Overnight in the World's Scariest Lighthouse for 24 Hours

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We stayed overnight in the world's loneliest lighthouse!

We donated $5,000 to the restoration project and would love if you would check it out!

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"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 We love this verse and it is the driving force behind our videos and why we do what we do!

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Mad respect to the cameraman for this video. He's barely even in the video, and isn't talked about at all, but he's still there to get everything on tape for us. Good on you, man.


This is a lighthouse I’ve been studying for years. It’s my favorite one in the entire world. I wish this video had existed back when I began because I could’ve really used such a detailed tour of the interior back when I began my studies! I’m so absolutely jealous. I wish more history had been included, though. The longest period a keeper ever spent there without leaving was 99 days. Most men never returned after their first three week stint, which is typically how long they worked with a week off before heading back. No one really stayed for months at a time. It’s rumored one man in the 40s had to be taken off the island in a straight jacket because of how maddening the isolation was, but it’s never been confirmed. There was a radio transmission that had a man declaring that if they didn’t send a boat for him immediately, he was going to start swimming. I’m surprised y’all didn’t know someone died there after an explosion, either. The fire kept the other three men left to sit outside on the rock with only a tarp for cover before someone saw smoke and came to help them. So much more could’ve been included, but I digress because I still love this video. I’m glad it was able to be created. I hope enough money is raised for its restoration in my lifetime.


Captain David A. Kimar Passed away this year in January, with a continued passion for the Stannard Rock lighthouse mentioned in his obituary. Rest in Peace, Captain Dave.


I almost bought a lighthouse. It was a US decommissioned lighthouse on one of the Great Lakes up in Milwaukee. It was only $5000 and maybe 600 yards off the coast. Very rocky and hard to moor any boat to so I thought a sky ride would be cool to get on / off. I wanted to make it into a trendy restaurant / nightclub that’s one of a kind but… the problem was it gets horrible unbelievable weather during winter. Like huge swells as high as 60 feet crashing onto the lighthouse. Who wants to go eat at a swanky restaurant if you’re going to get drenched with cold freezing water. Oh well… just one of my many crazy dreams


1973, I was a Corpsman aboard a Guided Missile Destroyer out of Norfolk, we were out at Sea for over 6 months from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea, and, Adriatic, the sunsets just blew me away, just the whole adventure was a lifetime of memories, NEVER lose your spirit of adventure, now I am 70 yrs old, but, the memories of that time are vivid!!


As someone who loves his solitude, the cold, and fishing... I would love to rent this place for a week to escape from everything. Just seeing you guys here is making me jealous. My soul could do a lot of healing in a place like this.

Also... Cap'n Dave is a REALLY brave man trying to find this tiny little speck of a lighthouse in the fog. What a legend.


My question is how in the HELL did they build this thing??


This set up would make an incredible found footage horror film. Four guys went to film a fun YouTube video but the guy never came to pick them up, they ran out of food and slowly went insane. What a great concept. Someone make it!!!


I would volunteer to stay there a night that’d be so peaceful, just living like the old days for a moment and appreciating things we have


Shout out to Dave for getting them home through the fog


As a Michigander that travels, I am so entertained every time I meet someone that I can tell thinks you can just look across a Great Lake and see Canada or Wisconsin 😂 It’s many people…. With just no concept of how big the lakes are.


Captain Dave is my grandpa! We all watched the video together and thought it was great. I'm very grateful for you guys, he seemed happy with it.


The lighthouse keepers had quite a strict routine to follow, of observations, watch keeping, repairs & maintenance, cleaning, record keeping, ensuring the light was burning when it should, receiving & keeping account of supplies. Receiving mail & newspapers, signalling to passing vessels etc. They also read, studied & had hobbies & wrote letters, on top of fishing, cooking etc. Along with many old salts they did knotwork, sewed & knitted. Some lighthouse keepers made ships in bottles, or made models out of matchsticks or painted, or played a musical instrument. Some made small things to be sold later. Each would have had their bedspace with whatever photographs or books or prayers they kept. Many kept a record of sightings of birds & other wildlife & astronomical occurences, along with official observations of weather & sea conditions. All of which helped to pass the time. It was not a life for everyone but once you were into a routine, it was possible to get used to it, especially if you got on well with your companions.


There's nobody there. If you can heat the place and you have food and I assume a way to use the bathroom. Without just pooping over a rail. Honestly this is heaven.


by 14 minutes in I am literally afraid for the lives of these three children.

"is this a toy?"
Best comedy of the year right here.


When I was in the Coast Guard a couple decades ago, I was on the buoy tender out of Duluth. We serviced the Stannard Rock Lighthouse several times during my 3 years on the Sundew. I've been down in those tunnels in the day time and was freaked out. You guys are brave. The Rock of Ages Lighthouse over by Isle Royale has a similar base with tunnels spoking out around the round base. That one is supposedly haunted too. I really enjoyed the video, it brings back a lot a memories. Thanks!


Holy cow you guys should DEFINITELY do more videos like this. Staying overnight in famous haunted spots, imagine the attention that would get too like Shane and Ryan.


In 1 minute these guys let his boat slam against the structure (2-3 times) without bracing it properly at all, almost lost the rope, then kicked one of his poles into the water while climbing out 😂😂😂😂. That guy was so happy to have them off the boat he was just like “don’t worry about it just go”. As soon as they get on the island dude steps in puddles and gets his feet all wet. Why are you not in Waterproof boots man? Then dude somehow manages to backlash a spinning reel lined with mono 😂😂. And dude thinks st Elmo’s fire is just in pirates of the Caribbean…These guys are nightmares.


I'm a great lakes mariner by trade, we pass by Stannard Rock quite often traversing Lake Superior. We look at it off in the distance, and think about how we're grateful that we get to keep moving!


It’s really nice to find a channel that does this kind of stuff without yelling the entire time!
