TOP 5 CHAMPS to SOLO CARRY Your Games in Wild Rift

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There's nothing called a 1v9 carry in wild rift, no matter how good you are no matter how smart you are, if your team is uncarriable (like most of the games), there's no chance to win


Rakan is really hard to play on solo q low elo because there's no certainty that your team can followup your plays. Just like thresh, thresh is a good support overall but if your team doesn't know to utilize your lantern you're pretty much all about landing hooks


QOTD: Leona. I know that she's not really hard to play, but knowing how to play her well, is key to victory especially when the team lacks tanks.


QOTD: hosnestly we really need a jungler guide gameplay. Loke any jungler like olaf shyv an jax. Show jungle pathing so people can play better


I've just realized watching videos that give you tips of how to climb Challenger can't make you a Challenger in one day :) It's the accumulating experience that matters, after all. I truly hope that you guys can create videos related to how to analyze combat and learn to position in specific situations. That would help us a lot!


Unfortunately you're wrong about assassins being good in soloq, most assassins are hard to pilot.. and they actually die quite easily to bruisers. It's tanky fighters meta right now on WR. If you blind pick any assassin the enemy instalock bruisers, for a good reason. You can get fed as much as you like as a zed or khazix, if the enemy team has a fed Darius or Renekton it's basically over.


Man Wukong in the baron lane should be included here, He beats most meta baron laners and he can be built tank, bruiser or full on lethality. You can easily carry with him even without a lead plus most players dont know how to play against him since he is rarely picked, RIP jungle Wukong, carried me from plat to diamond in 1 week.


QOTD: Kha'Zix. It's time for me to leave my comfort zone of going in full unga bunga as a Tank and learn how to go in, kill the enemy adc, refuse to elaborate, then get out all sneaky like in quick succession as a walking jumpscare.


QOTD: Lee sin. He is a good jungle with a really strong early. I can play him mechanics wise but decision making based on his strengths and weaknesses is one the things im having trouble with, and finding opportunity early on.


As a Diana one trick main I can say that Diana is easy to play but it's hard to master u can get really creative with your kills but if you don't know how to back off with a escape route it's useless and the timing on every decision is crucial! So don't just learn how to attack with her but also learn how to escape using her 3rd ability and wards placement


Qotd: Camille. She’s a very hard champ to master but incredibly rewarding and I love champions like that. It’s why I main champs like Akali, ahri, and Irelia.


QOTD: Ezreal because I suck at hitting skillshots. Yet somehow I hit thresh and blitzcrank hook almost everytime


Qotd: renekton.. i just started learning him and i feel like he is super good like if you dont go 0/10 u are extreme tank in late game that can one shot everyone and with a good build even life steal 70%of hp with full furry q and i really want to learn him in early game cuz even tho i dont play bad i usually go like 2/5 but i ABSOLUTELY carry late game and in my last 3 games i was 11/5 24/3 and 9/5
Plus u can actually play him in mid as well as top so its kibda flexible and i seen only like 1 renekton ban


Qotd: Jayce when he gets released... never played him on lol PC but always wanted to... now i will finally do it


QOTD: other unique Jungle ones I think, , I wanna master all jungle champ, yep had many times more to learn


QOTD: If Yone would release in the coming patch, i would definitely learn more and more only about him


QOTD: Lucian. I am pretty good at using him (almost) but I still have a lot to learn about him.


QOTD: Lux and lulu…Ik they easy but am new to them. And vayne too but damn its tough


QOTD: I really want to learn how to use Diana, i don't know why but i'm so inlove with her specially with her Skills. There's a lot of go to plays to change the table around and also her Ult has a very large area effect where its so useful when it comes to Team Fight ♡︎


I'm so excited for Solar Leona. Please give us an update already 🥺
