Icom IC7300 A to Z #42 SWR Graphing Function

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NOTICE: In July 2021 the channel name changed from HamCuredSmoke
To Ham Radio A2Z. All of the earlier videos (like this one) are still available.

In this video we will look at how to graph the SWR of your antenna over a range of frequencies. This handy, built-in function is a great way to see how broad your antenna is and how the SWR looks across an entire band or segment of a band that you're interested in. This function works with or without an antenna tuner in the circuit. So you can see how well your antenna is tuned or you can see what kind of tuning range a non-resonant antenna has when using a tuner.
Рекомендации по теме

After returning to amateur radio after a 16 year absence, it was refreshing to see this series on the IC-7300. Thanks for the effort it took to put this together. It was extremely helpful in getting back up to speed with this rig.


I really appreciate seeing a video that covers proper etiquette and FCC compliance while tuning. Lot's of folks just hold the tuner button and go.


Hi Tom, beginner here and my ICon 7300 is on the way! You have definitely made this radio MUCH less intimidating.! Thanks so much for putting these features into plain English.


Thank you very much for putting together such a comprehensive library of videos on the IC-7300. I will be rewatching these for years.


Tom, your tutorials result in new adventures for me. I am saddened that I am not able to glean this amount of detail from the manual on my own. Therefore, please know how much your dedication to details, your work making these presentations mean to me. Thank you so much.


What can I say but thanks, Tom! I just bought a 7300 two days ago. I haven't received it yet but I feel like I already know it from watching all of these excellent videos. I hope top meet you on the air to thank you in person! :)


Tom: Watched all 42 episodes of your ICOM IC-7300 A to Z Series and found them to be superior over the dry reading of the manual. I just passed my Tech/General exam, KE8PLG, and got this radio in September. Working on an antenna solution right now (Condo dweller with an HOA). Being new at Ham Radio this series really helped me get going. Followed your videos with hands on my radio. Your direction and presentation worked great. These videos will become a permanent future reference for me. Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks. Mike KE8PLG.


Tom, thank you for the Icom 7300 videos, they have been a great help and so much better than having to try and decyfer the manual .Icom should give you a free radio for helping out their customers .


TOM ! Where have you been all my life ? ! ?
I bought my 7300 last November (2020), and just discovered these videos today (May 5, 2021).
True, I played with the radio enough to make contacts, and wandered around a bit under the hood with the junior manual, but I never approached it yet in any organized fashion.
Until I get the full encyclopedia either printed or loaded into my laptop, THIS series of videos is my Operating Manual !
With this tour de force, you walk away with the annual Toobie award and a quart of Merit Badges.
Thank you !


Tom, for info the reason Icom suggest power of 30watts or more is due to the fact that the SWR is inaccurate with lower power settings, you can verify this yourself, check SWR at 30watts or above then start to reduce power down and you will see the SWR reading reduce suggesting that your antenna has a low SWR.


At 7:00 I thought my dryer was done… it it was just yours. BTW Fantastic dryer choice.


Another fine video Tom, thanks so much. My diapole antenna is giving me some spotty reception and I was just trying to figure out what and how the SWR meter did for me on the 7300. Once again, your videos are most timely. Awesome job. Thanks and 73s 👍


Thank you for that simple video. I am about to go out in the back field and set up my stuff I have built over the winter getting ready for some pota. This will make tuning the antennas l lot easier!


Many thanks for ALL your work in making these videos; they have been - and still are - extremely helpfull in getting to know my IC-7300! Far better than just trying to make my way through the user manual.Greatly appreciated! 73. Richard G8ITB.


Nice job. I really appreciate you doing all on the 7300. Jim k1az


Another fantastic video, Tom. Congratulations from Brazil. De PY5MM


Tom: Really enjoy your tutorials. I'm hoping you'll do one for setting up the 7300 for remote operation


Neat. I tried the 10W level and then 30W and 50W. AT 10W the SWR was low...it increased as the power setting was set higher. The antenna, a dipole, is pretty well flat at 14.074, which is good because I've been using FT8 a lot. Looks like I have a problem because at the 50W level it rose to about 2.75.


Thanks Tom, Even though I have been using my 7300 for a while, I still find myself saying "oh wow" on every video. I sure wished you had an Anytone 878 DMR :) Please continue. 73


Thank you Tom, this was so helpful in understanding the SWR function of the IC7300... love this radio! de VK3TWE Wayne
