Emanet 558. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 558

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It’s been 3 months since Seher’s death. Aziz gets blamed for Seher's death, who is actually the victim of a nefarious trap. Topal, who is the real instigator for the murder, takes over the family empire with his brother's blood in his hands, while he does his best to have Yaman imprisoned, but he cannot reach his goal. In the past three months, Yaman is acquitted of the crime even though he was taken into custody for killing Aziz.

After Seher's death, Yusuf shut himself to the outside world. On the one hand, Yaman mourns his dead wife, on the other hand, he wants to make his dear nephew laugh again. But the solutions Yaman found are proven useless. Yaman tries many ways to get his nephew back to the way he was before. One day, a stranger comes to the mansion. How will this stranger who suddenly entered their lives affect the lives of Yaman and Yusuf? Will Yusuf, who closed his heart to the whole world, smile again?

Рекомендации по теме

¡YAMAN KIRIMLI EN PRISION! ¿ME VAS A CONVERTIR EN UN ASESINO? -- La mirada triste y determinada de Yaman es sorprendente cuando lo llevan a prisión. El oficial le quita las esposas y entra. Se ponen de pies los presos. Yaman los observa a todos. Yaman va a ocupar una cama y el preso líder le dice: está ocupado. Yaman lo mira y sigue para otra cama. Preso líder: también está ocupado. Yaman lo mira y el preso líder dice: de hecho, si te fijas, todos están ocupados. Yaman lo toma de la camisa y le dice: yo en tu lugar haría lo mismo. No me gustaría respirar el mismo aire, que un narcotraficante. Yaman lo tira al suelo. Yaman dice: recuerda esto… yo soy Yaman Kirimli, ni siquiera mi nombre puede estar relacionado con drogas. ¡Esa vil calumnia fue lanzada sobre mí! Limpiare mi nombre lo antes posible. ¡Si alguien habla contra mi honor o mi familia, tu muerte estará en mis manos! Entré aquí inocente, no debo salir como un asesino… Yaman toma su bolsa y se va a otra cama.

Los malvados celebran en casa de Idris. Idris cuenta el dinero y dice: nunca olvides la fecha del día de hoy, Kazim. Hoy estoy resurgiendo de las cenizas, Kazim. Con demasiada frecuencia hemos inundado a Kirimli con nuestra venganza. Se estará preguntando quien le hizo esto y lo puso en prisión. Nedim los mira sonriente. Idris; hagamos nuestro día aquí. Kazim: lo que esperamos, finalmente sucedió, hermano. Idris: ehh… gracias a mi cuñado. Nedim: te mereces el dinero, si no hubieras enviado al asesino como abogado, con la cuerda para Fuat, ahora estuviéramos en lugar de Yaman, adentro en prisión. Idris: no llegamos ayer, espera cuñado, espera un poco más, tú vas agradecer el valor de mi inteligencia todos los días. Lo entenderás mejor. Puede que no hayamos ido a la escuela, pero ahora nos hemos convertido en profesores de esto. El nombre del demonio Idris no apareció en el mundo por nada; vamos a escribir ese nombre con sangre... con sangre.

Nedim: pero ahora hay algo para mi más importante a seguir… Nana. Dado que el mayor obstáculo frente a mí ha sido eliminado, ahora es el momento de expandir mi plan con Nana. Idris: vamos con calma cuñado; a ver, no corras tan rápido. Porque se le puede atascar una piedra en los pies. Nedim: ¿por qué? ¿Qué más debo esperar? Nosotros nos encargamos de todo; Yaman obtuvo lo que merecía; tiene garantizado ir a la cárcel. Idris le dice a Kazim: cuenta este también; y le da el dinero. Idris: Ya conoces a Nana. Ella es como Yaman. Entre ellos no hay diferencias. Ella es terca, ella lucha hasta la última gota sangre, si quieres vencerla; necesitas asegurarte que no tenga esperanzas. Necesita sentirse tan impotente, como un ternero atrapado. Ella necesita sentirse así; para aceptar tus condiciones, de lo contrario tu plan fallará. Nedim; tienes razón. Vamos a ver cómo se van todas sus esperanzas. Idris: me gusta. Kazim todavía sigue contando, Idris le dice: Kazim, ¿alguna vez habías contado nuestra riqueza?

