yaman captured me from the very first episode. I want to see where his journey takes him in Season 3. Yes I loved Sehar, Yusuf equally. But to me Yaman is my main focus. One man's journey across life filled with pain and heart ache. Trying to find a place to find peace. I'm taking this journey with him to soothe him and hold his hand. Yaman the Lion. Yaman the gentle giant. Yaman the loving wonderful beast ❤


Aos Brasileiros que decidirem continuar assistindo essa série, boa sorte. Mas saibam que será apenas a copia da 1° temporada. Yaman vai voltar a ser como antes, frio, perverso. E posteriormente aparecerá uma personagem que tentará "substituir" Seher. E mesmo que Yaman se apaixone novamente, A Série continuará naquele ciclo de violência, acidentes, intrigas e tal. Entenda, que o enredo será o mesmo. E pior, se antes o que segurava os expectadores nessa série era a química entre Seher e Yaman, na terceira temporada não haverá. Por isso desisto de assistir.

Quem também desistiu de assistir tanto pelo enredo repetitivo, quanto pela saida da Seher da um like. 👇


Emanet's assassin is named Nazmiye Yilamz. The worst screenwriter in the world who left the entire fandom devastated by destroying Seher and Yaman's love story. She had no respect for the audience who watched the series for two years. The lack of intelligence, her arrogance and incompetence as a writer made the series end for fans in the second season as everything lost its meaning. I hope @nyilmaz7 and this team of incompetents around her realize that they could be trending with the best of the actresses SılaTürkoğlu but they didn't have the intelligence to take advantage of the star that was in your hands. Our contempt for this entire team.


You can't play with our emotions anymore 💔💔. Thank you Emanet 🙏❤️. Congratulations 👏👏👏 Good Bye 💔💔💔


Maldición lloré por este video...cada rincón de esa casa se vivió muchas cosas malas y buenas... hasta el último día del disparo hacia seher..
Pero bueno todo termina cuando una protagonista se va ...ya no veremos esa química, ésas miradas... aunque entre una actriz nueva no será la misma química, pueden llevarse bien y ser compatibles, pero esas miradas q se tenían ellos y q cautivó la audiencia no va a ser lo mismo


Como destrulleron la serie, que pena, que no hicieran por recuperarla, se fue con Seher 😪😪😪😪😪


Postovanje produkciji Pisem iz Bosne pratila sam seriju 2 godine i podrzvala sam vas rad iako mi se nije u mnogim segmentima nije svidjao scenario ipak su Vasi glumci ( Ruzgar, Sila ♾️ Halil), iznijeli seriju na najprofesojonalniji nacin. Uzdignuli su je na svjetski nivo gledanosti . Mnogo mi je zao kako niste imali sluha kako za glumce tako i za nas gledaoce koji su pratili Vasu seriju ipak mi smo ti od kojih ste stekli slavu. Mislim da bi trebali da se preispita te o svojim postupcima. Napravili ste mnogo nepravde prema glumcima tj (Sili) a i nama gledaocima.


The memory of the walls? From the beginning the writer showed us that Yaman doesn’t deserve to be happy in his life and by killing his wife (the only light in his life) that he will live in misery for the rest of his life… this is what we are expecting from this writer more pain for Yaman… I don’t think Yaman will ever be happy again same goes to Yusuf..


I don't know who was guilty of the fiasco of season 2; they made an incredible season 1, which I rewatched several times. I didn't even watch one episode in season two, just fragments of it. Season 3 is useless to say that it does not attract me, knowing that it cannot bring any sparkle to the audience without SILA. The story of emanet was over when Naz made season two just to destroy everything when evils dominated all over the season; Sila was always dressed like a peasant, not like the wife of Yaman, a wealthy businessman
