Handling Errors in PowerShell with Try..Catch..Finally
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The try..catch..finally statements in PowerShell allow you to handle exceptions (errors) in your scripts. One of the unique concepts in PowerShell exceptions is the notion of a terminating error versus a non-terminating error. In this video, we'll explore the difference between both types of exceptions, and learn how to effectively use try..catch..finally to handle exceptions in a calculated manner. In addition, we'll take a look at how to use multiple catch blocks to handle specific types of errors uniquely.
The $ErrorActionPreference variable can be used to control the behavior of PowerShell cmdlets, when an exception is thrown. By setting $ErrorActionPreference to 'stop', you can change non-terminating errors into terminating errors. Only terminating errors are caught by the "try" block, so if you're struggling with a script where try..catch isn't working correctly, you might want to ensure that you're considering terminating versus non-terminating errors as a potential problem.
Producer: Trevor Sullivan
#DevOps #PowerShell #VSCode
0:00 Intro
2:23 Exploring Non-terminating Errors
4:11 Wrap Commands in Try..Catch
8:09 Force Errors to Become Terminating Errors
11:22 Handling Multiple Specific Error Types
15:45 PowerShell Finally Statement
17:38 The $PSItem Automatic Variable
The $ErrorActionPreference variable can be used to control the behavior of PowerShell cmdlets, when an exception is thrown. By setting $ErrorActionPreference to 'stop', you can change non-terminating errors into terminating errors. Only terminating errors are caught by the "try" block, so if you're struggling with a script where try..catch isn't working correctly, you might want to ensure that you're considering terminating versus non-terminating errors as a potential problem.
Producer: Trevor Sullivan
#DevOps #PowerShell #VSCode
0:00 Intro
2:23 Exploring Non-terminating Errors
4:11 Wrap Commands in Try..Catch
8:09 Force Errors to Become Terminating Errors
11:22 Handling Multiple Specific Error Types
15:45 PowerShell Finally Statement
17:38 The $PSItem Automatic Variable