Hala ora en su habitación. Nana toca y la tía le dice: ven hija mía, ven. Nana: ¿pudiste terminar tu oración? Hala; ya lo terminé, me ibas a decir algo. Nana: si, mañana hay visita; ¿que necesitas? ¿qué debemos llevar? Hala; ya arreglé todo, no lo pienses, no puedes ir. Nana: ¿porque no puedo ir? Si no puedo ir; no podre quedarme quieta. Lo hare, necesito ir. Hala: no lo harás, niña, porque las reglas de la visita son claras; solo pueden entrar los parientes de primer grado, lo dijo el Sr. Cenger. Nana; pero yo soy su legado (Emanet); ¿no es considerado un legado un familiar de primer grado? Hala: existen leyes y reglas, hija mía. ¿Tienes algún documento de identificación que pruebe este legado? Es solo una promesa dada. Dime si tienes algo que decirle, y se lo diré a mi hijo. Vamos, deja que Dios te de consuelo. Nana triste: a ti también. Nana se va y Hala sigue orando.


During Khala's visit to the prison, Khala told Yaman that he will pass this test too! Yaman comforted his Khala telling her not to worry still nothing was over and still his case was going on! He told her that he will prove his innocence in the court! Then Khala told that Allah has always been Great and he should be patient! Then Khala asked Yaman whether Yaman was fine and whether he has any problem? Yaman told her that he was fine and he asked her about Yusuf and others in the mansion! Then Khala told him that every one in the mansion was good and all were waiting to see him! Khala told Yaman that every one in the mansion was waiting to see the end of this period as soon as possible! Then Yaman held her hand and told her that he didn't want to see her sad and his mind will stay with her. Then Khala told him that she was fine and she got emotional due to her old age! Then Yaman thought in his mind that the officials in the prison wouldn't have given the permission to the Governess to come here! Then, when Khala asked him whether he has anything to tell any one, Yaman told her to tell the Governess to take care of Yusuf well. Then Yaman assured her that he was fine and she need not worry about him and he kissed Khala's hand as a sign of saying Good Bye! Then they both hugged each other and Khala saw Nana's entry in to that room and she was shocked to see Nana there!!!😂😂😂


a maior injustiça dessa novela é Ferit ser enganado e não saber que é o ´pai da menina Dodô... Ele faz tudo, arrisca a vida, já salvou essa mulher e a criança várias vezes e não sabe a verdade. É triste ver isso


Yaman sat on his bed and started to read Nana's letter in complete peace! Nana had addressed Yaman as Dear Yaban! Then in her letter, she had written: I believe with all my heart, you don't give up! We will overcome this trouble together! I will not leave you alone! Nana too started to read Yaman's letter, placing her hand on her heart and she was very happy that for the first time he had addressed her as "Nana" in his letter! ❤❤ Yaman, was reading Nana's letter in which she had mentioned that once I told you that I will follow you as your shadow! You are not alone! No matter what we will go through, we will go through! I will not give up on you! I will not let you go! Nana was reading Yaman's letter in which, he had written to her that she will not walk alone! He made a promise to her brother that she was entrusted to him and she will remain as his legacy and he will never walk away from her! Both Yaman and Nana have assured each other that what ever may happen in the future, they both will never leave each other alone and they will always be together! ❤❤❤
When they both think alike, when they both love each other equally, we need not worry about their future. They both are ready to face any problem / an enemy with their strong will power and determination and with their mutual love, support and great understanding!!


