Charmian Gooch: My wish: To launch a new era of openness in business

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Anonymous companies protect corrupt individuals -- from notorious drug cartel leaders to nefarious arms dealers -- behind a shroud of mystery that makes it almost impossible to find and hold them responsible. But anti-corruption activist Charmian Gooch hopes to change all that. At TED2014, she shares her brave TED Prize wish: to know who owns and controls companies, to change the law, and to launch a new era of openness in business.

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Having worked in many industries that have revolved around this I cannot agree with this speaker more.


One of the best talks I've seen in ages. What a game changing issue in the fight against corruption.


I can see it now, the smaller scams will be vilified and targeted while the bigger scams get away with anything and everything.


We would need to start by teaching people to have the courage to be willing to voice their opinions without having to hide behind anonymity.  Perhaps when children ask "but why" and get told "because I said so" we destroy that courage.  Lucky you.


The root of the problem is not in the anonymity of companies. It is in the acceptance that capital gets the most returns from an enterprise and companies don't give a fair share of the profits to their employees. Because of this, companies are by their very nature exploitative, as exploitative as they can be, to maximise their returns to the owners/ shareholders/ investors even at the cost of their employees, society and the environment.


This talk is truly excited to me. The question is how to get everyone on the same page? UK has been on board, what about all other countries? The thing is I think it is not just business, but also politics, there are politicians that are benefited and have vested interest in the system and these set of laws, who don't want to have it taken away. They would lobby for the laws to remain the same. If these people never lose power, what does it leave us? I always think about whether it is necessary for a major revolution to happen so we can make this world more transparent, more close to our ideals of liberty and dignity and freedom. Though I favor gradual change but i think revolutions are necessary. 


I seriously read "Chairman Gouch". Litteraly could not stop laughing.


This is something that *must* include *all* companies and banks or else it should include none of them but 100% transparency will likely never happen, unless people demand it.


Its not the business of the "general public" if I choose not to pay taxes, or if I choose to hide my identity. It's a risk I should be able to take. Governments can bleed their citizens dry and the people are just supposed to take it? People choose to remain anonymous for a reason. When governments take 35% of a persons yearly income, it should come as no surprise when the people go to greater lengths to conceal their income and identities. As long as the tax rate is as high as it is, you can expect that people are going to keep evading taxes. 

I live in Canada and I should not have to support the ridiculous decisions that Stephen Harper and his government makes, nor do I support taking power and money from corporations and giving more of it to the government to spend as they please. 

In the United States people certainly don't support the NSA's spying, but they should have to pay for it? This video talks about corrupt individuals and businesses, but it says little about corrupt governments. 


if the registry was anonymous this would be dangerous for anyone who owns a business big or small


WTF? I Russia all companies have public details about them uwners, and authorities can always control situation.

I don't understand. Is it a real legal round the world? I'm in choke.


the most problem not just the anonymous companies the real problem is the war on them if we give the legal way to establish thier business in public they will not find who will deal with them in black market.


Anyone else read "Chairman" Gooch?


but surely that would put an end to most state sponsored terrorism, state drug dealing, state corruption of all types. I can't imagine our owners going along with this brilliant idea .


Why? All this would do is force companies to pay taxes. And if they disagree with paying taxes because of the way the governmental system is set up they have no legal power. it's you will be extorted. Being anonymous protects people, it doesn't threaten them. I didn't hear any good reasons as to why we would want to know who owns what? So they can be forced to do things against there will. Being anonymous doesn't make them corrupt. Being anonymous just makes it easier for them to live a normal life.


anonymous relates highly to freedom.
you are likely to be free to voice stuff on if you're anonymous, etc.


Well start with the trail lawyers first who launch so many frivolous lawsuits.
 It's also non of your damn business what I own. Fist and foremost I see a statist system like this being abused by the state.


Any step towards a global government is ambitious one. Instead of every country doing its own thing we need to work together and put together a government that ultimately super cedes the influence of wealth when it was the corruption that lead to their wealth. How you do that idk.


oh my god the click filter. it sounds like someone is chewing their food in the background


I wonder if these 'anonomyous' companies help or hurt more.
