Delta Smelt Individual Based Model Workshop

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This 2-hour video is a recording of the first of two planned workshops on the updated Delta Smelt Individual Based Model (DSIBM) developed jointly by USFWS' San Francisco Bay Delta Fish and Wildlife Office, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES), and San Francisco State University Estuary & Ocean Science Center.

Kenny Rose of UMCES delivered this workshop, which is an introduction to the DSIBM, its scientific basis, features, and what types of management questions it is best suited to address. The workshop, designed for a broad audience, including managers, scientists, and stakeholders, is divided into three sessions.

Session 1. Overview of the DSIBM.
Session 2. Uses, mis-uses, and interpretation of the DSIBM.
Session 3. Digging a little deeper into the DSIBM.

The newly updated DSIBM expanded its capacity to evaluate effects of environmental variables, proposed long-term water operation plans (e.g., flow and entrainment), and other management actions (e.g., hatchery delta smelt supplementation, food enhancement, habitat restoration) on delta smelt population dynamics.

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