Thanks for 2023, Channel Updates, Plans, and Thoughts

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Thanks nurdrage, since the beginning. My donation is intended on behalf of amateurs everywhere that want to contribute but might not be able to. Your pitch-shifted voice has been my catharsis during my drive to shitty jobs listening to you through headphones and also my impeteus to pursue amateur chemistry, much to the chagrin of my wife and inevitably the US ATF (great story). Rock on man.


As someone who watched NurdRage for most of his teen years, it is an honor to have my channel mentioned in a NurdRage video. Keep up the amazing work, here's to NR 2024!


Microphone seems to be messing up. i'll see if i can get a new one before the next video.

Edit: Thanks for still being there even after my 3 year hiatus. If i came back, and no one was here, I'd probably just leave again. Thanks for making the return worth it.


You're not an insignificant whisper in a chorus of thousands. You were the catalyst. I'm hoping to see all of them chime in tracing their youtube lineage back to you. :)


Really enjoyed the oxygen candle. It's been fun to see you active again! One reaction I'd like to see your take on is production of silane. I really want to see a method for making it that doesn't involve clumsy steps like ruining test tubes with burning sand.


NurdRage is the OG of YouTube chemistry. Him and Cody are the ones who reignited my interest in Chemistry.
I will always be a fan.
Can’t wait to see what NurdRage has for us in the future.


Wish I could give more. Retirement money is tight. More videos please.


Thank you very much for your contribution to the youtube chemistry community, you are pretty much the one who started it all. Wish you all the best and keep going :)


Thank you a lot for the shoutout. You are one of the chemistry channels that inspired the rest of us to join in!


Here's the thing NurdRage... I've been watching for a long time. To me, you have always come across as professional and knowledgeable, even when working with the most cobbled together setups. You always seem purposeful and deliberate. You don't dance in front of the camera, and don't really try to add bells and dog whistles. I does not matter, the expertise and enthusiasm for the topic shows through. What you do needs no embellishment. At least not in my case. You teach, you explain, you demonstrate the importance of all the steps that lead to the "climactic result, " rather than just trying to get to the punchline. Again, that is my view. I have always loved what you do. If you have it in you to do more, by all means! I will enjoy each video. If you need to take care of your own life, by all means. Your real life is more important than any video I, or anyone else, might enjoy. Just know that what you do is enjoyed and appreciated. What you have done has been enjoyed and appreciated. Anything you may do in the future will continue to be so, but you do you first! The ride has been worth it to see a chemistry "youtuber" refine a fairly novel synthesis of elemental sodium. Who does that on Youtube instead of in a lab. That alone was worth it. Take care of yourself, best wishes, and 73!


I just found your channel again after being introduced to you years ago- the Oxygen Candle video popped up on my feed at random, so I am incredibly happy you posted it! It was good to see your modern videos, and catch up on your older ones.


Thanks for the years of great content, all the best going forward


One interesting cannabis chemistry project is flash vaporization of Cannabis. Using a large pressure differential, and super heating the plant material momentarily. The vast majority of the cannabinoids will vaporize. this can be inhaled or condensed.


Amazing to have you back and thanks so much for the shoutout - your channel was a huge part of what got me into YouTube chemistry!


Thanks, I never plan to do any of these experiments but I always appreciate knowing I could probably get it to work by using your videos.


NurdRage, you were the inspiration to start my channel 13 years ago, and you're the inspiration to revive it now, in 2024. Happy New Year!


Can't afford much right now, but I signed up for Patreon as well. Been meaning to do that for a while.


We don't ever not want you to make vids.

We love your vids. All of them. We especially love how you carefully explain what you do, why you did it, and why things worked and - most importantly - didn't.

If you're thinking about making a vid, then by all means, MAKE THE DAMN VID!


The Videography on Chemical Force is OUTSTANDING!


Keep your own pace, that is what makes you perfect. Thank you.
