Scientist Clinically Dead For 6 Minutes; Leaves Earth & Comes Back CHANGED Forever (NDE)

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This near-death experience guest is Annalee Stone, who died for about 6 minutes and came back changed forever after her nde experience. Despite being drawn to the esoteric and occult from as early as she can recall, her thinking was linear and rooted in logic and the scientific method. If she cannot see it, replicate it, or measure it, it does not actually exist. Then, in 2016 she had an NDE and her experience on the other side changed not only her way of thinking but the trajectory of her life forever.

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She looks so young even still. Very believable, thanks for teaching us.


I love this! I’ve watched consistently people time after time who have had near death experiences say that they don’t care if anyone believes them. That they know it happened and all say it was more real than this reality. And the sincerity in all your voices alone is enough to make me a believer. Do you have a social media page for the public to follow you? I am obsessed with educating myself about NDE’s since my Mother passed and I’ve since been having weird experiences. I’m also in recovery. And I’ve been obsessed with the occult and alternative thinking my entire life. I am a believer. Thank you for sharing 🙏


Thank you for sharing your experience. They offer so much encouragement to so many. ❤


You just toll exactly the same history one of my best friends experienced after being declared dead for 7 minutes after a horrible car accident.


Thank you for sharing your experience ❤


The way some people talks about the dead.


Jeez, was she 10 when she had her oldest? She doesn't look old enough