Nana’s presence is the best thing happened to Emanet, especially Yaman. Love their chemistry 💜


Piękny odcinek❤❤❤...ich listy są przepełnione miłością 🎉❤😊


After Nana came back the her room, she was worried about what Khala told her. Nana was not in a position to accept that she can not meet Yaman and she can not talk to him! 😢😢 Poor Nana wanted to meet Yaman and she wanted to tell him that he need not worry and he will be able to come out of the prison. Then she told to herself that if she can't see him, she will write a letter that he was not alone! ❤❤ Then Nana took the writing pad and started to write a letter to Yaman! 😍😍At the same time, Yaman in his cell remembered the moment in which he told Nana, while passing his fingers through her hair : Nana Maryam, you will not give up and as always, you will tie your hair up and you will stand tall and you will never give up! And Nana told him that she will not give up and both together will fight against their enemies. Yaman thought that she was sad and he should make her know that he will not give up easily and she should know that she should give strength to Yusuf and he also thought how he will make all this possible and when he saw his cell mate, writing a letter, he asked his another cell mate whether he has a pen and that cell mate gave a pen to Yaman and Yaman too was all set to write a letter to Nana!! 😍😍😍👏👏👏


For all those that did not see the notice from MsCleo posted yesterday, due to personal reasons in each of the lives of Mihrilee, Zahida and MsCleo they are no longer able to translate for us. I know we are all saddened by this as they have spoiled us. Maybe we could put enough pressure on the production team for English sub-titles if only we knew who to contact. They should realize it would only help their ratings as people from around the world enjoy this series but so many of us don't speak Turkish. If I knew had to translate I would be more than happy to do it, but at the age of 75 I have no clue how to even start 😒 You can understand most of whats going on by using the auto-translate function and just the body language of Yaman and Nana.


Nana, who was standing next to Yaman in the visitor's room, hugged Yaman, the moment Khala left that room!! Nana hugged Yaman and she felt very happy and she was in complete peace!! 😍😍😍Then Yaman told her to sit down on the chair and after that Yaman told her that really she was a Goat and there will be no other explanation for her name! 😂😂 Then she told him that she missed him so much and she also told Yaman that he too should tell her that he too missed her very much and he should call her as Dear/ darling! Then, when Yaman looked at her in complete shock, she told him that if they didn't make the Guardian to believe in what ever she has told him, they will not let them to meet again! Then Nana reminded Yaman by hitting his shoe with her shoe and Yaman told her "I too missed you, Dear!" Nana was extremely happy to hear such a sweet sentence from Yaman and then she looked at the rosary, which Yaman had worn around her wrist and she asked him, was this always with you? When Yaman shook his head to tell "Yes" to her, Nana showed her chain with the last rosary bead and told him that the last bead was with her and they both will be patient! Then Nana told Yaman that he will be able to get out of that place soon, then Yaman asked her how was Yusuf? Then Nana told him that Yusuf wanted to see him very much and he wanted to come there! Then Yaman told that she did a good thing that she didn't bring him there!
Then Yaman told her that it might take longer than they thought for him to get back home, Nana held his hand and told him that no matter what will happen, it will get over! Then Nana told him that the guardian was looking at them, that's why she held Yaman's hand! 😂😂😂Then the Guardian announced that the visiting time was over, both Yaman and Nana got up from their seats and Yaman took a letter from his shirt pocket and gave it to Nana and Nana too gave a letter to Yaman! Nana was in complete shock and she asked him, did you write a letter, was it for Canukam ( Yusuf)? Yaman told her : NO! It was for you! Nana didn't expect that Yaman would give her such a sweet surprise to her, she looked at Yaman's eyes in dis belief, happiness, in shock and then she told him that she too wrote a letter to him! ❤❤❤I thought, may be, if I will not be able to see you!! Then both Yaman and Nana looked at each other and the officer gave the announcement for the second time that the visiting time was over! Then Nana told Yaman that she will come again! Yaman and Nana were so sad and they looked at each other as if they didn't want to get separated and when finally Nana started to move to go out, Yaman hugged her by putting his hands around her!! Yaman told her that Guardian was looking at them!! 😂😂 Then he told Nana to go now and Nana, before she went out of that room door, she stood and looked back at Yaman so lovingly and Yaman too looked at her and then Nana left the room!! Today's NanYam's meeting turned out to be such a beautiful and memorable meeting for both of them!!


