Let's Talk the FALL GARDEN (During a Big SEED HAUL UNBOXING)

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Hey ya'll, I'm Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you'll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you're here.

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- To drop us a line:
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Leesville SC 29070

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#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening
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Jess!! Would you ever be willing to do a video on what you guys eat in a week? Like, even if it’s the same meal over and over or leftovers, l feel like I need to see what it looks like to really eat what is coming out of my garden.


"That is not English and I said it real southern." Got a real good giggle, I'm with you on that. 🤣🤣


Every time Jess indulges in more seeds, I somehow feel justified in doing the same.


I wish we had a vlogger like you for Ireland. We are mild but wet wet wet.


Raw rudabagas/Swedes cut into strips with hummus or sour cream dip. HEAVEN! Crunchiest things ever!


🤣 The cute little thumbnail pose at the end! I love when you add out-takes and little extras like that!
I'm about to have my first big garden in Australia and I've loved learning from you.
You just have the most amazing way of delivering a ton of information while still being relatable and not overwhelming. I don't know how to thank you for taking the fear out of the garden for me, just.. Thank you.


A fresh radish sandwich with mayo, salt and pepper is the very best!!!


Seed of the month club! That’s what I tell my husband when seed orders come in😉. He caught on quick and now plays along😂


Sharing a tip from a wise very healthy, very elderly lady that I met once. I took her word for it so I haven't researched this. She said always boil your rutabagas and turnips whole with the skin on. You keep more nutrition because the skin boils with them and they absorb nutrition from the water. The reason I love to do it that was is because they are so so much easier to peel after boiling. I can't stand peeling them raw. Then I cube them after I peel them once boiled. 😊


When you started talking about Rutabaga, my first thought was, "Oh, that's the patch Rabbit wanted Pooh to go through next when Pooh was flying Piglet!" And then you said the only thing you knew about rutabagas was Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh talking about them. :D I feel so understood, lol!


Jess. You are spoiling us with all these videos everyday x
Thank you so much 💜🫑🥬🥒🥦


My chickens must be watching your channel. They have a better garden going on in their run then I do in my garden. 😂 I just noticed they have about 8 tomato plants, a bunch of corn and a lemon tree growing in there. 😂


I live on Cape Cod, MA and rutabagas ( we often call them turnips) are a thanksgiving staple! We have a bunch of rutabaga farms here.


Total Refuge! I've been so overwhelmed by the things of this world. I just needed a break to dream about seeds and growing stuff. ❤


Wheat is easy to grow, It's grass.... 1 acre will supply YOU with enough for your family. Hard wheat is bread flour, soft wheat is pastry and cake. The hard part is threshing it, but I have a design that Miah could easily make that would make it much simpler.
I am growing Barley, hard wheat, sorghum and rice for SEED, so I can plant a crop for next year.


I love seeds from Botanical Interests. They are a local company here in Colorado. And the illustrations on their packets are beautiful.


Jess, please keep us updated on what you learn about growing wheat on a “homestead scale.” My family (three families all together) is turning raw 60 acres of land into an off-grid homestead. Our pigs have cleared the land for planting our wheat. We plan to grow Eincorn, to grind ourselves, and other hard and soft wheats. Would love to hear what you learn from your connections about growing wheat on a homestead.


I am in NC and my parsley, rosemary, and sage stay outside all year round and no issues


"I would like to be a person that weaves baskets out of wheat" 😂😆 I love it.
Some days are so difficult, but when I get a few short minutes and turn on roots and refuge and hear things like this! Thanks for the silly, inspiring, happy moments☺️


I’ve learned so much from watching your channel. It feels weird to offer advice, but maybe, being a warmer winter climate than Arkansas, you can overwinter your peppers if you plant them in pots, or a greenstalk, and keep it in the greenhouse for the winter. I noticed this year that my overwintered peppers have largely outperformed my newer plants.
