I-AM Prosperity Affirmations! (Listen for 21 Days!) - 432HZ

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Welcome to The YouAreCreators YouTube channel. We teach you how to create your reality. Many well-known people openly discuss The law of attraction like Steve Harvey, Kanye West, and Ester Hicks. Movies like "The Secret" helped spread this information to millions of people, and we intend to continue to spread the word.
We even include Law Of Attraction audiobooks and personal development audios

#manifest #Manifestation #lawofattraction #createreality
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No Lie, I listened to this about a year ago, was down on my luck, lights turned off in my apartment and the only way I could charge my phone was in the complex laundry room, now, I'm an Uber investor, have my own condo and working on many other upcoming investments, it truly takes times, Praises to God! 🙂


I listened to this for 18 days straight and went from 50$ in my bank account to well over $10, 000! This works 🙏🏽


man!! reading the comments make me want to shout. I celebrate everyone here. We will be successful, and it all starts with our minds. I love everyone here.. lets change our families lives! Our families, churches, strangers, need for us to be wealthy.


I know people love success stories from real people so here’s one, only after a few days of listening to this I won about $700 at the casino it was my FIRST time there and I had absolutely no idea how to even play. I was attracted to a chair for some reason, sat down, hit it then hit it again and boom a winner. From there I’ve went on to acquire 10, 000 in a settlement then 40, 000 in the next settlement . I attribute a lot of that success to my journey with these affirmations plus my own inner work!


The first time I saw this video, I just got fired from work (along with my daughter since were working together) because I was fighting for the rights of the employees. Looking back, practicing this affirmations, I am now earning more than enough, can eat and buy what we want, was able to send my niece and nephew to private schools, bought properties, car etc. The change of mindset really helped us change our lives drastically.


If you're currently scrolling through the comments while listening to these affirmations, I want you to know that everything you NEED is on its way! You will find the light at the end of the tunnel. Be Positive, Motivated and Be blessed and keep on GROWING💫


Last February, I started listening to his affirmations. 21 days in, I woke up and KNEW I had to write my book. I did and it launched in August 2018. It's been on 3 bestsellers list and i know now i was supposed to write that book as my life path. This WORKS.


Eeeevery time I put these videos on in the background of my day for a few days I start seeing wealth come my way. It just snowballs. Little stuff. Bigger stuff. Stuff that may have previously seemed insignificant. Amen 🙏


I have been listening to this for about 2 months and believe it or not I got a scholarship of 13.000 dollars!!! two days ago 4/4/20. And yesterday 4/6/20 I got an email of my insurance in Peru that’s says I can withdraw 600 dollars for free!!!
Affirmations really work!!
Money comes to us in many different ways!


I’ve been listening to this spell (words are spells when used in this manner and no I’m not a witch lol) for a year and a half on and off, and I kid you not, within a week of listening consistently every single time without fail, my life turns around and I am comfortable and flourishing financially. I cannot say thank you enough for these powerful words and the voice of the man who speaks them.


anyone who understands the subconscious knows this is pure gold... not only has this coincided with my business taking off, i listen to it every morning after prayer and it opens my mind and gets me more focused than i've ever been in my life. just think, when you crave mcdonalds or walmart, its not because you want it... its because of subliminal messaging to your brain. the mind works in quantity not quality.... The more you tell your brain something the more easily it comes and desired.. you wont even think about if this video worked or not... thats the point... you will just do it and have it... be blessed.


Yesterday at work ( server)I had 4 people come in before closing and one of the men gave me a hundred dollar bill for their 3 beers. He told me keep the change. The change was 80 bucks their bill was 20 bucks. That never happened before at any server job I've had with as far as cash tips go! So to me it's a sure sign these abundance and prosperity videos have been working. I have been doing them for about 5 or 6 days now. Thank You Universe!!!!


This is awesome works well...i was broke listened over night and the next day found 60.00$ walkin in the park! Thank you for this video ..thank you universe and thank you God :)


I was originally skeptical, but this mindset must be doing something. I am a singer-songwriter and played a restaurant gig last night that was only supposed to pay $80. I ended up walking out with a check for $150 and $60 in tips. I changed nothing from my routine other than a positive and prosperous outlook. Thanks for these videos!


I am source energy. Money is energy and energy flows through me. I am boundless. I am abundant. I am financially stable.


" Changing your words, changes your mind. Changing your mind alters your energy and that is what changes your life. "


I found $20 on the floor as soon as I got out of the vehicle. After I got my food, $10 flew to me in the parking lot. That is just this morning. I've manifested many other great things.


This stuff is magic been listening for more than 21 days and I can confidently say I have attracted career opportunities, a raise from work and promotion 👏


I started this affirmation last year I do this everyday and I am attracting all that I want everyday, I am...I love this so much!


I was depresed, because I could not find any summer job to pay for my rent. I was listening to this for 40 minutes and next day my friend offered me a job!!!