Ayse, you should tell to Ferit he is the real father Doga. He deserve it for everything. ❤


Mis momentos super favoritos. el abrazo de ambos que según Yaman, era porque el guardia los estaba mirando. jejejejejej. La emoción de Nana al ver su nombre con la letra de Yaman en una carta para ella. Si fuera yo mandara a enmarcar la carta y la guardaría para toda la vida. jejejejeje Eso es un salto muy grande y significativo. Mis otros momentos favoritos: 1-Nana y Yaman escribiéndose cartas. 2- El cuento de Nana al guardia de la cárcel de que ella es la prometida da Yaman y que ni se pudieron casar...con fotos de los anillos y todo jejejejejej😅😅😅(la amo) 3- El bizcocho que le hizo Nesce a VOlkan y la reacción de él al sentir el toque de ella en sus labios...uy!!! Cupido ya lo flechó...4- Toda la entrevista de Nana y Yaman, 5- El hermoso hecho de que ambos corrieran a leer las cartas, Nana apenas saliendo de la puerta de la prisión y Yaman tan ensimismado que ni siente lo que pasa alrededor . Y ultimo, el hecho de que ambos terminaran las cartas con las mismas palabras... 🥰🥰🥰


It was needless to say that both Yaman and Khala were in shock when the Guardian of the prison told Yaman that Nana, who claimed herself as Yaman's fiancee convinced the officer by showing the proofs of their unfinished wedding and he too let her to meet Yaman! Bravo Nana!! 👏👏👏😍😍😍
Then that officer told Khala that she didn't seem to be okay and he took her along with him to leave her in the exit!!
( We must thank all our stars that the officer took Khala away from that place, so that our NanYam will be able to talk to each other freely with out being watched by Khala's eagle eyes!! 😂😂


Nana, you nailed it😂😂😂, what an idea, Akca hala even Yaman got shocked 😍😍😁 but the way she hugged Yaman it was so natural, so beautiful, she really enjoyed her game of fiancee 😂😂, Yaman too liked to play fiancee, canim😍😍😍


Wenn die Serie jemand nicht gefällt, muss man sie nicht anschaun.
Aber jedes Mal so schlecht über Halil reden, so verhalten sich doch keine Erwachsene Menschen.
Er macht einen verdammt guten Job.
Er ist Schauspieler mit Leib und Seele.


Now this time of farewell Yaman took her in his arms saying guard is looking ❤❤😍both hugged with warmth of love and desire for each other❤❤❤


Solo recuerda lo que dijo Veli, nunca olvides la historia del hombre y su sombra; en este camino, nunca caminaras sola; te lo prometo. Te dije que eres mi Emanet. Tu me has sido confiada.” Ambos leen: nunca te diré que no… NANYAM!!! 😭🏹🧿


Nasza Nanusia, jest sprytna..😅...wszystko zrobi, by zobaczyć ukochanego 😅😅😅😅😅❤


The hug just melted my heart. Nana and Yaman both needed this hug to just calm their disturbed hearts. This hug acted as remedy


Ah ❤this separation brings NanYam closer, 😍😍 they both missed each other so much that for the first time they thought of writing letters to eachother.❣️♥️❤ No Nedim, no Idris will end the true love, the hope between them as NanYam's bonding is greater than Nedim's evil❤❤❤


