Rewriting The Jedi Code (Why the Jedi Order Has a Lot of Issues)

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As a Star Wars fan, something always felt lacking from the Jedi Code. The way it is phrased does not seem to reflect the true ideas of the Jedi order, or help Jedi achieve the best versions of themselves. So, taking inspiration from Jolee Bindo, I decided to rework the Jedi Code in a way I feel reflects Jolee's views of the order, and would let Jedi express their individuality. I feel like this code would also help young Jedi like Anakin Skywalker, who are not allowed to express their emotions.

#StarWars #KOTOR #Jedi

*I do not own any of the scenes shown from Knights of the Old Republic*
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You had me at "Find, Seek, Learn, Search, Understand, Become." Those objectives will make for a satisfying life, no matter how you slice it.

Strong work.


wait, this is literally EVERYTHING i've ever had a problem with about the jedi order!! growing up i always wanted to align myself with the jedis but struggled with the black/white nature of their code. i never understood how something could be that absolute, with no room for error, really. but WOW, your new code is so much better. it COMPLETELY fixes the original!! it's learning & growing & finding strength by acknowledging all aspects of life & choosing to work harder at being the best version of yourself for the universe, and it's so good! i wish there was a way to make this the official wording, honestly. (also i had never heard of jolee bindo but he sounds like a very iconic jedi, i feel like the movies definitely missed out on including him :/) this is such a great dissection of the code & a rewrite!!!!


I simply love this, it should just go viral! One thing I personally really like, is how "in love, understand the light" perfectly captures that love will indeed save you, when used correctly, and that there are darkness in certain kinds of love.


The KOTOR games had such great analyses of the Force and the Jedi. They may no longer be canon, but in my head they still are! I liked your analysis a lot as well!


Why doesn't this video have more likes/views? I have noticed these flaws in the code myself yet have been unable to articulate exactly why I found them problematic. Great take on this subject - it's a fantastic resource for a fanfiction I'm working on!


The code itself was changed and revised over the course of the jedi order's history. Luke reformed the order and made a revised code and placed emphasis on the code being something that should be understood not dogmatic. The code describes the reality of the star wars universe. Qui gon had problems with the code but he followed it in the sense that he saw it as something that should be understood and not blindly followed. The jedis adherence to detachment was a paradox as jedi protect the galaxy and somewhat establish friendships which is an attachment as they are attached to their roles as keepers of the peace. This creates a problem for the jedi as they should try to connect with the people they protect and look after their interests and not be secluded monks and also that they should be allowed to marry. Luke saw this as pivotal for the jedi, as he encouraged his students to go out and explore the galaxy and meet new people. This answered the question on how can the jedi be keepers of the peace but they don't try to connect with others and understand them? The code that the jedi followed that prohibited attachments was defective but when Luke came and brought a new code it became much better.


Omg you gave so much information behind the scene 👏🏻
You are a intelligent 👌


Love defines who you are a person. Powerful . And yes passion can lead to the dark side but you're right, if we could control it, no dark side.


I've long had similar problems with the Jedi Code. I like your solutions!


I grew up playing Kotor and Kotor II.... gosh I probably played it for 7 hours a week from 7th grade to my Sophomore year of High School. One thing I do love about the Expanded Universe is how Luke Skywalker really reinvented the Jedi Order and tossed out a lot of the teachings and philosophies of the Old one. In my opinion its not the Jedi Code that is flawed but rather its interpretation of it that was corrupted by the institutionalization of the Jedi Order over the thousands of years of the its existence, especially as the Order kept adding on rules and regulations which didn't have to do with the code at all. For example the main reason why the Jedi put a taboo on marriage was because they feared really powerful Force Sensitives having children and thus creating a dynasty meaning they couldn't control them as was the case with Bastilla and Revan who's descendant Satele would one day become the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Awesome video!


Great stuff. I can see this as the sort of Code Rey would adopt along her future journeying.


Oh my, there is so much information behind the movies and the code 🖤


Great, comprehensive video! Looking forward to the next one


You are very wise Annie. Your code is what the Jedi in the High Republic are about in away. Being understanding and willing to help those that fall instead of trying to destroy them out of fear like the Clone Wars Jedi. Your code is equal to the Grey Jedi code


Oh wow, this was really interesting to watch and hear more about the code! I love your accent!


I love this so much!! Such an interesting video!!


May the force be with you always. Your code will assist me on my path of becoming a Jedi. I am great full I have stumbled across your video and hope to see more useful ones. Are you a Jedi or are you just a star wars fan?


Loved your interpretation!! Especially that my baby Anakin was misunderstood 😂 Great video!


Thanks for sharing this hun! Loved it 🙌🏻


I showed my BF this video and I’ve never seen him listen so intensely xD
