Всё о Дедморозовке. Андрей Усачёв.
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О многочисленных забавных, увлекательных и поучительных приключениях маленьких снеговичков в волшебной деревне Дедморозовке вы узнаете из книги «Все о Дедморозовке» Андрея Усачёва.
One day before the New Year, Santa Claus decided that he did not have enough helpers. Together with the Snow Maiden, they made 11 snowmen and 9 snowmen. That's where his calm, measured life ended…
You will learn about the numerous funny, fascinating and instructive adventures of little snowmen in the magical village of Dedmorozovka from the book "Everything about Dedmorozovka" by Andrey Usachev.
One day before the New Year, Santa Claus decided that he did not have enough helpers. Together with the Snow Maiden, they made 11 snowmen and 9 snowmen. That's where his calm, measured life ended…
You will learn about the numerous funny, fascinating and instructive adventures of little snowmen in the magical village of Dedmorozovka from the book "Everything about Dedmorozovka" by Andrey Usachev.