Yaman Kirimli caminando enérgicamente, con su orgullo intocable, rumbo a la prisión 😔 sabe que son tiempos difíciles pero nunca se rendirá y menos ahora, porque a su lado camina también una guerrera 💪
Un hombre, como Yaman jamás se dejará intimidar, acorralar, él es un guerrero, él es Yaman Kirimli 💥 y nadie cuestionara su honor, luchará hasta el final, así lo deja claro frente a todos sus adversarios en la celda de la prisión.
Nana anhela visitar a Yaman pero no sé puede, ella es sólo un Emanet...eso la deja triste, sin embargo, su amor lo manifiesta con algo sumamente romántico una carta 💌 y Yaman Kirimli anhelado y haciendo lo mismo (es bellísima esa conexión emocional) nos dejó suspirando ese momento en qué Yaman y Nana tratan de escribir ✏️ sus respectivas cartas (la letra hermosa de nuestro Yaman 😍) sin poder ocultarlo más, los deseos, sentimientos, emociones de amor fluyen y al final el amor, los sentimientos quedaron expuestos 💌 …. porque se dice que: "No hay disfraz que pueda largo tiempo ocultar el amor donde lo hay, ni fingirlo donde no lo hay"💓
( François de la Rochefoucauld)
Y Nana decidida a luchar por el amor de su vida, , su ingenio y audacia se hicieron presentes, ella no es pariente cercano, "tiene plan b"…uso el anillo 💍de la boda no realizada .."futura esposa"....esa es la actitud, resolver 😆 y una vez con un obstáculo menos, lo visita en la cárcel al verlo, no se contiene y le da un efusivo abrazo 🫂 ( es para fingir…sí.. cómo no 🤣) ….Yaman siguiendo el plan de Nana 😁 sin embargo ese abrazo lo desarma, le llenan el corazón esas muestras de amor ❣️ de Nana….y luego Nana reconfortando a Yaman le hace saber qué a pesar de su ausencia todo está bien, quiero llorar 😭 porque en estos momentos difíciles Yaman necesita aferrarse al amor de su familia, al amor y la valentía de su amada Nana y confía en qué su inocencia será comprobada y finalmente cómo ha reconfortado nuestros corazones, ver ese momento especial, amoroso entre Nana y Yaman, aunque en un principio, fue solo para aparentar, esa muestra de afecto fue tan natural y sincera ….¡Qué momento tan extraordinario!❣️ Por fin llegó ese abrazo mutuo 🫂💖….ese abrazo amoroso, de apoyo, de consuelo, en en ese momento se dijeron todo, no hicieron falta las palabras, se dijeron con la más tierna sutileza, estoy aquí para tí, lucharemos juntos y saldremos adelante 💓❤️ y Yaman lleva en su mano el rosario qué Nana le obsequio, qué por mucho tiempo se negó a usar, qué se rompió y que Nana arreglo y qué ella misma se lo volvió a dar, para qué recordará que no está solo en esta lucha, ese rosario es un gran símbolo, significa esa gran unión, esa esperanza, esa paciencia, resistencia y fuerza, porque Yaman y Nana se aman sobre todas las cosas.
Se entregan las respectivas cartas de amor 💌 ilusionados, su amor se ha fortalecido, sin importar la distancia ❣️….y comienzan a leerlas ¡Qué divinos! es sumamente bella, la emoción con que lo hacen😍💖
Por último les dejó un poema de esos qué llegan al corazón ❤ ️ de añoranza, de deseo, de anhelo por estar con la persona amada.
"Sólo quisiera ser uno de los motivos de tu sonrisa, quizá un pequeño pensamiento de tu mente durante la mañana, o quizá un lindo recuerdo antes de dormir. Sólo quisiera ser una fugaz imagen frente a tus ojos, quizá una voz susurrante en tu oído, o quizá un leve roce en tus labios. Sólo quisiera ser alguien que quisieras tener a tu lado, quizá no durante todo el día, pero de una u otra forma, vivir en ti."
(Gabriela Mistral)
