I Just Got Banned From North Korea

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North Korea is the most isolated and interesting country in the world. I had the chance to visit Pyongyang for 3 nights, 4 days back in April 2017 - and shortly after I left, Americans became banned from visiting. To this day, I think that I'm one of the last dozen Americans to step foot in North Korea, and I'm glad that I'm here to tell the stories. In this video, I share 4 reasons why I will never go back to North Korea.

Just out of curiosity - have you ever been there, or are you planning to go (if you don't hold a U.S. passport?) Let me know in the comments down below!

#travel #northkorea #interestingfacts


👨🏻‍🦰 WHO AM I?
I'm Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY country in the world (197/197). I make documentaries about interesting people and cultures in faraway places. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel because I think it's the best education that you can get. And our planet is beautiful!



*Some of the links or other products that appear on this video are from companies which I earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
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Hey friends! THANK YOU FOR 4 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS! We just hit it a few hours ago!! Just a little travel + life update for you: Tomorrow, I am heading to Antarctica and attempting to visit the actual, geographic South Pole (i.e. the Southernmost point of planet earth) where I will be completely offline for 8 days. It's the most ambitious trip of my life to date and I hope that I will make it there safely! Have a wonderful upcoming week and I will report back to you guys once I get back to Cape Town safely. Peace and love to you all!


I ran the Pyongyang Marathon the year before you did. I was scared senseless the whole time I was there. We were driven to the courthouse where Otto Warmbier had been tried, and told that if we stepped out of line we would meet a similar fate. It's not an experience I would either repeat or recommend to others. Textbook Orwell.


A little clickbait-ish: You didn't get banned from North Korea, every American did. It's a shame because the content is genuinely informative.


It is really sad how the North Korean citizens can't leave their own country. It's so difficult to comprehend what they go though. I feel so bad for the citizens there.


Good for you for standing up and bringing awareness. Hats off Drew


"A traveler and a story teller"... I respect that man. Don't let anybody stop you. Safe journey my man.


Getting banned from North Korea is a blessing.


Stay safe Drew !!!! Love your videos. Your joy and respect for others, everyone needs your open minded approach to the world. ❤❤❤


May just be one of the best story tellers on the platform! Going to vicariously live through you Drew


I show your videos especially the one on North Korea to my social study classes. Keep up the good work.


I have been a fan of your channel since about 3 years ago when I first set foot on a plane leaving my home of South Africa for the US. After watching every single video and subscribing to your news letter I feel like I am there with you. It actually inspired me to live abroad and travel. Crazy difficult but so worth it! I now have been living with my fiancé in Thailand for the past 2 years teaching English. We are going to South Korea in March of 2024 for our honeymoon and our bucket list item of visiting the DMZ will finally be ticked 🎉 We are super excited and watching this video just makes me wish it was sooner! Thanks for being the awesome guy you are and never stop doing what you are doing! You are inspiring! Be safe!


Congratulations on the 4 million subs!!! I applaud you for going to places that most people would intentionally avoid. I have seen the beauty in these countries as well as fear in your videos, the common denominator in all of them is how wonderful the people are. Despite that, I have no intention of visiting any of the horrible countries on our planet, if I were younger, perhaps. Have a wonderful time on the South pole!


Great video.

I was in North Korea in 1989 for the 13th World Festival of Youth and Students as a part of the US delegation. We were the first Americans allowed into the DPRK after the Korean War. I was tailed, but there was no question about it.

As you said, we were shown what the government wanted us to see. There was no freedom of movement. Hotel rooms were bugged.

I have endless other stories about it.

Like, you, I have travelled fairly extensively and have few places I wouldn't want to return to. North Korea is the top of the list.


Drew, I just discovered you on YouTube by searching for Ashgabat Turkmenistan. You are so interesting and I completely agree and support your mission. I do t think most people will get see or learn about these places. I have never even heard about them but you are amazing and brave to bring g this content to YouTube! THANK YOU! I also wanted to just comment quickly about North Korea. I pray often for those people because they are so severely persecuted. I read in my book club “The girl with 7 names” which was my first introduction to what is happening there. I was so curious about it that I we t on to read several more books and podcasts and learned all of their experiences were very similar. It is difficult to understand why a country would harm their own people in such a horrendous way but I do believe it is all due to religious persecution and not liberty. When you ah e religious liberty you are able to be guided in life with how you think and feel at all times through your experiences and that is crucial to human growth. When you are told what to think and feel you are unable to tap into your own spirit and therefore unable to truly live. Crushing reality for so many. We must all continue to pray for their religious liberties and protect all people’s ability to exercise their freedoms and human rights. Keep up the great work! I look forward to watching ALL your Videos!


I've really enjoyed watching your videos of your journey across the world. Keep up the amazing content and stay safe !


I perceive North Korea as if it were a movie set for a fictional fourth-world scenario. It certainly exists, yet it feels so distant from my own reality that grasping its authenticity becomes too challenging to understand.


i would totally go if i could, your experiences along with what i’ve learned from Yes Theory’s travels have taught me to not be “afraid” but properly educated about places that are “evil” in the media’s eye (middle east especially). i can’t wait to travel the world, hopefully it’ll be open again someday to travel safely for all who want to. sending love to you and D and the pupper❤️🌏🌎


The most important thing is that you stay safe and always healthy, Drew! Take care of yourself and be safe! 🙏🏼❤


Glad u help break ice between countries/ people


I just visited South Korea - my sister has been living and working in Jeonju and I wanted to go visit her. I absolutely loved it, and now in addition to SK I’m becoming fascinated with North Korea. Your vids are gonna have to be the next best thing to going in person for me.
