Candace Carnahan - Workplace Safety Advocate | Inspirational Speaker

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Lauded as one of the “Faces of the Future” by Maclean’s magazine, Candace Carnahan uses her unique life lessons to inspire us to dismantle the roadblocks that hinder efficiency, while celebrating the attitudes and behaviors that promote success—whether personal or professional. Her triumph-over-tragedy story awakens others to embrace their inner strength and power.

With irrepressible energy, Candace taps into her own experiences to inspire audiences to realize their full potential. Candace shares her belief that having the Courage to Care through standing up for others is a transformational concept: “If You See Something; Say Something.”

The impetus behind her contagious enthusiasm was a devastating workplace incident at the vulnerable age of 21. It was an incident that might have taken her life, but most importantly, it was preventable. As Candace grew aware that “tomorrow” is a guarantee for no one, she adapted quickly—mentally and physically—to mobilize herself from a potentially paralyzing situation.

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