Cypress Tales: Effective E2E Testing by Nikola Đuza | Armada JS 2019

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“Argh, e2e tests, not again” – you must be saying to yourself. But this time it will be interesting and less stressful than usual, I promise. You will learn how to properly setup e2e tests in your project and how to use them effectively. There will also be some great tips and tricks on how to speed up your test suite and write tests more quickly. Get ready to find more about Cypress – end-to-end testing framework, by testing React code with a real backend. Yep, a real backend! Pack your backpack, we’re going on an adventure!

About Nikola Đuza:

Nikola is a battle-tested JavaScript and Ruby on Rails engineer, occasional “open sourcerer”, and an aspiring astronaut. He’s a big fan of keeping things simple and clean, both in code and life. Nikola has other interests in his life besides pushing code, like riding his motorcycle and doing analogue photography. He is also an organizer of Novi Sad JS, a local JavaScript community.

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