Survive the AI Art Revolution
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Keep in mind I don't think any revolution is happening anytime soon. Nor will AI replace art jobs anytime soon. Most people hyping this idea have no idea how these markets function or what goes into production of games and other entertainment properties.
Getting the last 5-10% of quality out of a production takes a huge effort from many people, But getting that last 1 or 2% of art quality is often what makes all the money. Wait until AI can actually do things which are valuable... that artists are actually getting paid for right now. Then it's worth having the discussion. At that point it will still be many years before something like this becomes production ready. The idea that any of this is a few years away is just clickbait right now.
If you are worried about people selling prints of AI generated art... understand there is rarely any money in those markets anyway at the bottom end. Unless an artist has a huge audience and following that loves them and their work...they are going to find it really hard to make money selling merch and prints and stickers etc.
But it might happen one day. So in this video I try to break down the factors that go into building a good career from your art. And how things like AI might play into your options down the road.
There is no step by step advice or specific suggestions for what you should do. Because that will never work when talking about the future. You need to focus on understanding the terrain and positioning yourself skill-wise. Not on following some cookie cutter path.
The future is going to optimise for people taking advantage of their inherent interests and strengths on every level. So the more you focus on what makes you work and what gets you up in the morning the more chance you will have to create systems and business which can compete with automation.
This is a fun topic! Let me know your thoughts or additional questions in the comments. I'll make some follow up videos discussing what we can learn from AI generated Art.
If you want to use AI as a reason to quit art then go for it! Happy travels!
Happy Drawing!
Tim Mcburnie