Raw garlic and lemons as a salad, man ate like the fucking grinch garetnuite
Raw garlic and lemons as a salad, man ate like the fucking grinch
Mussolini took two things very seriously - vampires and scurvy. zMNx
Mussolini took two things very seriously - vampires and scurvy.
Bro committed war crimes and ate war crimes pericoparakeet
Bro committed war crimes and ate war crimes
Whenever he burped a comical green cloud came out of his mouth DumbBunny
Whenever he burped a comical green cloud came out of his mouth
This is like what an alien would eat if it was trying to convince us it was Italian theewildrose
This is like what an alien would eat if it was trying to convince us it was Italian
As an Italian, i have no words, literally, Mussolini cut my vocal cords off Flowers_to_me
As an Italian, i have no words, literally, Mussolini cut my vocal cords off
Guess his love for garlic shows he wasn’t a vampire mrcharkes
Guess his love for garlic shows he wasn’t a vampire
Dude was the dictator of a nation with arguably some of the best food in the world and chose to eat this. lorenzodemedici
Dude was the dictator of a nation with arguably some of the best food in the world and chose to eat this.
Damn, he found a way to make garlic unappealing anaionescu
Damn, he found a way to make garlic unappealing
Bros got "im ugly and im proud" breath twentydixoncider
Bros got "im ugly and im proud" breath
The word "salad" is struggling here RiverRoestdeKunstenaar
The word "salad" is struggling here
His breath alone must have been a war crime. kayh
His breath alone must have been a war crime.
Alessandra mussolini's jpop album being popular is still the weirdest canon event ever -sofi-
Alessandra mussolini's jpop album being popular is still the weirdest canon event ever
Bro truly had nothing but hate in his heart 😭😂 isaiahmason
Bro truly had nothing but hate in his heart 😭😂
Raw garlic and red wine...the fucking heartburn man. sweetbabygirl
Raw garlic and red wine...the fucking heartburn man.
You know you ain't winning the war when your dictator starts eating like this snaak
You know you ain't winning the war when your dictator starts eating like this
bro's food choices are even more questionable than his political choices, and that's saying a lot l-schm
bro's food choices are even more questionable than his political choices, and that's saying a lot
This dude could've killed armies by just breathing on them huntakilla
This dude could've killed armies by just breathing on them
Bro really took the red pill for "you get to be a dictator but you have to eat shitty food" pokeiswho
Bro really took the red pill for "you get to be a dictator but you have to eat shitty food"
"Wow thats a great seasoning for the dish you are going to make ...oh" gledendarygaming
"Wow thats a great seasoning for the dish you are going to make ...oh"