How to Create a DAO - The Definitive Guide

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You've probably heard a lot about DAOs.
But have you ever thought about creating one?

If you have, but not sure where to start, this is your DEFINITIVE guide on how to create a DAO!
We will go over all the things you MUST know, before creating one:

1:07 - Objective of the DAO
The first thing that you need to create a DAO is understand why you even need one!
What's the objective of your decentralized autonomous organization?

2:45 - Finding & Building Community
Finding a community in crypto is hard. Building a community is even harder.
The prospect of standing in front of a million people on social media and shouting about your next crazy idea for a DAO seems exciting. But that is not so easy. There are so many DAOs that are in existence today, and so many already have a dedicated community that supports them.
And new DAOs are springing into existence every single day. How can you distinguish yours?

4:50 - Understanding DAO Governance
DAOs are self-governed entities. That means no singular entity is responsible for making decisions for the entire DAO. This is where governance comes in.
In a DAO, governance is shared by all the members. Thus if you create a DAO today and invite me as a member - then I can vote on any decision that the DAO makes in the future.
What are these decisions?

6:38 - Encoding Rules and Deployment
You've probably heard that smart contracts are immutable.
What that means is once deployed, these contracts and the rules that are written in them cannot be changed.

7:41 - DAO Unique Features
There are some intrinsic features that help us distinguish a DAO from a traditionally structured organization.

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Рекомендации по теме

When does the technical video on creating a DAO roll out that was referenced in this excellent starter video?


If a DAO hires a professional to do work for them. Who gets to create the tasks for this person? Does every task given needed to go through a vote? Won’t that move too slow? Or not focus enough? Similarly, does the group decided whether this person is doing a good job or not?


Very Informative.
Sincerely, I just learnt what a Decentralised Autonomous Organization is for the first thing.
Thanks for these wonderful explanations


Smooth Trev, thanks! Allright, Im gonna get work on my DAO and then Im gonna hit you up personally cause I wanna be LEGENDARY!


In a DAO. Since decisions are decentralized, do you get into a situation where there are too many cooks in the kitchen and decisions therefore are slow and indecisive?


Thanks you mate, I'm actually looking for some tools to create a DAO for my nft music label 💪🏽💯


I'm working on a few DAOs right now one if a family trust kind of thing and one is an unbanking DAO another one is more complicated and I wont get into it here but it involves creating an inner circle of influence in your network of people... and I am also working on a game/ games that will be DOAs


Great job, it helps me a lot, thanks


Hi just watched how to create a DAO where can i find part 2 please


i think you just gave me the best idea ever about a DAO! thank you


Thanks a lot Trev - that actually helped a lot. I work in a design team on a web3 project. We consider to make a DAO so we would decide on which further projects we participate with and invest our time. I‘m wondering if a DAO would hold its own funds later on or if it‘s only the governance layer where decisions are made


Very informative 👏 . Getting lots of good things .


Hey question i have tried listing on cmc for like amonth and have nothing and see people posting will smith slap coins the morning after...who do i gotta blow to get a listing here?


Hello, can you tell me if there is a DAO for real estate developers?


we are starting a DAO that is a conglomerate of different industries, what advise will be there for partnership with other DAOs


dao functions has to be writen in the token smarcontract ?
/ can I create token and then make DAO around that token later?


Great video!
When are you going to publish the video about Encoding Rules and Deployment?
That'd be the next most interesting part!


That was really interesting. I love the idea os self-govoernance and DAOs. Are there any examples of DAOs where people can make decisions about their cities? Specifically is there an example of a DAO governing a city? Or is it just utopia.


The empty space makes the bowl useful?


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