How to cope when waiting for test results

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Currently waiting for mri results over Christmas and it’s so hard. Thank you for being somewhere I can turn


This is me in a nutshell. I'm on a waitlist for a Colonoscopy and I am in full fight or flight mode over it. 1. I don't know when I'll be getting the procedure (may be a year or two), 2. I'm scared of the actual procedure itself because I've never been sedated before and have a huge fear of not waking up, 3. I'm terrified of the results. My body is already producing strange symptoms of Colon Cancer but they are very short lived and only occur every few months or so. But my mother had Stage 2 Colon Cancer hence why I'm getting the Colonoscopy done. I've had 2 FOBT tests within the past year and both even came back negative. I've seen several different doctors and they all have said it's my anxiety and that my anxiety is causing IBS which shows very similar symptoms to my biggest fear, Cancer! Deep down, I know in my heart that this is all anxiety and IBS caused by the anxiety BUT I cannot get it out of my head "what if...?". I know I will feel much better after getting the Colonoscopy done with (hopefully!) desirable results. Its the waiting for it that kills me. I haven't even got a date for it and I've been waiting since June 2022. But since the pandemic and all the lockdowns etc, Australia has been really struggling with its health system and now it's so backlogged. I'm guessing other countries are like us too but I just wish I could get this down already. I could go privately but it costs atleast $1500 or more here and I will then stress about money if I blow all that just for them to tell me I'm ok!! I know health comes first but I won't let me anxiety put me that much out of pocket. It's a vicious cycle!!


I didn’t worry when I was young. I had 3 kids… didn’t worry, but now I’m 77 I’m a Twitter mess. Wish you were my daughter. You’re a lovely girl. God bless


Cherelle, I can't begin to describe how helpful youve been for me. I'm currently awaiting some blood tests that weren't right and I have been watching you on repeat and implementing your techniques and they have helped me no end!
Thank you!


Really really needed this today, I’m currently waiting to go to the breast clinic for breast pain even though my doctors have told me there is nothing wrong but I demanded a referral and I don’t even have the pain anymore. Feeling so worried but this video has helped me feel less alone ❤


Currently going through a resurfaced bout of health anxiety and would like to say how appreciative I am of you taking the time out of your very busy schedule and life to talk with us about this specific category of anxiety. Your advice is very much welcomed and I hope you know how much your work and your kindness is appreciated!


As someone who has watched your content for two years now as I have struggled with my own HA, can I just say I am so proud and happy for you! What a different Cherelle this is from two years ago. You are an inspiration and a testimony to HA recovery 😊. I’ve had a couple of recent health concerns myself and have been surprised at how well I’ve managed waiting for results. We’ve got this! 💪


What about health anxiety for people who have been confronted with an actual rough medical diagnosis? It's really hard to find resources for that.


Just got my first MRI yesterday morning and i'm kind of anxious waiting for the results. My parents are reassuring me that i'm okay and that i'm healthy but anxiety is eating me up ngl. I'm praying that my doctor comes through with good news so that all of this can be over.


I hate to hear about the trolling. Makes me sick.

Aside from the incredibly relevant & helpful content you put out, you are also unbelievably LOVELY. 😊


i’m getting an mri tmr because i get tension headaches and have convinced myself i have a brain tumor and i’m so terrified. i’m learning how to sit with it though, i know there’s no avoiding being anxious while i wait.


I’m the worst at waiting, like my fellow sufferers. I went for one of those mole scan places, where they identified a mole they wanted to keep an eye on. It looks like nothing, I never noticed it. They told me to come back in three months for a re- check, but I’d have none of that. Asked for a referral to get it removed and now waiting for biopsy results. Went looking for trouble and I found it.

Anyway, I’m using this time to practice living with uncertainty. There’s absolutely I can do about it, either, so trying to accept the entire situation. I have zero control.


Thank you. This video definitely helped me.


Thought I am fairly calm and rational but sitting in the drs and being told you have a good chance you have cancer. It is an awful feeling. I have just shut down until I know for sure watching heartland a bland Canadian series because it’s not stressful I go for tests next week I am watching it non stop and escaping through it. Facing your mortality is a lot harder than I imagined.


Omg this came in such a perfect time. I was on ky regular scan that women do dont know the name ofnit in english. Where they check for changes in the cells in the uterus. And now i just have to hard


But how does one get themselves to actually make an appointment? That's what I'm struggling with right now. I've been avoiding on going to the doctors for some time now and need to go.


Hi I'm new here and am currently in the most horrendous situation. My mental health is completely destroyed. I've had stress induced symptoms that have kicked off a major cardiophobia episode. This has been going on with symptoms for about a year. Docs have checked bloods and ecg several times and been OK. I'm convinced something has changed and I've anxietied myself into a heart problem. I'm triggered by everything heart related and constantly scared going to drop dead. I'm now scared to go to hospital I case they tell me something is wrong. I turned 40 last year and cant handle getting older and that all the time we are closer to death. I'm trapped in a bad marraige and have no family around and have been struggling for a decade. Nothing helps and I'm consumed by waiting for a heart symptom to turn into something really serious. I have no quality of life as I'm feeling symptoms so often and it's all I think about. I don't know where else to go and I'm beyond a breakdown. I had a melt down last year as everything is too much but nothing has changed and can change. Soldiering on has done nothing but break me more.


What about when you avoid to do your tests because you're too scared of the results? Avoidance is real when you're anxious but it's such a vicious circle because it accentuates the symptoms and makes you even more anxious.


Currently going thru this right now .. I have never had to do a follow up after a physical and blood work.. i am stressed fever and all


I have to wait 3 months for an echocardiogram. The new doctor says I need it.
