Edible DIY Soil Layers (Very Easy and Tasty!)

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Abedeen International School Remote Learning

SCIENCE LESSON (Continuation)
Day: Thursday
Date: 9.4.2020
Time: 11.45-12.30

Here comes EDIBLE SOIL LAYER PROJECT! My ingredients might not be the same as yours, but hey you can alter the ingredients as long it follows the state of every layer. Let's learn layers of soil..Refer to the photo, memorize and retell the whole story to your family members. Below are the other alternatives if you don't have the ingredients I used.

1. Chipsmore Cookies (Bedrock)
-any type of other cookies as long in ONE PIECE

2. M&M's (Parent Material)
-any types of nuts

3. Choco Ice-cream (Subsoil)
-Choco pudding

4. Cookie crumbs (Topsoil)
-any type of other cookies, crushed
-crushed cereals

5. Coconut flakes and Pocky Sticks (Organic Matter)
- gummy worms
- choco rice
- chopped apples/grapes/bananas etc

These variants of Soil Project will excite you and at the same time accompany you during these hot sunny days!
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Thanks my school sent us this video for a project


Oh my god you are a legend that you making this taste thing😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 ❤ you


Yeah yeah i will make soil layers from this
