The Age of Innocence (1993) - Pregnancy Trap Scene (8/10) | Movieclips

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The Age of Innocence - Pregnancy Trap: Newland (Daniel Day-Lewis) attempts to escape his marriage to Mary (Winona Ryder).

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Wealthy lawyer Newland Archer (Daniel Day-Lewis) is engaged to sweet socialite May Welland (Winona Ryder) in 1870s New York. On the surface, it is a perfect match. But when May's beautiful cousin Countess Ellen Olenska (Michelle Pfeiffer), who is estranged from her brutish husband, arrives in town, Newland begins to question the meaning of passion and love as he desperately pursues a relationship with Ellen, even though she has been made a social outcast by Archer's peers.

TM & © Sony (1993)
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder
Screenwriter: Jay Cocks, Martin Scorsese
Director: Martin Scorsese

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The game she plays all along is so strong.
Beneath that innocent look, kind manners there's a great strategist.


The acting here is so good. Winona Ryder's delivery of, "... That is, if the doctors will let me go. I'm afraid they won't" and the look on DDL's face as he says all the things a husband is supposed to say, dying on the inside.


Archer was always a spineless coward who NEVER INTENDED to give up his cushy life and run away with Ellen. May was exactly what he needed. Somone to put a foot down and end his bullshit equivocation. She saved him and Ellen from ruin.


The title “Age of Innocence” I feel really represents May. Her innocence and naivety was a disguise for the strength and smarts she has.


Oh, she's always been the smartest in the room-it's just no one knew it


May gave him an out before they married. He chose to hold on to her and his society life she represented. She didn't trap him he trapped her then she turned the tables on him. He was a selfish person. If he had left her she would have been the one to suffer not him.


90s Winona is the most angelic actress I have ever seen.


I think May had just enough of his fiancé, and later husband, who, she had probably realised from the beginning, was having it both ways with her and Ellen. She gave Newland many chances to go, but he always chose to stay. Again, she just couldn't stand his indecision anymore, so, also because of her pregnancy (at the time how possibly could a woman raise her child on her own without being public beaten?) she decided to "trap" him and Ellen in the most smart way. I really love her character: raised to be the perfect wife, underestimated by everyone but in the end she fools them all. She's a bit subtle, yes, but she had every reason.


Hardly a 'trap' when she is simply pregnant by her husband, and he's the one wanted to marry her, time to pay the piper rather than selfishly indulge desire.


Newland: My wife is a simpleton.
May: Checkmate.


She is the best in this love triangle... she did ask Archer if he was sure for marriage and even she knew the whole time about her cousin and her husband... she was always nice, sweet and gentle. she really loved Archer and fought for him... pregnancy was obviously to happen. Archer and May were husband and wife and the third wheel will always be Ellen. The nice thing Ellen did was to leave. And May didnt deserve to suffer.


For all his eloquent distain for his wife, he was maintaining relations with her, he was still visiting her room, taking his pleasure from a woman he planned/longed to leave. What did he think would happen? Why did he do that, if it was always going to end?


Everyone hates on May for telling Ellen she was pregnant before she knew for sure in hope that this would serve as an incentive for Ellen to stay away from Archer but she was just acting the way any other woman would in her situation. Wouldn’t you want your husband signed, sealed and delivered?


I love the acting of Daniel Day-Lewis when he stares daggers at Winona Raider for ruining any chance of him getting with Michelle Pfeiffer...


For this scene alone Ryder deserved an Oscar!!!


May Welland securing her man and the bag like a boss.


For me, the redeeming factor for May is that she gave him an out before the marriage (albeit for the wrong woman, but her offer was sincere) and for Newland it was the fact he honoured his sacrifice by remaining faithful to May. I can’t blame May. She did manoeuvre but she did it to protect her marriage from ruin. May is blameless here. But she’s still a victim - she knew from the start her marriage was to a man whose heart was with someone else. Such a bittersweet ending. By not going up to see Ellen he showed that he had reconciled himself with the past.


Now I see what they mean when they say it is the most violent movie. When she gets up from that chair and looms over him, it’s like he’s meeting the vampire. She will never give him a moment of freedom.


I had an affair like this once. I was Ellen in that scene. And when I broke it off, it was with the ultimate understanding that "he" was being selfish. That person was willing to leave a family, and put me in jeopardy by making me cancel my own engagement. And for what. A life of hidden affairs. While destroying his own marriage in the process. I still love him though. Adultery can blind the smartest of men.


The age may have been innocent, but May most certainly wasn’t.
