Take the Network Marketing Skills Test - 2017 Episode #4

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It’s time to take inventory on your skills! Knowing your skill level is really important. In fact, self-awareness is one of the most important skills of an entrepreneur because once you see the gaps, then we can work together to create a game plan for your success in this coming year. You can’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best. That’s not gonna cut it if you truly want to have the best year of your life.

So, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for these 7 Fundamental Skills for Network Marketing success:
1. Finding Prospects
2. Inviting
3. Presenting
4. Follow-Up
5. Closing
6. Getting New People Started
7. Promoting Events

Where are you with these 7 skills? Comment below and let me know which one you rated yourself the worse on. Doing that will give me guidance on where I can best serve you.

Don’t sit on the sidelines like a tourist. If you want to want to become a Network Marketing professional, it starts here by becoming self-aware and taking inventory of your skills.

More resources:

Eric Worre is the world’s most watched and most trusted resource for Network Marketing training and support.

Since 2009, he has produced over 1,400 free videos for the Network Marketing community on virtually every topic. His training is now viewed by over 5 million people every single week.

In 2010, he created Go Pro Recruiting Mastery. An annual generic training event that has grown into the largest in Network Marketing history. Over 8,000 attended in 2015 and the next event in December 2016 has over 17,000 pre-registered.

In 2013, he released the International best-selling book “Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional”, which has sold well over 1 million copies to date and has become a “must read” for anyone who is serious about building their network marketing business.

In 2014, he released the documentary style film “Rise Of The Entrepreneur” which helps to dispel many of the misconceptions related to Network Marketing.

In 2015, along with his wife Marina, he created a new annual event called "The Most Powerful Women In The World" which is already the world's largest generic Network Marketing event for women.

To date, the Network Marketing Pro community has grown to over a million leaders from over 100 countries around the world.

As the most sought after speaker in Network Marketing today, he is engaged in an effort to raise all ships and allow this profession to truly take its proper place in this world as “a better way”.
Рекомендации по теме

Finding prospects : 7
Inviting : 2
Presenting : 5 (customers) 2 (business)
Follow up : 3
Closing : 2
Getting people started : 3
Promoting events : 2

I can’t wait to improve on these 7 skills, writting it really helped me

I’ll focus on closing, that is the skill the frustrates me the most and I want to be a pro at it


Literally starting out today! Excited! Finding Prospects - 5, Inviting - 4 Results - 3, Presenting - 6, Follow up - 3, Closing - 2, Newbis start up - 1, Promoting - 3.


skill set that needs improvement:
4. follow up - 1
5. Closing - 1
6. Duplication - 1
7. Promoting events - 2

Just finished your GoPro book and was really moved! my invitation skills went up! hope you could help me with my weaknesses Mr. Worre. thank you and God bless!


My low grades are in closing (1-3)
And in getting people started right (2)
I was very low in finding prospects and inviting but I developed my skills and now I'm much better at ~7-8 in the scale.
Thank you Eric for what you do to our great profession


Hey Eric! it is such an honor for me to have you as a mentor in 2017!
about these 7 skills, Ill be honest. Today i'm not Good enough in none of these. but the worst are below:
2 - invinting -level 2
4 - follow up - -level 4
5 - closing - -level 4
7- promoting events - -level 2

counting on you through 2017 to change these figures sir! have a great day!


My worst skills are (Sorted from worst):
1-Closing (Really need help on that)
2-Promoting Events
3-Get ppl started

I really appreciate for your help, I follow you almost everyday!


Finding prospects 4; inviting 2; presenting 4; follow-up 3; closing 2; Getting new people started 0 (no distributor as yet); promoting events 0 (haven't had one as yet)I am 7 months in the business.


All 7 areas I am a 1 on the scale. I am a baby in this field of marketing, and I have to start learning how to market my two home based businesses. Thank you.


Hi Eric...your poster child here, for self awareness about our Networking Skills. My biggest challenge is "getting new people started, " especially friends or family. I back off of closing to not be a pest, if that makes sense, although am considered a "closer." Thanks so much!


2016 I was low in 4, 5, 6. But I think this year I'm already getting better because of your teaching.


Prospecting! I'm not a 10 at anything but the more I listen to your teaching and put it into practice the better I become. Thank you!


Inviting is my biggest challenge.

Have been told to get person in front of computer so we can watch "together". So the invitation is a bit more involved... My company has a number of excellent short clips. My challenge is the set-up.... "showing", not "telling".


Who is still sharpening their skills through these amazing contents? As a professional you should always go back and revise your notes, sharpen your skills to bring out the best of yourself all the time.


thank you for making this video. first of all i would like to thank you so much for ur videos.
i find difficulty in skill no 3 ; presenting the opportunity and skill no 5 : closing up.


Finding prospects 2 major problem, follow up = 4 and keeping them in the business, more confidence
thank u !!


finding prospects, invitation, presenting, follow up, closing, new associate start up, promoting events.


finding prospect level 5
inviting level 3
presenting level 6
follow up 2
closing 1
getting started 1
promoting events 3


On all 7 skills I am on 1. I need a lot of work on all seven skills. Will be grateful to learn all 7 skills.


I am new to all of this. So I'm learning along the way on all the skills


Closing! I rated finding prospects as my highest, but I'm not doing it...busy with my real job...which is just an excuse! I need to make time! I'm committed to do that and grow my business in 2018. Thanks for the push!
