THEY HID THEIR ENTIRE FARM You Better Be Prepared | Farm Series S1 E4

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Production Partner @YanasaTV
Are you prepared for what happens next? Meet My Neighbor Productions takes you on a journey to the Secret Homestead of Survival with the Survivalist Gardener @SurvivalistGardener (Rick Austin) and Survivor Jane @TheSurvivorJane (Jane Austin) who were featured in the @NatGeo Doomsday Preppers.

Rick and Jane have created a permaculture survivalist homestead hidden within the Appalachian Mountains. The Austins are authors of numerous survival books and run the largest Prepper education camp in the country.

Rick Austin Survivalist Gardener Books

Jane Austin Books

Prepper Camp

0:00 Something Isn't Right
0:51 Living off the grid, being self-sufficient, and preparing for emergencies are essential in today's world.
1:32 The Survivalist Gardener and Survivor Jane
3:17 Everything Is Going to Hell in a Handbasket
6:31 Life-threatening situation prompts drastic relocation decision after police intervention.
7:49 Creating a Survival Homestead
11:13 Permaculture Food Forest for Survival
11:58 Sustainable food production through nature culture showcasing diverse ecosystems and medicinal plants.
16:33 Diverse fruit harvest strategy for sustainable food production on a homestead.
20:58 Conservatory Greenhouse for Survival
21:34 Greenhouse maximizes sunlight for year-round herb and vegetable growth.
26:44 Utilizing black water piping for heating in a greenhouse to optimize seed growth.
27:06 Using Passive Solar Energy to Heat Water
28:30 Water Conservation on the Homestead
29:43 Benefits of a Compost Toilet
30:50 Best Livestock for a Homestead
31:52 Raising Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
32:24 Challenges with goat milk taste led to attending a goat competition, changing dairy plans, and embracing natural feeding methods.
35:20 Raising Champagne d'Argent Rabbits for Meat
36:46 Raising Rhode Island Red Chickens for Meat
37:34 Ducks in permaculture food forest provide natural insect control and fertilization, while Khaki Campbells lay abundant large eggs.
38:58 Beekeeping with a Horizontal Langstroth Hive
42:20 Raising Red Wattle Pigs for Meat
47:13 Building infrastructure for sustainable livestock farming with partners and expanding to accommodate growing number of animals.
47:47 How to make more space for livestock
42:52 Self-sufficient pigs thrive on diverse diet and minimal care in natural environment.
49:28 Learn to be a Prepper
52:48 Importance of Preparedness and Sustainability in Survival Lifestyle
53:58 Should You Be Prepared?
55:56 Doomsday Credits
59:10 A Dinner Prayer

#survival #foodshortage #foodcrisis #foodprices #preparedness #prepper #beprepared #shtf #iceagefarmer #adapt2030 #livestock #homestead #homesteading #modernhomesteading #canadianprepper #fullspectrumsurvival #cityprepping
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Chahta person here. We are Indigenous people who are traditionally farmers, foragers, and hunters. Women are traditionally the farmers and foragers. Men are traditionally the hunters. There are exceptions but this is generally our way. We plant in a way where pesticides aren't necessary.


Oh to be 25 years younger and have a like minded spouse! 😊


Been doing this with our 5 for 3 years now. Took them out of school and never looked back. God is good and His creation just AMAZES us!


She is mesmerized by her husband and he compliments her so modestly. I love it ❤


My Grandfather was a strawberry farmer back in the early 20th century, it was a good living and no one ever told him he could not farm like they are doing today.
I am a home Gardner and for the last few years here in Florida I have not had much success in growing my tomatoes, peppers and squash. They just go so far and just peter out.
I know very well that the aluminum they are spraying from planes and drones everyday, causes the nutrients not to be able to come into the roots and many other things they put into our breathing air, ours and the veggies and animals.
GOD knows who and what these ppl are doing to us and I would not want to be them when GOD does come back.
I will pray for you and I pray GOD BLESSES you farmers and families.


To me, it’s about learning what our grandparents and great grandparents knew. They knew how to live and survive before thee was electricity and running water. They knew how to raise their own food, process it, preserve it, cook it, and store it without refrigeration. That’s knowledge is golden.


I was an exchange student to Norway. My host sisters would forage a few times a week in the forest hills behind their home. We would collect blueberries, blackberries. raspberries, cherries, strawberries and mushrooms.


I believe this is the way our creators wanted us to live and grow. Taking care of the earth, living off the land that the creator created for us free and to eat off of all He provided for free thats why everything our creators created reproduces. Some men decided to created industry, bombs, wars, big pharma with the drugs, racism and hate. I grew up on a farm and it was the most peaceful time in my life. I really enjoyed this video.


What this lady told, is exactly why we moved from the Netherlands to the highlands of Sweden, where we live much more isolated in nature. It takes courage to follow your gut feelings and your heart. But at the end, you gain so much. We lived the ratrace in Hollland and we never thought we would be truly happy. Here, every day is a blessing and we created and still are creating our paradise in this far more forgiving land.


I am so sick of working just so I can go to bed and dread another day. So many of us have sleep disorders because we hate our life and don’t want to get up to do the exact same day again. And we’ve got the government against us, and all the large corporations of the world that are buying everything up and making it even harder for us to be independent. They really do want us to own nothing and be happy. And I never will be happy, owning nothing and living their way. This has been my dream.


One of the most enjoyable interviews on YouTube. I had to smile when Rick mentioned how the fat globules are smaller in goat milk which makes it more digestible. Most people do not realize this. I have to toot my horn here. A friend's sister had a baby that would projectile vomit all formulas and was on the last one. I got a phone call and set the woman up with goat's milk. Long story short, the baby never vomited that goat's milk and grew into a healthy young man. Do you know goats still serve over 65% of the world? I really enjoyed Rick and Jane and hope to hear from them again!


You have figured out true homesteading. Finally somebody that knows what they are talking about. Good job.


Honey is one of the most amazing healing salves. I've seen the most horrendous deep wounds heal, both in humans and animals.


The value of a stress free life is immeasurable. You both look so at peace. Congratulations on all the rewards for your effort and commitment.


Loved meeting you! Grannie Cyndy from South Australia here. I'm 72yrs old and one of my 6 sons and I live on a 1/4 acre block in a 30 year old subdivision. Everything was against us. Very heavy rock filled clay, no topsoil, we were probably the area of an implement shed as the ground was so compacted, giant gum trees shaded our yard from the northern side, the optimum side for sunshine down under, and the steep hillside faced west, the hottest angle in summer's late part of the day. Even though we began to bring in loads of manure, leaves, our own chicken manure and straw it has taken us 18 years to get to our food forest garden just like this presentation...though without the livestock other than a few chickens.


I worked for Macy's in San Francisco.
I understand the stress.
I worked. Went to dinner. Back home to sleep. I was not living. Only existing on auto pilot. 😊


Yep. Crime from STL was leaking into our neighborhood. Came out one morning and a homeless person was sleeping in our car in our driveway. Last straw for me as I was holding a little one. I quit work, we bought some property in the country & are now beginning our homestead journey!


This is by far the best setup I've seen for being self sufficient, sustainable and off grid. What they have figured out and built is quite incredible. The way everything grows together and naturally works to deter certain bugs is natural and beautiful. A lot of work and research, but the result is life in the true sense of living. 😊


Any enemy of farmers is an enemy of humanity.
