'One Electron Wonder: John Wheeler's Mind-Blowing Theory Explained!'

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Dive into the enigmatic world of subatomic particles with our latest video as we unravel the mysteries surrounding the electron. Despite their abundance, could it be that there's only one electron navigating through the fabric of time? Discover how these fundamental particles, seemingly identical yet opposing, challenge our understanding of the universe. Join us as we delve into the audacious theory proposed by physicist John Wheeler, suggesting that electrons and their antimatter counterparts, positrons, are manifestations of the same entity traversing through both space and time. While Wheeler's proposal sparks captivating questions, it also confronts the puzzle of matter-antimatter asymmetry. Journey through the realms of quantum mechanics with us, exploring the tantalizing possibilities and perplexing conundrums that lie within.
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Trillions of electrons you say?? Horsefeathers!


This explains nothing to me. All protons have the same charge and mass, so why aren't all protons the same one?


I've heard this idea so many times but it was never meant to be taken seriously.


Fritz Swicky was another physicist with a penchant for crazy and absurd ideas and explanations. But one out of ten of his ideas were really groundbreaking. I suspect Wheeler was the same way. And the one electron idea was one of his crazy ones.


I would have thought that this would have been a better argument for the Photon. They after all travel at the speed of light and from their perspective time and space does not exist as we know it. They are in effect everywhere at the same time.


Okay, form and function. Why this cleverness?


Fractals. Look at the structure inside an individual cell, then an image of JWT identifying structures. At one level, we are functioning autonomous intelligent beings. At another we are some nutrients in a biology that simply consumes and expels so that Life survives. At another, we are an infinitesimal super structure where our solar system/biosphere/existence is merely a moment where a cell in a body recognizes that it is part of a sentient body that exists independently of our comprehension or structures. Quantum consciousness. We have glimpses of how all of space and time can be seen and understood from one being's perspective. At another level, does an atom of oxygen or nitrogen within your body have any idea of its role in your metabolic existence?


Maths can create some very weird rabbit holes


One billionth of a second is to fast for us to experience, so I guess it’s fair to say that in that amount of time time we are not conscious. Matter and atoms move a distance that is so small, that we are not conscious while they are covering that tiny distance. The time frame we are conscious of is made up of time frames where we are not conscious, so how can we be conscious at all. Now let’s imagine that we are forever looking at a screen that never change’s colour. That screen would continuously be in the present, or would it. You see, our consciousness involves time, like a moving environment or clock. We get a personal sense of how long we’ve been staring at this unchanging screen, and our thoughts are changing. So now this is the opposite as mentioned above. Our consciousness is moving forward in time, but the screen we are staring at is unchanging, nonetheless the screen has to be moving forward in time because our consciousness is. We also need to visualise a colour to be a conscious being, whether we look at or imagine it. Now let’s say this screen we are looking at is what we are imagining and there’s no physical thing we are looking at. If so, then this screen we are imagining becomes the physical thing we are looking at. If for the whole time we are looking at this unchanging screen we were not conscious, it would seem to us that the screen would change to another colour in the blink of an eye, because we don’t have any memory of being unconscious (such as in a billionth of a second).

If a number of people were zero dimensional points that were mixed together to form one single zero dimensional point, every one would agree with what number they are looking at because every one would be all one zero dimensional point. No one could have a different opinion. Imagine if you keep mixing an infinite number of pinballs that are the same size forever, and you still end up with one pinball that is the same size. That’s what it would be like if you kept mixing zero dimensional points together, you would still end up with one zero dimensional point without any dimensions. These zero dimensional points may not be in any space, or separated by any space, but be separated by time. One way to leave the point that you and the other points are part of and enter the other multi point point would be to disagree with the other points you’re mixed with on what number you are looking at. Or another way would be to just forget the number. If one individual point mixed in with another point composed of a number of points, it would still be like two individual points mixing together, so this individual point would make the multi point point its mixing into half as different then the individual point would become meaningless because it would now be part of one point. Or could this individual point completely take over the multi point point so the multi point point becomes as meaningless as one point mixed in with a multi point point, following by the individual point that is taking over (as it to is now part of a multi point point. What makes four four or what makes nine nine. Four is made of two twos, so are you looking at four or two. Nine is made of three threes so are you looking at nine or three. All numbers are really just the digit one that is a certain length up the number line. What if all colours were the digit one a certain way up the colour line. If every point in the multi point point agreed on a number, but switched the number for the colours of the number and background.
Our sense of being zero dimensional, so could we theoretically be zero dimensional points. Would we be one individual point. Or would we be a number of points scattered around mixed in with other points and separated at the same time. We can not experience a billionth of a second, so during this short time frame we don’t exist. We need to be focusing on a colour to have a sense of being, wether we are imagining it or looking at it physically. If we were not focusing on a colour, or did not have a sense of being for 100 years, the 100 years would go by like a flash, because we wouldn’t have any memory of not having a sense of being (such as a billionth of a second). If you had say 9 different thing, the reason they would not be different is because they would all be in the same category of being a different thing. To escape this and get something that is a different category, you have to look at the gaps or boundaries in between numbers, the are different than the digit ones each side of them that make numbers. Could we just have two multi point points, one being a digit one, and the other being a boundary in between numbers. Could you really count boundaries in between numbers, could we develop a new kind of logic based on boundaries in between numbers. You can’t see what space is made of because the blocks or material the make space would not contain space. Imagine a nut and jellybean made one. You can’t see what the jellybean and nut are made from because the stuff that makes the jellybean doesn’t make the nut, and the stuff that makes the nut doesn’t make the jellybean. What if the jellybean and nut was overall space, not mattering them both being next to each other, or miles or light years apart. Just as the building blocks that make space wouldn’t contain space (making you blind towards them), you can’t see what both the jellybean and nut are made from, because the stuff that makes the jellybean doesn’t make the nut and the stuff that makes the nut doesn’t make the jellybean. Think of a tank filled with jellybeans and nuts. The jellybeans and nuts would be the cause of the stuff inside the tank to exist, at the same time the jellybeans and nuts (being overall space) could be outside the tank, each ones existence being caused by what ever they are made out of. So if time stops, and every thing freezes, the cause of something doesn’t stop because the existence of things is caused by whatever they are made out of. Imagine if you keep mixing hundreds or an infinite amount of pinballs together that are exactly the same size, and you still end up with one pinball the same size. That is what would happen if you kept mixing zero dimensional points together. Our sense of being is zero dimensional, so would it be theoretically possible to all be mixed together not physically, but as zero dimensional points. Say you have one zero dimensional point composed of a large number of zero dimensional points which is still one point, and one individual point is mixed in. That individual point would make that group of points half as different, and then be countless as it is now mixed in with the group of points. Or would this one point devour the group of points making them twice as different and take over so the group of points become countless along with the individual point. If these two points were the only two colours that existed, they would have to each become twice as different to turn into each other, and have to both become half as different to turn into two colours that don’t exist. If there’s a red square on the left and blue square on the right, and both squares switch places infinitely fast, both squares would be on opposite sides infinitely fast before being on opposite sides continuously. Would it be possible for the squares to stay on the sides they are on, then suddenly be on the sides they are on infinitely fast without switching sides in the first place. If they did that it would be like they had suddenly switched sides even though they haven’t, like a sort of lie.
