Do Buttercup and Westley find True Love in THE PRINCESS BRIDE?

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How do fairytale relationships differ from reality?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are taking a look at Westley and Buttercup’s relationship from The Princess Bride. Besides geeking out about a childhood classic, they talk about the difference between fairytale and real-life relationships and what pointers Jonathan would give to Westley and Buttercup if they existed outside of a fairy tale. Alan shares why The Princess Bride is so beloved to this today. Hint: it’s a perfect movie!

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Cinema Therapy is:
Written by: Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker, and Alan Seawright
Produced by: Jonathan Decker, Megan Seawright, Alan Seawright, and Corinne Demyanovich
Edited by: Jenna Schaelling
Director of Photography: Bradley Olsen
English Transcription by: Anna Preis

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Interesting fact: Mandy (who plays Inigo) states that the ending scene where he kills the Count helped heal him. His father had died of cancer and he said when he fought and killed the Count, he imagined he was fighting the cancer. That whole scene was him confronting cancer, "killing" it, and coming to terms with his father's death. That's why that scene is so powerful, emotional, and iconic. The audience felt his struggle and relief.


I actually got to meet Cary Elwes the other day at an event, and he was the nicest guy. Recognized that I froze when it was my turn to get pictures taken with him, and rather than being rude or crass about it, he got down to my level (i'm in a wheelchair, and significantly shorter than other people) and used a quiet voice to try and calm me down and say it was ok. Even talked to me for a little bit. He really didn't have to be that accommodating, but I very much appreciated it. I'll never forget it. Every bit as charming in real life as he is in the movie


Hello. My name Is Johnathan Decker. Licensed Therapist. You made Alan cry. Prepare to die.


I met Cary Elwes and I did NOT want to be that person who asked him to say "As You Wish" for the millionth time. But as I asked him if he could sign my copy of his book he said "as you wish" and I about died! He is SO kind and patient and lovely. I really hope I get the chance to meet more of the cast someday.
Wonderful video and so happy to see how much you both love this movie!!


I also love the "guide to networking" that spawned from Inigo's saying.
1. Polite greeting ("Hello)
2. Name ("My name is Inigo Montoya")
3. Relevant personal connection ("You killed my father")
4. Set expectations ("Prepare to die")


“Healthy sacrifice is putting your partner before yourself, unhealthy sacrifice is putting your partner instead of yourself.” Yet another quote I need to write down.


In the novel, Westley's response to Buttercup saying she and Himperdink are married is "Widows happen" which I think is a fantastic line.


I’ve always thought of Cary Elwes saying in interviews that it’s not often that an actor is involved in a film and they know that that’s what they’ll be remembered as forever. I remember him saying something along the lines of, “when I pass away, people will say, ‘Westley died.’ I’ll probably have ‘mostly dead’ on my gravestone.” That’s crazy.


"Death cannot ruin true love."

Alan: It can. 🙂


In the book, _The Princess Bride_ was the recollection of a story told to a now-adult-author by his father when he was sick. The author loved this story, told everyone he loved this story, and people would read it and be confused why he loved it so much. Turns out, the book he was being read from, a book with the title _The Princess Bride_ that he could find, that he could hold, did not have the story he remembered being read. It was a history book. His father made it all up on the spot. So, since the book wasn't his favorite story, he went ahead and wrote the story to rectify this. Grandpa reading a book to his sick grandson reflects this premise. Even when it wouldn't technically be required for the movie to function, it would have been sorely missed to readers to not have this dynamic somehow in the movie. It is one of the best adaptations.


Inigo Montoya and Fezzik are absolutely icons of masculinity. Sure they play the role of scary villains but at heart they're romantic in the extreme, they know how to be friends without being cruel, they have gentle jokes... Even counting Inigo's revenge obsession, they're the best men in movies. I love them.


I loved “Life is Pain. Anyone who says anything else is selling something.” So much truth in that phrase.


"Your mental health is struggling, prepare for healing" boy if that isn't the best way to say "Thanks for coming to my therapy session" hahaha


A nice little story that actually happened when I was working as a horse trainer. There was this beautiful and talented gelding that I was training for his owner to sell. He was the most willing and amazing partner to work with. Incredible athletic talent and a heart of gold. He always wanted to do everything that was asked of him. A teenage girl ended up buying him, and she was amazed by how willing he was to do anything she asked. She ended up changing his barn name to Wesley, and his show name was, of course, "As You Wish". When she told me of his new name, I automatically felt the feels. Sad statement though, the barn owner didn't understand the reference.


The Princess Bride is how I knew that my husband was "the one". Early on, I asked him what his favorite movie was, and he said "The Princess Bride", and I basically accused him of lying. To prove it, he sent me a picture of 20th anniversary edition DVD that he had in his possession, and then later that week he brought it over and he quoted pretty much the whole thing while we watched it. This is THE BEST movie ever.


My daughter met Cary Elwes at a Con a few weeks ago. She was dressed as Dread Pirate Roberts and he was so kind and complimentary to her. And they got a picture together. He’s so nice!


"Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist." *- Westley*


I always got the impression that after the scene with the pitcher, they had an actual relationship for a bit, and the scene where Westley says goodbye happens like a while later


I believe the original novel made the point that Wes and Buttercup had a lot of work to do before getting to happily ever after, but I can see why the movie went the more straightforward route. I was fortunate enough to get to meet Cary Elwes for a fan signing several years back, and he fully admitted this was the most fun he's had on any project he worked on.


7:44 "If I had pearls, I would clutch them" IS SUCH A PERFECT LINE, I AM USING THAT 😂😭😭
