Why the WOMAN you are Dating is PULLING AWAY & How to Fix It - Female Nature Explained

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This video will help improve your dating life quickly.

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You have really opened my eyes with your videos and 98 percent of what you say is true.Thank you very much♥️


This is exactly 100% true. Im doing these exact things. Im actually dating other women because my girlfriend of 4 years has pulled away. Seeing other women is totally working. Im changing her emotions so they work in my favor. Also, Casey citing Bilble scripture for dating examples is super strong and brilliant. God is good. God is real. God wants us to romance women.


I like the way you starterd talking long term interest now instead of short term game!

Making men understand the "why" and act accordingly in best interest of the relationship.

Good to see you made a change there.


don't do absolutely nothing. Go date other women and forget about her.


Shes totally testing my emotional resiliency. My kryptonite is not having emotional fortitude.


This. Precisely this right here. It has never failed me.


Or, she just may not be that in to you, and that's fine. If someone is pulling away, ask him/her about it. Believe them when they speak so you can decide if it's time to move on.


Is it ok if I walk away from the relationship because I don’t play game’s ?


People can say what they want about Casey’s advice, but on this topic, he is 100% correct!

I have dealt with my fair share of women and have broken up with all of them at some point. Lol. I have never seen where begging or trying to convince a girl to come back to you or love you again has ever worked as a permanent solution! Wild it’s true you can beg and hound and ask to get back with you, it’s almost always temporary, and she feels even less respect for you than she did when you first broke up. The chances of you breaking up again within the next six months are in the high 80 percentile.

It’s a little different in the reverse. A woman begging a man to come back to her is more successful, because men don’t expect women to be strong rocks! We admire when they’re humble and see the error of their ways. So we don’t penalize them for crying or, coming back to us in submission. However, women see men who do that as losers. Even if it’s just subconsciously.


Not even sure if i even care to save my relationship. Im ready for hotter, taller, more sophisticated, mo betta. I recommend Latinas


But why would someone do that if they really love you 😎


Thanks bro you help me unlock my true self. On me slam! 🍺


I’ve been dating this chick for a few month and things were going great and I fucked up and let my feelings and emotions aparent after some boundaries were crossed. This caused as we all know, for her respect and attraction to me dwindle a bit and for her to pull away. I went no contact and she reached out and we hooked up and spent the whole hooking up and doing what we do😈. We talked about taking a step back because things were moving fast and both of us were a little confused about wtf is going on. Anyways. We mutually agreed to take some space this week but have intentions of reconnecting. I think she is more wanting of this space as she had already started to pull away. I told her that she will need to contact me if she wants to connect again. And that I will be going no contact and doing my thing. Her birthday is in two days. Since we had talked about linking up still and approaching the relationship with a different pace, do I wish her a happy birthday or hold to my commitment to no contact and let her miss my presence that she has been unsure about as of late? Thanks in advance. Your videos speak absolutely truth. Thanks for your efforts in helping men be in charge of the game.


Man I blocker her then I watched you video. What do I do now


Or she has an avoidant attachment style and she'll emotionally abuse you and build a trauma bond. 😮


Too simple, the dynamics are a lot more complex, you can still contact her, just don't act desperate and needy, that's real weakness in her mind.


What if i arleardy messed it up can there be another solution


What if I don't need that intimacy, and only thing I need is my purpose


This man knows nothing about non toxic relationships I swear lmao
