Read This, Watch That | Nonfiction Book & Movie/Documentary Recommendations

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Today I'm recommending some pairings of nonfiction books and movies/documentaries! #NonfictionNovember

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Hi Olive, I've only recently learned that booktube is a thing and I'm thrilled to discover this community of people who love to talk about books all day! I didn't know such a thing existed and now I'm like a kid in a candy store. I found you through TheBookBully and Rick MacDonnell, and have watched a handful of your videos. I just wanted to reach out tell you how much I enjoy them. I love the chatty style, but also appreciate your smart reviews. I especially love all the non-fiction coverage. I'm so happy I've found all these youtubers who just want to talk about books all day lol! Keep doing your thing!


I'd definitely love to see more videos like this one from you Olive!
I have a few to recommend too:
- Catch Me If You Can (memoir + movie adaptation)
-I'll Be Gone In The Dark (true crime book + documentary)
-The Brain by David Eagleman (book + docu series)
-Just Mercy (book + movie adaptation)


This is a great idea.. I am an occasional non-fiction reader. Several people in my book club are avid non-fiction readers and I'm always fascinated by how much I love the books they recommend. This is a great jumping off point. Last year we read Nomadland followed by the movie.This year we're reading How to Be Human( Dating on the Spectrum) and Caste. I'm looking forward to reading both books. I'd also like to try some of your pairings. Thanks a million!


I love these types of videos. I can't tell you how much these pairings have done to create a love of non-fiction for myself. Great video!


Loved this video. I loved 84 Charing Cross Road, both the book and the movie. Thank you for these great recommendations.


I enjoyed this and added both to my TBR and my watchlist.


Love this. Especially the book/documentary pairings. Thank you!


please give us a million more of these!


Thanks for the ongoing fantastic and creative content, Olive. Really enjoyed this and gave me some good ideas for some fall/winter viewing and reading.


I absolutely loved this video. This recommendations sound fantastic, both the books and the movies/series/etc. I wrote down so many of them.
If you have more of these I'd gladly watch more videos on this topic.


I love your videos like this and the whole concept! I’ve tried pairing my trips/travels to submerge myself even more into the topics I read about. For example, I picked up a few of Cy Montgomery‘a books while in Seattle and visiting the aquarium and read hiking books while I’m backpacking. So combining documentaries to compliment and widen a book’s scope is a logical and enchanting strategy.


Great idea for a video. Your passion for nonfiction really shines here. The documentary Yarn and the Stanley Tucci book has caught my interest before but you really sold me on the pairing. I look forward to spending time on a Sunday with a new post from you.


Definitely love this content and would love more! I'm with you, and love book and docu pairings. Just Mercy is a great adaptation, I thought. I haven't watched it yet, but I believe Radium Girls was turned into a mini series.


What a great video, Olive! Loved all these pairings! I just recently picked up Taste, so I am now interested in the documentary. My husband and I love any nature/animal documentaries so I have noted Fathoms. Also interested in Hooked and Yarn! I would love to see more of this type of video, For Sure!


Love it. My young adult children and I did this when they were younger.


Michael Lewis has two more adaptations that became wonderful movies; Moneyball and The Blind Side. There are also movies that parallel Liar’s Poker. Love this idea. Please do more.


Pairings are back!! Yes!! Looking forward for blowing up my TBR


I love this video - your enthusiasm shines through!
I’ve been saving Fantastic Fungi because I think it’ll be amazing - and I have Entangled Life on my TBR. Similarly with saving Fathoms to savour at some point (so I’ll definitely check out the whale series).
So many wonderful books and visual media to consume! ☺️


Loved this! Especially the section where is a recommendation of different sources, meaning not book to movie adaptation. I feel I'm going to use these by watching first the screen recommendation and then reading the book if I liked the first one. Thanks so much! I love your videos, even if I don't usually comment.


Definitely enjoyed this video. I've been curious about the Stanley Tucci book so I now want to look up that documentary and read the book.
